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MGT603_ Assessment 1_ Part A & Part B Page 1 of 7 ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT603: Systems Thinking Assessment Part A: Proposal Individual (500 Words) Part B: Critique (500 Words)...

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MGT603_ Assessment 1_ Part A & Part B Page 1 of 7
Subject Code and Title MGT603: Systems Thinking
Assessment Part A: Proposal Individual (500 Words) Part B: Critique (500 Words)
Individual/Group Individual
Part A: One (1) Original Post (maximum 500 words)
Part B: Two (2) Critiques, Each critique max. 250 words
Learning Outcomes
a) Critically evaluate the paradigms of Systems Thinking
conceptualization and its application to contemporary
usiness issues
For regular class (12 Weeks Duration):
Part A: By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 2.2 (week 4)
Part B: By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 3.1 (week 5)

For intensive class (6 Weeks Duration):
Part A: By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 2.2 (week 2)
Part B: By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 3.1 (week 3)
Weighting Part A: 20% Part B: 20%
Total Marks Part A: 20 marks Part B: 20 marks

Systems thinking requires us to take a holistic view of the world we live in and the
organisations we work with. This assessment has been prescribed to appraise students’ ability
to think holistically and generate discussion around recognising and understanding
organisational operations using a Systems Thinking lens. The assessment will
students’ knowledge of and appreciation for using a different approach to look for and solve
problems faced by managers in contemporary organisations.

This assessment has been designed to:
 Appraise your ability to academically research and evaluate paradigms of Systems
Thinking conceptualisation and apply to contemporary business issues.
 You are expected to utilise the literature provided in Modules 1 to 3.1 in your analysis
and discussion, and are required to apply critical thinking, presenting multi-sided
 Successful completion of this assessment will help you to further understand Systems
Thinking in a practical context. It will also help you to maintain cu
ency in the
increasingly changing industry.
Guidelines: There are two (2) parts to MGT603 Assessment 1. For an acceptable
esult, you will need to complete both Part A and Part B of MGT603 Assessment 1.
MGT603_ Assessment 1_ Part A & Part B Page 2 of 7
MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A):
Task Instructions:
1. Please review the MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) list of case organisations (found in
the Assessment 1 – Part A Proposal Individual & Part B Critique Individual page on
MGT603 Blackboard).
2. From the MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) list of case organisations, only choose ONE
(1) case organisation for MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A).
3. Read and research widely on the selected case organisation and find out how “COVID-
19 Pandemic” has created a significant issue/challenge/problem for your selected
case organisation in 2021 and how “Systems Thinking Approach” can assist in making
optimal decisions.
4. You are then required to prepare and post in the Assessment 1 Discussion Forum at
least ONE (1) original post identifying intended or unintended consequences on
various stakeholders of your chosen organisation and then recommend/propose
alternative policies/procedures using Systems Thinking approach to help overcome
the problem.
Key points to consider in your MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A):
 Your proposal should be “holistic”.
 You must include references to “Systems Thinking Literature”. Please make sure to
use at least 3 academic-related references (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles,
ook chapters, and conference papers) and at least 2 other references (e.g.
newspaper, magazines, websites, etc.). It is essential to use appropriate APA style
for citing and referencing research. For more information, please check
 Make sure to consider using Systems Thinking tools such as Rich Picture and
CATWOE in your MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A).
 Make sure to number all sections and sub-sections within your assessment (e.g.
1, 1.1, etc.).
 All inserted Figures and Tables within the assessment require being labelled and
numbered appropriately (e.g. Figure 1: Rich Picture …., Table 1: CATWOE Analysis
….). They all require being initially stated/introduced and then discussed in-detail
and in-depth. Please make sure to provide the source
eference for the
information expressed via the Figures and Tables.
 Make sure to provide a
ief rational of why it is important to use Systems Thinking
and relevant tools and techniques to solve the identified organisational problem to
minimize adverse consequences.
 Please make sure to write in the “third person” (e.g. The author, The writer, etc.).
 Please ensure your original posts are submitted in the MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part
A) Discussion Forum by the end of Module 2.2 (Friday of Week 4).
MGT603_ Assessment 1_ Part A & Part B Page 3 of 7
MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part B):
Task Instructions:
1. Each student is required to critique an original post (Part A) of two (2) peers.
2. Each Critique should be maximum of 250 words. Overall your Assessment 1 (Part B)
should be maximum of 500 words.
3. Your Critique should include commentary on:
 Whether the original post is holistic. Please identify missing components, if
any, and provide constructive feedback.
 Have all plausible consequences been identified?
 Have Systems Thinking tools been used and used properly? Please provide a
critique of these tools and their use in solving the identified problem.
 Please make sure to highlight the authors of the chosen posts.
 Please ensure to submit Assessment 1 (Part B) in the related Discussion Forum
Thread, by the end of Module 3.1 (Friday of Week 5)
 It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing
esearch where necessary and required. Please see more information on
eferencing here http:
Key points to consider in your MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part B):
 This assessment is designed to create robust discussion around Systems Thinking
with your peers. Please feel free to post more than what is specified to
oaden your
understanding and appreciation of the topic.
 While presenting your views, you are required to support claims either with the
elevant experience or with the published literature (e.g. Journal articles, book
chapters, relevant website links, news article, magazines).
 The views could be supporting comments and feedback, or they may be a
contradiction, but you need to provide appropriate justification as specified above.
 If refe
ing to published literature to support stated views, you are required to cite
the reference(s) and list the reference(s) at the end of your response in the
“References” section. If you can provide appropriate articles to support an opinion,
it will be valued considerably.
 Along with actively participating in the discussions, it is equally important to provide
esponses, which are relevant and add value to the discussion. The quality of
esponse will be considered as one of the most important criteria for evaluating
students in MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part B).

