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Length 6 minutes +/- 10% total recorded oral presentation (narrated audio, written text and pictures/diagrams) LOs Assessed LO1, LO3,...

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6 minutes +/- 10% total recorded oral presentation (narrated audio, written text and pictures/diagrams)

LOs Assessed

LO1, LO3, LO4

Case study:Mrs Lena Bosko is a 76 year old woman who emigrated to Australia at the age of 16 from Poland. She is a retired music teacher who was recently widowed and is now adjusting to life in her own home, on her own. She had a wide circle of friends and family, and did enjoy interacting with a Polish social club. She is generally physically well, but has been socially isolated from her friends whilst she cared for her husband in his final months of life, and has not been able to walk the dog to the dog park as much as she would have liked.

For this task you are required to create a narrated recorded presentation (audio, written text, and pictures/diagrams) that addresses the following:

1.Introducethe topic. Provide a brief overview of the presentation content.

2.Explainthe psycho-social theory on ageing of Activity Theory.

3.Discussexamples of how a community nurse could apply the Activity Theory of ageing in the case study of Lena to promote successful ageing, quality of life, independence and maintaining choice and dignity as she lives with age-related changes.

4.Concludeyour presentation with a brief summary of the presentation. Do not include new information in the conclusion

The oral presentation must be recorded and uploaded by following the instructions available to you in Canvas

Target Audience

Mrs Bosko, community based older adult

Answered 5 days After Aug 17, 2024


P answered on Aug 22 2024
10 Votes
Case study analysis of Mrs Lena Bosko
Case study analysis of Mrs Lena Bosko
1. Case study details:
Name: Mrs Lena Bosko (widowed)
Age-76 years (Emigrant to Australia)
Profession- retired music teache
Present Condition- Socially isolated & Walking issues
Reason- Death of husband
2. Aging Importance
3. Psycho-Social theory of activity & applications
4. Conclusion
5. References
Complex process-physical, psychological and social changes
Activity theory- Regular activity maintenance and effective social engagement-successful ageing (Havighurst, 1961).
Present study- Application of activity theory to improve the quality of life of Mrs. Lena Bosko
The Activity theory was proposed by Robert J. Havighurst in the year 1960.
The main objective of Active theory is to
ing positive outcomes by engaging in activity and with the support of social engagement.
Aged people have similar psychological and social needs to that of the younger generations individuals (Adams, Lei
andt, & Moon, 2011).
Meaningful activities-enhances self-worth (Fernández-Ballesteros, 2011).
Activity based on fitness-provides life staisfaction (Glass et al., 1999).
Social support-promotes both physical and mental well-being (Cornwell, Laumann, & Schumm, 2008).
Impact of Psycho-social theory on Ageing
Active participation in the social engagement:
Issue: social isolation
Nursing intervention:
Effective engagement in music-related group activities as per her interests (Glass et al.,...

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