Legal Requirements
Today, every nonprofit is primarily a creature of state law. It must be organized and maintained according to state legal requirements. For federal tax exemptions there are the IRS regulations to satisfy. However, American nonprofits grew out of a dynamic history that has seen many changes since the country's colonial days. This week's Discussion has two related parts. Please be sure to includeboth of the followingin your primary post and engage each other in subsequent reply posts with further thoughts and questions.
I . Identify and briefly discuss what you view to be akey social shift or factorleading to a significantlegalchange in the historical development of philanthropic enterprise in the U.S.
II . Now consider, hypothetically, that you want to legally organizea new charityin thestate in which you currently live, and that you want the organization to meet the requirements for apublic charity under IRS 501c3. (See and course readings). Describe your hypothetical charity, how you would legally organize it in your state. Identify the state, and (a) list the steps to setting up the organization with the state; (b) then explain the 501c3 criteria it will satisfy with the IRS. To assist your classmates in responding, please include the citation to the relevant state statute or state website. (Use the state of Virginia)
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