MGT603_ Assessment 1_ Part A & Part B Page 4 of 7
MGT03 Assessment 1 (Part A) and (Part B) Submission Instructions:

 Submit MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) via the MGT603 Assessment 1 Part A
- Discussion Forum link in the Assessment section found in the main navigation
menu of the subject Blackboard site.
 Submit MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part B) via the MGT603 Assessment 1 Part B -
Discussion Forum link in the Assessment section found in the main navigation
menu of the subject Blackboard site.
The Learning Facilitator will provide constructive feedback via the Grade
Centre in the Student portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
MGT603_ Assessment 1_ Part A & Part B Page 5 of 7
Learning Ru
ic: MGT603 Systems Thinking Assessment 1 Part A and Part B

High Distinction
(technical and

models and

Percentage for
this criterion
understanding of
equired concepts
and knowledge

Key components of
the assignment are
not addressed.

Stakeholders, goals,
intended and
consequences of the
policy change are not
addressed. Tools and
techniques of systems
thinking such as Rich
picture, Causal loop
diagrams, etc. are not
Knowledge or
understanding of
the field or

Resembles a recall or
summary of key

Often confuses
assertion of personal
opinion with
substantiated by
evidence from the

Stakeholders, goals,
intended and unintended
consequences of the
policy change are
addressed at very
preliminary level. Tools
and techniques of
systems thinking such as
Rich picture, Causal loop
diagrams, etc. are used
ut at very superficial
Thorough knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline/s. Supports
personal opinion and
information substantiated
y evidence from the

Demonstrates a
capacity to explain and
apply relevant

Stakeholders, goals,
intended and unintended
consequences of the policy
change are addressed at
appropriate level. Tools
and techniques of systems
thinking such as Rich
picture, Causal loop
diagrams, etc. are used
with clarity.
Highly developed
understanding of the
field or discipline/s.

Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
esearch/course materials
and extended reading.

Well demonstrated
capacity to explain and
apply relevant concepts.

Stakeholders, goals,
intended and unintended
consequences of the policy
change are addressed
comprehensively. Tools and
techniques of systems
thinking such as Rich
picture, Causal loop
diagrams, etc. are used with
high level of understanding.
Answered 3 days After Feb 28, 2021 MGT603 Torrens University Australia


Moumita answered on Mar 02 2021
159 Votes
Running Head: EVENT CINEMAS             1
EVENT CINEMAS              7
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Impact of Covid-19    3
Application of Systems thinking approach to the cu
ent situation    3
Interconnectedness    3
Conclusion    6
References    7
In Australia the Government had to declare closure and preserve jobs for future as much as possible due to the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Event Cinema declared a stand down of majority of its employees from the 27th of March till the May of 2020.
Impact of Covid-19
The Australian head of entertainment, Luke Mackey declared that the decision to stand down was taken only when it was realised that they were unable to provide enough safety to customers who are at the heart of their business (Gulliver et al. 2021). They offered the staff to draw annual leave and long service leaves because they prioritise working openly and honestly and openly with their people in difficult times. They look forward to opening with a long line of blockbuster films. They also have plans to employ their staff in the local communities under their operational area.
Application of Systems thinking approach to the cu
ent situation
Systems thinking approach works very well in difficult situations.
This theory states that every element depends on the other for its survival. Everything is in need of a complex set of things to survive. When we see the world with a systems approach then we are actually defining the fundamental principle of life...

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