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MET330 20xx0xE Applied Fluid Mechanics Instructor: Instructors name Mid-Term Part 2 Review Assignment Problems NOTE: Handwritten work is not acceptable. All work must be typed and submitted on...

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MET330 20xx0xE Applied Fluid Mechanics
Instructor: Instructors name
Mid-Term Part 2
Review Assignment Problems
NOTE: Handwritten work is not acceptable. All work must be typed and submitted on a Word Document.
a. Identify and list all variables from the problem.
. Write the equation(s) you will use that are found in the textbook. Do not use any other equations.
c. Substitute your variables into the equation. YOU MUST INCLUDE UNITS IN ALL PLACES OF YOUR EQUATIONS.
d. You must show all of your work, even “simple” calculations. During your calculations, please use 3 decimal places or 3 significant decimal places. This does not apply to financial cost calculations.
e. Clearly identify your answer with co
ect units.

· INCORRECT METHOD: p2 = (W * a)/g + p1 = a^2 - Ap – μ = 0
Part2 (40 points)
Either in class open-book or take-home (to be release one lecture before the midterm in that case)
Problem 1
The specific gravity of benzene is XXXXXXXXXXCalculate its specific weight and its density in U.S. Customary System units.
Problem 2
If milk has a specific gravity of 1.08, what is the pressure at the bottom of a milk can 550 mm deep?
Problem 3
For the differential manometer shown, calculate the pressure difference between points A and B. The specific gravity of the oil is 0.85.
Problem 4
Calculate the total force on the bottom of the closed tank shown if the air pressure is 52 Pa (gage).
Problem 5
The wall shown is 20 ft long.
(a) Calculate the total force on the wall due to water pressure and locate the center of pressure;
(b) Calculate the moment due to this force at the base of the wall.
Problem 6
The instrument package shown weighs 258 N. Calculate the tension in the cable if the package is completely submerged in seawater having a specific weight of 10.05 kN/m3.
Problem 7
Water at 10C is flowing at 0.075 m3/ s. Calculate the weight flow rate and the mass flow rate.
Problem 8
Calculate the diameter of a pipe that would ca
y 75.0 ft3/ s of a liquid at an average velocity of 10.0 t/s.
Problem 9
Compute the Reynolds number for the flow of 325 L/min of water at 10C in a standard hydraulic steel tube, 50 mm OD x 1.50 mm wall thickness. Is the flow laminar or tu
Problem 10
SAE 30 oil (sg = 0.89) is flowing at 45 L/min through a 20 mm OD x 1.20 mm wall hydraulic steel tube. If the oil is at 0C, is the flow laminar or tu
MET330 MID-TERM PART 2    Page 1
Answered 1 days After Feb 07, 2023


Perla answered on Feb 08 2023
47 Votes
MET330 20xx0xE Applied Fluid Mechanics
Instructor: Instructors name
Mid-Term Part 2
Review Assignment Problems
NOTE: Handwritten work is not acceptable. All work must be typed and submitted on a Word Document.
a. Identify and list all variables from the problem.
. Write the equation(s) you will use that are found in the textbook. Do not use any other equations.
c. Substitute your variables into the equation. YOU MUST INCLUDE UNITS IN ALL PLACES OF YOUR EQUATIONS.
d. You must show all of your work, even “simple” calculations. During your calculations, please use 3 decimal places or 3 significant decimal places. This does not apply to financial cost calculations.
e. Clearly identify your answer with co
ect units.

· INCORRECT METHOD: p2 = (W * a)/g + p1 = a^2 - Ap – μ = 0
Part2 (40 points)
Either in class open-book or take-home (to be release one lecture before the midterm in that case)
Problem 1
The specific gravity of benzene is 0.876. Calculate its specific weight and its density in U.S. Customary System units.
Given specific gravity of benzene is 0.876
Specific weight of benzene is given by the following equation
Where γ is specific weight, ρ is density of the substance and g is acceleration due to gravity.
From the given specific gravity,
the specific density of benzene = 0.876 x 1000 kg/m3 = 876 kg/m3
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81m/s2
Hence the specific weight of the benzene = 876 x 9.81 kg/m3 * m/s2 = 8593.56 N/m3 =8.593kN/m3
Problem 2
If milk has a specific gravity of 1.08, what is the pressure at the bottom of a milk can 550 mm deep?
Specific gravity of milk =1.08
Density of the milk = 1.08 X 1000kg/m3 =1080 kg/m3
The depth of the can = 550mm = 0.55m
The pressure at the bottom of the milk can,
P = ρ*g*H
P = 1080x 9.81 x 0.55 = 5827.14 N/m2 =5.827 kPa
Problem 3
For the differential manometer shown, calculate the pressure difference between points A and B. The specific gravity of the oil is 0.85.
From the given specific gravity of oil, its specific density = 0.85 x 1000kg/m3...

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