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Marking Rubric for The Numerate Educator Assessment Task 2.docx Assessment Task 2 (50%) – NAPLAN Exercise – Word count: 1500 words, plus or minus 10%. From the supplied NAPLAN Numeracy Assessment...

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Marking Rubric for The Numerate Educator Assessment Task 2.docx

Assessment Task 2 (50%) – NAPLAN Exercise – Word count: 1500 words, plus or minus 10%.

From the supplied NAPLAN Numeracy Assessment (Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2011), identify the items which assess number and algebra. Justifyyour selection and link to relevant content descriptors or elaborationsfrom the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Provide your response to each number and algebra item, including your thinking and/or working out. For each item show an alternative method of solution. Choose five of the multiple-choice number and algebra items and explain the misconceptions associated with the incorrect options. Include academic references tosupport your explanation.

Explanatory notes about Assessment Task 2 – FIVE STEPS

The NAPLAN assessment to be addressed in this Task can be found at

1. From the supplied NAPLAN Numeracy Assessment (Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2011), identify the items which assess number and algebra. Justifyyour selection and link to relevant content descriptors or elaborationsfrom the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.

Refer to the Year 2 and Year 3 sections of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. For Western Australian schools this is found at Note that the NAPLAN paper has “Numeracy” at the top of every page to distinguish it from the “Literacy” paper, not to indicate that the items are Number and Algebra.

2. Provide your response to each number and algebra item, including your thinking and/or working out.

If there is not a numerical or short answer, use A, B, C or D to indicate the selected answer.

3. For each item show an alternative method of solution.

Demonstrate that as an adaptable teacher you will be able to make sense of the many possible approaches you will encounter in the classroom.

4. Choose five of the multiple-choice number and algebra items and explain the misconceptions associated with the incorrect options. Include academic references tosupport your explanation.

5. Introduction and Conclusion

In general, an academic paper has an introduction and a conclusion. Keep both short. For this task the conclusion should contain a brief reflection about what you have gained personally by undertaking this work.

When you have thoroughly proof-read your assessment you should upload it through the linklabelled"View/Complete".

Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2020


Soumi answered on Jul 28 2020
137 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Identified Numbers and Alge
a Items from the NAPLAN Test    3
Solutions    3
Misconceptions    8
Conclusion    10
References    11
     NAPLAN numeracy test is used to test the skill in the field of mathematics specifically numbers, alge
a and geometry; which is essential to gauge the performance of students and to provide them critical foundation to their learning.
Identified Numbers and Alge
a Items from the NAPLAN Test

    Alternative Method
    This question involves addition/summation of numbers. ACMNA034 counts and order small collections of Australian coins according to their value.
    Just add the money mentioned in the coins- 1$+20c+10c+5c=$1.35.
    Mitch can attempt to purchase objects using these coins in the market, and he will be able to purchase item worth $1.35 only, that means answer for this question is indeed $1.35.
    This question involves subtraction of numbers. ACMNA030 solves simple addition and subtraction problems using written strategies.
    Original number=542. To get 502, which is forty less than 542, he needs to subtract 40 from the 542
    Ahmed can try all other given options like add 4 or subtract 4 or add 40, he will finally get answer only by subtracting 40, therefore subtract 40 is the answe
    This question involves counting and alge
aic expression the numbers. ACMNA030 solves simple addition and subtraction problem using written strategies.
    Suppose packet has=x biscuits.
Family ate half of them, left biscuits=x/2=8 therefore, x=2*8=16.
    Use other options (18, 8 or 4) and divide them by 2, if it comes to be 8, then that is the answer. Only with 16/2= 8, therefore 16 is the answer
    This question involves counting and alge
aic expression the numbers. ACMNA032 divides into groups of equal sets.
    Remove one cake from each row, and count the left-over cakes, answer will be 4.
    Remove all the cakes and re-a
ange the cakes in linear a
angement in rows of 6 and count the left-overs.
    This question involves calculating area and their comparison. ACMNA032 divides into groups of equal sets.
    Calculate the area of the whole figure and then compare it with area of shaded region, if the area of shaded area is equal to 1/4th of the area of whole figure then that is the answer.
    Calculate by elimination of options, here only the fourth figure qualifies as the answer, as the shaded area is symmetrical to other areas and the figure is equally divided into 4 equal parts.
    This question involves addition/summation of numbers. ACMNA026 investigates number sequences.
    In every sequence add 4 to each number from the beginning, only in the second sequence, there is a gap of 4 between every number.
    In every sequence, subtract the largest...

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