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Mass IncarcerationSubmit the final draft of the "Context and Importance of the Problem"section, otherwise known as the "Introduction". The Introduction of your paper should be approximately four (4)...

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Mass Incarceration

Submit the final draft of the "Context and Importance of the Problem"section, otherwise known as the "Introduction". The Introduction of your paper should be approximately four (4) paragraphs, usually two (2) full pages in length.


The Introduction includes:

  1. A description of the problem;

  2. The effects of the problem;

  3. An introduction of your topic of investigation and description of how this area of crime policy should help solve the problem and achieve the goals outlined in the prompt; and

  4. A road map paragraph that details what the rest of the paper will do and how it will be structured.


The purpose of the "Context and Importance of the Problem" section is to convince the target audience that a current and urgent problem exists which requires them to take action. "Context and Importance of the Problem"is both the introductory and the first building blocks of the policy brief/policy report. As such, it usually includes the following: a clear statement of the problem or issue; a short overview of the root causes of the problem; and a statement of the policy implications of the problem that establishes the need for a policy change.

Answered Same Day Mar 09, 2023


Bidusha answered on Mar 10 2023
41 Votes
Context and Importance of The Problem        2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
References    5
In America today, mass incarceration is a creating problem. The quantity of individuals in a co
ectional facility has expanded over the long run, making a problem on a public scale. For his mission, Ted Cruz, a competitor for the administration of the US, should resolve the problem of mass incarceration. Cruz should resolve this issue, however it doesn't suggest that it has not recently been examined; Robert Reich, a previous secretary of work for the US, and others have done likewise with an end goal to resolve the issue of mass incarceration. Since U.S. prisons are stuffed and keeping a detainee in prison is too expensive cash, mass imprisonment should end (Stone-Mediatore, 2019).
With regards to maintaining regulations, the US has gained notoriety for being thorough. The US has completely filled co
ectional facilities over authorizing regulations. Prisoners are supposed to be upheld, helped, and restored while regulations are planned to be maintained. "Perceiving that all common liberties come from the innate respect of the person, worldwide basic freedoms regulation specifies that the main role of all criminal frameworks should be to permit, advance, and help rehabilitation," the article Mass Incarceration in The U.S.A. notes. Notwithstanding, over recent years, there have been examples of US residents getting extended...

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