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Length:Approximately 2000 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission method Task Assignment 2 consists of one essay question (worth 30 marks) based on text material. Before attempting this...

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Length:Approximately 2000 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission method

Assignment 2 consists of one essay question (worth 30 marks) based on text material. Before attempting this assignment you are expected to have read Text chapters 1 to 10. You are encouraged to make use of additional sources. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style.

Answer the following question ensuring that you apply economic principles or theory related to the concepts of benefits, costs and market structure in which a firm operates to inform your analysis and support your decisions. Communicate your ideas with correct grammar, spelling and writing style and support your answer with diagrams and illustrative examples as necessary.

Question (30 marks)
Explain how and why governments may want to regulate the price setting of a natural monopoly.


This assignment provides an opportunity for you to present a detailed analysis of the operation of firms in a particular market context through the application of your knowledge of theory supported by evidence drawn from sources of your choosing.

The question addresses the following learning outcomes:

Learning Outcome 3: be able to make decisions that incorporate the relevant benefits and cost analysis.

Learning Outcome 4: be able to explain and defend why it is important to understand the structure of the market in which a firm operates.

Marking criteria
CriteriaHD (85%)DI (75-84%)CR (65-74%)PS (50-64%)FL (0
Academic writing clearly communicates meaning (10% weighting).Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, concisely, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with few spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.The text contains some errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure, lacks clarity occasionally, and may not be concise, but the meaning is apparent to the reader with little effort.The text contains frequent errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure, lacks clarity, and is not concise, but the meaning is apparent to the reader with some effort.Fails to meet criteria for a pass.
Academic writing includes APA 6th referencing (10% weighting).Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions.Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms to APA style conventions with fewer than three minor errors or omissions which don't impact on the transparency and traceability of the source or the demonstration of academic integrity.Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Up to eight minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don't impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Frequent minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don't impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.Fails to meet criteria for a pass.
Analyses benefits and cost components to provide market related recommendations in the context of the market structure of the industry in a manner which indicates the importance of understanding the structure of the market in which the firm operates (60% weighting).The answer synthesises the theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates with new insights providing an in-depth application of the theory of the firm along with clearly labelled relevant diagrams to produce a comprehensive analysis that is used as the basis for identifying the correct decisions within the context of specific market circumstances.The answer evaluates the theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates to analyse the question. Decisions based on analysis correctly reflect the options available given specified market conditions and are presented through a sound argument showing good judgement. However, minor errors have been found in the narrative or use of diagrams.The answer correctly interprets the theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates to analyse the question. Decisions based on analysis correctly reflect the options available within specified conditions. However, some errors have been found in the narrative or use of diagrams.The answer identifies the most important elements of theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates to analyse the question. Decisions based on analysis correctly reflect the options available within specified conditions. Limited explanation and poor use of diagrams provides marginal support for the conclusions drawn.Fails to meet criteria for a pass.
Provision of examples to support, illustrate or elaborate the application of the theory of the firm, the benefits they seek, the costs they incur and the market structure in which they are found in a policy context (20% weighting).The answer provides an example or examples which support the synthesis of the theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates with new insights to support the analyse of the question and/or the decisions based on this analysis. The narrative makes a strong link between the example(s), existing theory and new insights and the application of each to policy.The answer provides an example or examples which support the evaluation of the theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates to support the analyse of the question and/or the decisions based on this analysis. The narrative makes a strong link between the example(s) and theory and their application to policy.The answer provides an example or examples which support the interpretation of the theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates to support the analyse of the question and/or the decisions based on this analysis. The narrative makes the link between the example(s) and theory and their application to policy with only minor lapses in logic.The answer provides an example or examples which exhibit the most important elements of theory in relation to a firm's benefits and costs in the context of the market structure in which the firm operates to support the analysis of the question and/or the decisions based on this analysis. However the narrative does not make a convincing link between the example(s) and theory and subsequent application to policy.Fails to meet criteria for a pass.
PresentationAnswers should be typed and diagrams must be clear and neat and preferably drawn electronically. Hand-drawn diagrams are acceptable. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style. The answer to the question should be divided into three parts:
Part 1: IntroductionThe introduction sets up your response by succinctly stating your understanding of the issues, what you think is the best way to analyse the situation – including choice of theory and sources of evidence, what type of findings you expect and what potential applications you expect there to be.
Part 2: Analysis
The analysis will represent the bulk of your work. Here you will provide your answer in detail by drawing upon the literature, the theory and the evidence to come up with an answer to the question posed. You may find that you want to break this section up into a number of sub-parts – one for a detailed discussion of the issues including your non-technical response, one for a detailed analysis of the tools of analysis you will use (theory), one for your extensive consideration of the evidence, one where you draw together your information and findings along with their implications.
Part 3: Conclusion
In the conclusion you briefly and succinctly review what you have done in answer to the question and indicate what further issues there might be to be considered.

Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style.

Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
121 Votes
Natural monopolies and Its Price Setting by Government
A natural monopoly is a separate kind of control that can rise once there are
tremendously great immovable prices of delivery, for example, it exists once great
measure substructure is compulsory to guarantee supply. Instances of substructure
comprise cables and networks for power source, tubes for gas and water source, and
systems for railing and subversive. These prices are likewise sunk prices, and they
discourage entry and exit.
In the circumstance of natural dominations, tiresome to upsurge rivalry by
inspiring new applicants into the marketplace makes a possible damage of competence.
The competence loss to culture would be if the novel applicant had to identical all the
secure features that is, the structure.
It might be extra well-organized to permit only one firm to source to the
marketplace because letting rivalry would mean a extravagant repetition of resources.
Economies of scale
Through natural dominations, economies of scale are very important so that least
well-organized rule is not touched until the firm has developed very big in relative to the
entire size of the marketplace.
Least effectual scale is the lowermost equal of production at which all scale
economies are
Utility companies
Normal monopoly is mutual in marketplaces for indispensable facilities that
necessitate a luxurious substructure to
ing the good or service, like as in the belongings
of water supply, electricity supply, and gas and other industries recognized as public
values. Since there is the possible to activity monopoly control, administrations incline to
make public or deeply control them.
If communal values are secretly possessed, as it was happened in the United
Kingdom meanwhile privatisation throughout the 1980s, they typically have their
individual singular controller to make sure that they do not feat their monopoly position.
Examples of controllers comprise “Ofgem”: the energy regulator, and “Ofcom”:
the telecoms and media controller. Controllers can limit values or the different stages of
eturn increased.
Railways as a natural monopoly
Railways are every so often measured a distinctive instance of a natural
monopoly. The actual great prices of placing track and construction a system, as well as
the prices of purchasing or rental the trains, would exclude, or discourage, the entrance of
a competitor.
November 28, 2012, Tejvan Pettinger “Natural Monopoly”

Government Regulation of price setting on Natural Monopoly:
Government controllers look a quandary in dealing with natural anticompetitive
usinesses for instance the power industry. An electricity corporation with a control in a
specific marketplace will improper its value and output choice on the income expansion
instruction that all unfettered companies will, they’ll create at the stage wherever their
orderline proceeds is equal to their marginal price. The problematic is, for a monopolist
its marginal income is less than the worth it has to care, which income that at the revenue
make the most of level of production (where MR=MC), marginal cost will be less than
charge, indication of allocative incompetence, So that it is not sufficient power will be
formed and the worth will be too great for some customers to have enough money.
At this time rises the essential for government rule. An administration
apprehensive with receiving the co
ect quantity of electricity to the precise number
of persons might select to set a price maximum for energy at the stage wherever the
price matches the firm’s marginal cost. This, though, will possible is underneath the
firm’s regular total charge; a situation which would consequence in wounded for the
firm, and might lead it to shut down in total. So that what furthermost...

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