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LP3 Assignment: NGOs, Nonprofits, JCAHO and JCI This assignment will assess the following competencies: 3. Explore substantive differences between the accreditation standards embraced by the Joint...

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LP3 Assignment: NGOs, Nonprofits, JCAHO and JCI

This assignment will assess the following competencies:
3. Explore substantive differences between the accreditation standards embraced by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Joint Commission International (JCI).
4. Evaluate international nonprofit and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that identify, educate, and intervene in global health care.

Directions: Select and research a non-profit or a non-governmental organization that provides international health assistance. In a XXXXXXXXXXword paper (words included on the title page and reference section do not count towards this length requirement), address the following:

• Identify the sponsor of the agency
• Evaluate the services the agency provides
• Discuss the countries this organization has served and the impact this organization has had on the health of the citizens of these countries
• Explore how organizations such as the one you selected intervene in global health concerns such as epidemics or natural disasters.
• Discuss how the JCAHO and JCI might impact the actions of these agencies

Criteria for this paper:

• The paper must be written and properly cited in APA style
• The paper must include at least three peer-reviewed sources; the text is not a peer reviewed source.

Answered Same Day Nov 01, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
145 Votes
World Health Organization        7
Accreditation Standards of Healthcare Organization
Submitted By
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the coordinating as well as planning organization on universal health in the United Nations' framework. The experts of WHO deliver health rules and its guidelines, and also offer assistance to many nations in order to address general medical problems. The organization also supports and advances wellbeing research. By WHO, governments can mutually handle global health issues and enhance individuals' prosperity. WHO as well as its Member States perform with many accomplices that includes UN offices, benefactors, nongovernmental associations, WHO working centers and the private segment. (Dr. Chan, M., 2007).
Sponsor of WHO
The WHO associate with the World Bank that develops the center group that is responsible for overseeing the International Health Partnership i.e IHP+. The IHP+ is the team of some government associations, development agencies, civil society as well as some other organizations that are focused on enhancing the wellbeing of subjects in developing nations. Accomplices cooperate to put universal standards for adequacy as well as some development co-operation in the wellbeing sector. The association depends on commitments from prestigious researchers and experts to illuminate its work like WHO Specialist Committee on Biological Standardization, the WHO Expert Committee on Leprosy, as well as the WHO Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. It uses the Alliance for Health Policy that is directed at enhancing wellbeing strategy and systems. The organization intends to enhance access to wellbeing analysis in developing nations like HINARI network. (Dr. Chan, M., 2007).
Countries where WHO has Served
Individuals in more than 45 nations are encountering some emergencies because of catastrophic events, financial emergencies, or the struggle. The Health Action in Crises group works with Member States as well as other accomplices to limit enduring and demise in all emergency circumstances – whether they are very much promoted like Tsunami in South Asia, or any other confliction in the Democratic Republic of Congo. WHO also works in other nations in order to help national experts as well as the communities to be ready by fortifying general ability to deal with a wide range of emergencies; to react by guaranteeing powerful and opportune activity to address general health needs; to recoup by guaranteeing that local health frameworks are working; and to relieve against the impacts of emergencies on general health. In Niger and other countries, WHO works with nations to significantly diminish the increasing rates of deaths of kids with specialized exhortation – all with the objective of reduction in death of kids. Ukraine dependably depends on WHO support in HIV-related regions like pioneering contaminations treatment, HIV observation, research facility...

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