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Key Assessment Information
Analyse a children's picture book using social justice 800 words + images 30% Saturday of Week 1
The learning outcomes assessed are:
« LO 1: Elucidate and apply knowledge and understanding of historical, philosophical and political structures that shape contemporary
understandings of childhoods and the role of the teacher;
« LO 3: Formulate critical actions that respond to diverse early childhood contexts and situations, both locally and globally drawing from
First Nations standpoints, considering sustainability and intercultural understanding;
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encountered in Collaborate.
a Use this list of possible social justice lenses to help you select which ones you will use:
a a gender - feminism
gender - gender identity
gender - family structure
ethnicity - race
ethnicity - language
ethnicity - culture
socioeconomic status - poverty
socioeconomic status - place
Use at least 2 of the required unit resources as a reference point for the social justice issues you have chosen.
a Write a critique of the book in relation to each of 2 different social justice issues, which includes
a reasons why you think it is a good children's book
a a 'selfie’ of you with the book
a critique of the book in relation to one issue, using unit concepts and resources ©
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a 'seffie’ of you with the book
critique of the book in relation to one issue, using unit concepts and resources
critique of the book in relation to a different issue, using unit concepts and resources
descriptions and explanations of how your critique fits the book, for each issue
images from the book - you must include photographs of at least 4 pages of the book that show what you are refe
ing to
headings that show which social justice issue you are writing about
eferences to ideas from the prescribed readings/sources for your analysis, with in-text citations for them
where in Collaborate you found the reading or idea (ie which session, and which item)
a full bibliography of all sources used, in APA format, with live links.
Make sure your work is written clearly in appropriate academic style. Review your work for any e
ors and issues
with clarity. Check your referencing, including in-text citations and images.
This must be your own thinking and your own original writing.
* You must not use Grammarly, or any Generative Al software. You must not cut and paste from internet sources,
including promotional material or reviews of the book.
« You may write first in another language, and then use translation software, but you must seek permission from you
lecturer before doing this, and you must provide the original version in the original language in the drop box.
* You must use photographs of the book you have taken yourself, and show yourself in at least some of them
No Al: The assessment is completed under entirely without Al assistance. This level ensures students rely solely on thei
knowledge, understanding, and skills. Al must not be used at any point during the assessment.
nm Noa

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This task involves choosing two books to put on a shared booklist, and analysing a book in relation to social justice issues.
To complete your assessment task, follow the instructions below;
8 Visit a li
ary or bookshop or early childhood service and look at children's picture books.
Contribute to two shared booklists for your class. Choose at least two good quality children's picture books to put on shared
ooklists for your class. Your lecturer will tell you how to show your contribution to these shared class lists.
One booklist is for books that you might choose as part of a social justice focus in your program. Choose one book for this
list. You must make a unique contribution to this shared list. This list will be used for Task 2.
One booklist is for a general list of good quality children's picture books. Choose one book for this list published in the
last 20 years. You must make a unique contribution to this shared list. This list will be used for Task 1.
must be a book you could choose as part of a social justice cu
iculum. The other is any good quality children's picture
ook published in the last 20 years. Each book can only be on the list once.
a8 Choose one book from the general books shared list - add your name to the list so others know it has been chosen.
a Go through the content of Week 1 of Collaborate. Read at least two of the readings for Task 1.
Critique* the book you have chosen from the point of view of 2 different social justice issues, using the ideas you have ©
encountered in Collaborate.
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knowledge, understanding, and skills. Al must not be used at any point during the assessment.

The assessment is completed entirely without Al assistance. This level
ensures that students rely solely on their knowledge, understanding, and
Al must not be used at any point during the assessment.

AVASSISTED IDEA | Al can be used in the assessment for
ainstorming, creating sinctures, and
‘GENERATION AND ‘generating doas for improving work.
STRUCTURING No Al content is allowed In the final submission.

Alan be used to make improvements to the clarity or quality of student.
created work to improve the final output, but no new content can be created

Al can be used, but your original work with no Al content must be
provided in an appendix.
Als used to complete certain elements of the task, with
students providing discussion or commentary on the Al-generated
EN ‘content. This level requires critical engagement with Al generated.
ON content and evaluating ts ouput.
You will use Al to complete specified tasks in your assessment.
Any Al created content must be cited.

Al should be used as a co-pilot in order to meet the requirements of the
assessment, allowing for a collaborative approach with Al and enhancing
FULLAI creativity.
You may use Al throughout your assessment to support your own
Work and do not have to specify which content is Al generated.
The following criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:
« Understanding of social justice issues (30%)
« Effective book critique (35%)
« Use of unit concepts & resources, including referencing (35%) ©
Answered Same Day Oct 03, 2024


Shubham answered on Oct 04 2024
4 Votes
Gender Identity
Why the book is Excellent Children’s Book
The book “My Shadow is Pink” can be considered as best book of children because it describes about complexities of gender identity and self-acceptance. The book uses simple but connecting na
ative because this addresses social justice issues like gender norms and importance of importance of understanding true self. The critique includes two important aspects along with concept of gender identity that are challenging of traditional gender roles and role of parental support in the development of gender identity of child (Stuart, 2020). The selected issues will be analysed using important concepts and resources from studies about gender and child development.
The literature plays an important key role in shaping young minds. The book ensures development of inclusivity and empathy from an early age. The reasons for selection of book are that it is successful in approaching and development of imaginative way for discussing complex themes of gender identity. The na
ative uses metaphor and the author has made abstract idea of internal identity relatable to children. The simple language of book is paired with illustrations that can captures attention of children. This can help in conveying deeper message about being true to oneself.
The na
ative also helps in handling emotional struggles that children face. It is related to societal norms that is concerning for gender expectations. The book describes about journey of the boy whose shadow is pink. The author invites young readers to question about the behaviour of "boy" and "girl". This ensures to create the environment where children feel safe to explore without having the fear of judgment. It also describes about loving and supportive father...

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