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Assignment 1: Industry Project Plan 10% Overview The Industry Project Plan can be viewed as a plan for the major piece of assessment – The Industry Project Essay (Assignment 2: 50%). Structuring the...

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Assignment 1: Industry Project Plan 10%
The Industry Project Plan can be viewed as a plan for the major piece of assessment – The Industry Project Essay (Assignment 2: 50%). Structuring the assessment in this way ensures the best possible outcome for students. The convenor will provide detailed feedback on the plan to ensure students are clear on what is expected and can produce a strong essay for the second assessment.
due date
This assignment is due WEEK 4 SUNDAY 24 MARCH 2018 at 23:59pm submitted via Turnitin
word limit
This assignment should be between XXXXXXXXXXwords including reference list.
A 10% penalty will apply to assignments exceeding 550 words.
Key Requirements
Select an industry context
First, select an industry of interest to you. You can examine any industry sector or sub-sector. I highly recommend you select an industry that you have worked in or are familiar with as you will be required to provide real-world examples to illustrate your understanding of key concepts. If you have limited work experience, you can refer to case studies for practical examples.
For instance, international students working in a café or restaurant may select the Australian food sector. Or, if you have worked overseas previously you may select your previous industry and national context – e.g. UAE construction industry, textile industry in India, or tourism in Italy. You may focus specifically on the industry in the national context in which you experienced it, or you may take a
oader, international view (not specify a country).
Provide a short summary of the key features of your selected industry in the assignment.
Select one or two employment topics
We cover many employment topics throughout the semester. Select one or two of these topics FROM THE LIST BELOW which you will examine within your industry context:
· Industrial relations/ role of government
· Equity and diversity
· Unions and employer associations
· Health and safety
· Recruitment and selection
· Learning and development
· Employee performance
· Reward management
For instance, you may investigate reward and performance management in the Australian fast food industry. Or you may explore industrial relations in the shipping industry. You can be more specific within the topic, e.g. examining suicide and depression (as part of health and safety) in Australian mining industry, or pay inequity (as part of equity and diversity) more generally among CEOs in the USA.
I have given you the option of selecting one or two employment topics. You may be particularly passionate about one topic that you want to cover intensely. Or you may prefer to cover two topics in less depth. It’s up to you.
Once you have made your selection – provide a
ief definition and summary of your topic/s in the assignment. I suggest you
owse through the relevant lecture slides for examples of key theory and discussion relevant to your topic.
Integrate your industry and topics
Now you have identified and summarised your industry and topic/s, draw them together and identify why this is an important area to research. Outline the key issues you will be covering in the second assignment, drawing on scholarly literature.
In this assignment you will incorporate a small number of scholarly citations that will be referenced using APA 6th referencing style – See the Assessment folder on L@G for more details. If you have another prefe
ed style (e.g. Harvard) – that’s fine, please note it on the assessment at the beginning of the Reference List and use it consistently.
EHR701 Assessment Guidelines
You will be marked on your presentation. Please use a basic essay structure – Title, introduction, body and conclusion followed by a reference list. Pay attention to writing style, spelling, grammar, font type and size (I suggest Times New Roman/ Arial/ Cali
i 12 point).
Marking Criteria and ru
    Very Good
    Select an industry context and employment topic/s
    Selection of one or two HRM or IR topics from course content that are pertinent to selected industry/case context. Succinct definition or overview of topics and context.
    Selection of one or two HRM or IR topics from course content that are related to selected industry/case context. Clear definition or overview of topics and context.
    Selection of one or two HRM or IR topics from course content, and selection of an industry/case context. Some definition or overview of topics and context.
    Selection of one or two HRM or IR topics from course content, and selection of an industry/case context. Limited definition or overview of topics and context
    Topic and context selection not appropriate or relevant. Minimal or no definition or overview of topics and context.
4/10 marks
    Develop an argument supported by relevant sources
    Logical and concise outline of key argument/s for Assignment 2. High quality, relevant and up-to-date supporting academic sources referenced consistently and appropriately.
    Concise outline of key argument/s for Assignment 2. Good quality, relevant and up-to-date supporting academic sources, mostly referenced consistently and appropriately.
    Some outline of key argument/s for Assignment 2. Inclusion of some supporting academic sources, mostly referenced consistently and appropriately.
    Weak outline of key argument/s for Assignment 2. Inclusion of some supporting academic sources, with attempts made to reference appropriately.
    Minimal or no outline of key argument/s for Assignment 2. Few or no supporting academic sources, with little or no attempt to reference appropriately.
4/10 marks
    Presentation and essay structure
    Very high standard of grammar, spelling and overall presentation. Excellent essay structure including introduction, body and conclusion.
    High standard of grammar, spelling and overall presentation. Good essay structure including introduction, body and conclusion.
    Moderate standard of grammar, spelling and overall presentation. Reasonably well structured.
    Weak standard of grammar, spelling and overall presentation. Limited use of essay structure.
    Very weak standard of grammar, spelling and overall presentation. Unstructured.
2/10 marks
    10 marks
Answered Same Day Mar 21, 2020 EHR701


Anju Lata answered on Mar 23 2020
145 Votes
(McDonald Context)
    McDonalds is an American classic chain of fast food restaurants offering the service of Burgers and fries since 1955(Boxall and Purcell,2008). The company offers service to more than 68 million customers on daily basis at 119 stores spread throughout the world.
    Having its outlets in various parts of the world, each outlet in McDonalds recruits its own employees. The process involves separate advertisement releases by distinct outlets, under the supervision of Recruitment Manager. The whole recruitment process completes in three major steps- Application for jobs, Interviews and Documents verification (Johansson,2009).
1. Applying for jobs by filling Application Forms: Aspirants need to apply for the desired posts by filling the application form. The form consists of two sections. The first section has entries for personal and educational data while the second section has a quiz to assess knowledge level of the candidate....

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