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Melanie Pendleton XXXXXXXXXXYesterday Jun 9 at 6:29pm Flight Plan analogy The flight plan analogy is described as the path in which an airplane takes when leaving point a to reach the destination. As...

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Melanie Pendleton

XXXXXXXXXXYesterday Jun 9 at 6:29pm

Flight Plan analogy

The flight plan analogy is described as the path in which an airplane takes when leaving point a to reach the destination. As a part of the flight plan the pilot knows the starting point, the destination, the exact path, where exactly he is, and how to get back on track. When the pilot leaves the airport they guide the plan along the exact path to towards the destination, and if he gets even a little off the path there is a plan on how to get back onto the path (Srinivas, 2009).

Just like in business an organization has a plan as to where they are starting, where they are heading, the exact path or plan to get there, along the way there needs to be check points to check status and if the organization wanders off course a plan to get back on track. Every organization should have this plan in place and when they plan to make any type of changes to the organization. Performance management plans are a tool to direct employees from the starting point, to the end point, the exact path, as well as a plan to get back on track.

Do you agree or disagree with this analogy as it relates to effective performance management? Explain. Find at least one other peer reviewed article to support your position.

Performance management plans the object is for the leaders to take time to look at the employees performance to ensure the employees are still on the exact path and what steps need to be taken for the employee to get back on track to reach the destination. One way to ensure that the performance management plan that is in place is going to be effective is to run a simulation. Running a simulation of the plan would involve the leader to conduct the performance management reviews with each employee then reevaluated in three months to ensure that first, the performance plan is effective (Páscoa, Ferreira, and Tribolet, 2013).

Páscoa, C., Ferreira, N., & Tribolet, J XXXXXXXXXXStrategy essentials: Organizational simulators.The Learning Organization,20(6), XXXXXXXXXXdoi: XXXXXXXXXX

Srinivas, S XXXXXXXXXXEffective Performance Management.Journal of Business Logistics,30(2), 85–100. XXXXXXXXXXtb00113.x

Julian Kaelin

XXXXXXXXXX:35am Jun 10 at 5:35am

Flight Analogy

The Starting Point: The Air Force (AF) Contracting mission starts every year on October 1st with the start of the new Fiscal Year (FY). At this time, all AF contracting requirements cannot get any clearer having just met each Mission Partner (MP) requirement the previous FY. Therefore, like the pilot in our reading our destination is clear, meet all MP requirements this FY (Srinivas, 2009).

The Destination: Like our reading from Srinivas (2009), an organization must have a clear path of how to accomplish the mission. In Air Force Contracting, we do this by ensuring every employee has a well-defined Contribution Plan (CP) at the beginning of the performance cycle (beginning of the FY). Like the pilot in the reading, the CP is the starting point for all employees as it clearly lays out how each employee will help the organization reach established goals (meet all MP requirements). Unlike our reading from Srinivas XXXXXXXXXXmentions, our organization does establish goals every year which help us meet our goals, and we limit our goals to as few as possible to ensure each employee has a clear destination, like a pilot.

The Path: Albeit a clear starting point and a destination to get to, we all know this is not reality. In fact, MP requirements are always changing, and contracting professionals are always under pressure to award all requirements prior to the end of the FY on 30 September. However, like our reading from Srinivas (2009), there are always constraints to get around to meet MP requirements.

Variation/Agility: As with the pilot in our reading, AF contracting expects constant changes in MP requirements and we remain agile to adjust to MP changes. Although most organizations may get flustered with constant changes, AF contracting professionals have grown accustomed to change and respond time and time again meeting MP requirements regardless of change.

Agree or Disagree

Overall, I can relate to the article and agree with the authors analogy. I feel it related to AF contracting as although we always start with a clear starting point and destination, we always face changes that require course corrections to eventually meet al MP requirements. An article from Slevin & Pinto XXXXXXXXXXdiscussed where projects have specific goals defined by a beginning and end like AF contracting starting off with a MP requirement and the end being an award of said requirement in a timely manner. As I manage our MP requirements, we will go off course like the pilot in the reading from Srinivas (2009); therefor, it is important to effectively communicate to ensure the team has the resources and authority to act so they can plan effectively and act efficiently (Slevin & Pinto, XXXXXXXXXXOur organization does this through no less than monthly project status meeting allowing us to course correct early and often.


Slevin, D. P., & Pinto, J. K XXXXXXXXXXBalancing strategy and tactics in project implementation: There is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. the project life cycle project critical success factors strategy and tactics strategy and tactics over time strategic and tactical performance case study illustrations high Strategy/High tactics: The new alloy development low Strategy/Low tactics: The automated office high Straregy/Low tactics: The new bank loan setup low Strategy/High tactics: The new appliance development implications for managers references. Sloan Management Review XXXXXXXXXX), 29(1), 33. Retrieved from XXXXXXXXXX?accountid=32521(Links to an external site.)

Srinivas, S XXXXXXXXXXEFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT. Journal of Business Logistics, 30(2), 85-VIII. Retrieved from XXXXXXXXXX?accountid=32521

Answered Same Day Jun 11, 2021


Arunavo answered on Jun 12 2021
153 Votes
Table of Contents
Response to Melanie Pendleton    3
Response to Julian Kaelin    3
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Response to Melanie Pendleton
Hello Melanie, hope you are doing well. I completely agree with your viewpoint that there should be performance check of the employees of the organization and that can be done with the help of simulation process. Jenezic, Dimovski & Hodoscek (2018) have discussed that simulation process helps in putting the employees in the critical situation and that to equivalent to the real world situation, which they have not experienced previously. Thus this will help the employees to learn from the simulation process and the manager can able to monitor their performance in a proper manner and that will help the manager to further for strategies of work. Further the review process will help the manager and the organization to determine the areas where the...

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