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Melanie Pendleton XXXXXXXXXXMonday May 25 at 6:03pm Performance Management Program Every organization should have some type of performance management program in place. Depending upon the size of the...

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Melanie Pendleton

XXXXXXXXXXMonday May 25 at 6:03pm

Performance Management Program

Every organization should have some type of performance management program in place. Depending upon the size of the company will dictate the kind of program the organization. Small organizations performance management plan will not be the same as a large big-box retailer store, nor will a multinational or global organization. Having a multinational organization will require some additional working parts to the performance management program.

Can the same training and development program that is used within the parent location be used globally?

Talent management is the first step to the performance management program. Hiring the right talent will be key to the success of the organization as well as having a successful performance management plan. No matter what country an organization plans to operate in the process of procuring talent will remain the same. The object of hiring talent is to bring in the right employees to the organization to bring individuals with the proper knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs). Talent should also align with the organization’s values, mission, and goals (Collings, Mellahi, and Cascio, 2019)

How might culture and language barriers impact the effectiveness of a global performance management system?

With every multinational or global organization, there will be barriers that include culture and language barriers. These same barriers come up in all organizations across the world, no matter what country. Language barriers are something big that leaders must deal with, and how that barrier is handled will depend upon the organization. When speaking to employees, the leader is going to have to speak the native language of the country. Part of understanding the style is the correct translation from that language to English or English to the country’s native language. The leader will need to have either learned the native language or have someone who speaks both to translate (Bretos, Errasti, and Marcuello, 2019)

How do we guarantee leadership support and clear communication of the program across various locations?

To guarantee leadership support and clear communication, the organization must have a clear plan in place. As stated, above language barriers will be a big issue within multinational organizations. The leader will be required to have some bilingual abilities or have trusted translators. Leaders will need to have an open-door policy for all employees to bring any issues that arise within the organization. Having an open-door plan for the employees to come to them brings a level of trust (Ngo, Turban, Lau, and Lui, 1998)

Bretos, I., Errasti, A., & Marcuello, C XXXXXXXXXXMultinational Expansion of Worker Cooperatives and Their Employment Practices: Markets, Institutions, and Politics in Mondragon.ILR Review,72(3), 580–605. XXXXXXXXXX

Collings, D. G., Mellahi, K., & Cascio, W. F XXXXXXXXXXGlobal Talent Management and Performance in Multinational Enterprises: A Multilevel Perspective.Journal of Management,45(2), 540.

Ngo, H.-Y., Turban, D., Lau, C.-M., & Lui, S.-Y XXXXXXXXXXHuman resource practices and firm performance of multinational corporations: influences of country origin.International Journal of Human Resource Management,9(4), 632–652. XXXXXXXXXX

Julian Kaelin

XXXXXXXXXXYesterday May 26 at 12:53pm

Good afternoon everyone,

How might culture and language barriers impact the effectiveness of a global performance management system?

First, to answer this, what is culture? According to Alicja & Katarzyna (2018), culture is a plethora of things including, the achievements of the society, thought patterns, customs and beliefs and people or style of behavior. Culture and language barriers can generate discomfort as manager are not aware of some of the values, beliefs and assumptions that can influence their operations in a global environment (Alicja & Katarzyna, XXXXXXXXXXHow does one respond to being uncomfortable? With research, the more one knows the more confidence they have. With cultural differences being a barrier to managers looking to perform globally, it is paramount that managers perform due diligence conducting market research.

In the article from Sablok et. al, (2017), part of the title says it all, thinking globally, acting locally. However, as with anything we do in life, whether buying a car or creating a multinational performance plan, conducting market research is critical. Through market research, managers, can incorporate into their plan the market conditions in the overseas country on key areas like compensation, training, and development and most importantly, what are the specific cultural norms to be aware of. Additionally, I would send an advance team early in the planning stages to say cope out the country and location meeting with key leaders to discuss any concerns they may see as obstacles to successfully performing in their country. It may sound simple, but by effectively communicating will help ensure success in a global environment.

Compare the suggestions found in your research to the specific best practices illustrated in our required article (Ngo, Turban, Lau, & Lui, 1998) and readings.

According to Ngo (1998), local culture is a major influence on resource management. You would think that when the Air Force (AF)establishes an office overseas that the American culture is implemented in the overseas country. To some extent this is true, but to be able to operate efficiently, the AF must rely on local national employees to help perform the AF mission. Therefore, as stated in our reading from Ngo under hypothesis #1, “Country origin of MNCs will influence the human resource practices used by firms” (Ngo, 1998, pg XXXXXXXXXXI worked in Okinawa, Japan and I will tell you compensation was lower; however, when compared to the minimum local pay, the AF paid well so there was usually no issue with turnover. The higher than normal compensation is said to be a major influencer to a firm’s performance by influencing employee behaviors. On a side note but related to culture, Japanese local nationals took morning and afternoon naps. It was not uncommon as an American wanting to get things done to go by someone’s desk and find them sleeping under it. I like the concept but do not see this type of culture going over to well in the United States.

Another area of importance to performance outcomes is how well personnel are trained. As outlined in our reading Ngo (1998), points out that a systematic and well-planned training and development program usually increases employee skills, will result in productive employees, and can reduce employee turnover. As AF Contracting has a well-defined training and development plan, I found this was easily implemented throughout other countries. This is supported by Sablok, et. al, XXXXXXXXXXwhere the authors discuss the importance of organizations using training and development to improve the knowledge and skills of employee.


Alicja, F., & Katarzyna, W XXXXXXXXXXCultural differences and barriers in communication and functioning of an international organization. Handel Wewnetrzny, (372), XXXXXXXXXXRetrieved from XXXXXXXXXX?accountid=32521

Ngo, H.-Y., Turban, D., Lau, C.-M., & Lui, S.-Y XXXXXXXXXXHuman resource practices and firm performance of multinational corporations: influences of country origin. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(4), 632–652. XXXXXXXXXXLinks to an external site.)

Sablok, G., Stanton, P., Bartram, T., Burgess, J., & Boyle, B XXXXXXXXXXHuman resource development practices, managers and multinational enterprises in australia. Education & Training, 59(5), XXXXXXXXXXdoi: XXXXXXXXXX

Answered Same Day May 27, 2021


Nishtha answered on May 27 2021
144 Votes
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Reply to Melanie Pendleton
Hi Melanie,
I completely agree with you that performance management is a significant process, which ensures that the set of activities and output meet organization’s objective in an effective as well as efficient manner. However, I want to add on this context that before executing any performance management program, the first step should be goal management, because as supported by DeNisi and Murphy (2017), many employees do not have idea about the goal of the organization.
I also agree with you that talent management is a very important and crucial thing. Recruiter needs to keep all the information about the candidate, requirement of the vacancies and separation of the candidates according to their skills, qualification, location, experience and many more. Yes, same training and development program that used within the parent...

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