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Legal Aspects of Human Resources Management/Integration and Reflection Assignment Overview View the short video and the case study descriptions before starting your assignment: National Federation of...

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Legal Aspects of Human Resources Management/Integration and Reflection

Assignment Overview

View the short video and the case study descriptions before starting your assignment:

National Federation of Independent Business. (2015). Understanding Employment at Will | NFIB Legal Ease. Retrieved from

Case Study:

Patti recently started working for Empire Hospital in the claims/billing department. Her duties included preparing and submitting Medicare/Medicaid claims for payment. Shortly after being hired Patti noticed there were numerous irregularities which were potentially illegal billings to Medicare. When she raised the issue to her supervisor Eric, she was terminated. Patti inquired as to the reason and was told that according to the staff handbook all employees are hired "At Will"; thus, no reason or notice was needed for her termination.

Case Assignment

In a 3- to 4-page paper respond to the following:

  1. What is "AT WILL" employment?
  2. Are there any exceptions to "AT WILL" employment?
  3. As the director of HR for Golden Hospital what concerns would you have over Patti's termination?
  4. Who should be notified about her termination? Why?

How would you handle the situation with her supervisor, Eric?

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your position and answers to the questions.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 4 pages.
  3. Include an introduction and conclusion in your paper.
  4. Support your case with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3-4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
  5. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:

I need 4 pages, APA, 3-4 in-text citations, 3-4 references

Answered Same Day Apr 07, 2020


Sangeeta answered on Apr 09 2020
154 Votes
Case Assignment
To start with, at-will implies that an employer could dismiss staff member at any specific time on any grounds, apart from an unlawful one, or for on no grounds that to without experiencing any legal liability. Likewise, this particular case revolves around At-Will employment and attempts to justify the termination of Patti.
AT WILL Employment
At-will employment is basically a term employed for contractual relations wherein a staff member could be removed from job by the employer on any grounds even without establishing a reasonable cause for termination as well as without any warning till the reason isn’t unlawful (e.g. removing due to the race or religion of the employee) (Bruno and Editor, 2016). At the time when a staff member is considered as being appointed "at will," the court basically denies the employee any assertion for loss arising from the firing (DeNicco, 2015). Moreover, any recruitment is considered as being 'at will'; that is, the company is free of discharging the people 'for good or bad basis or no even reason at all and the staff member is likewise free for quitting, striking or otherwise ceasing work (Bruno and Editor, 2016). Additionally, at-will implies that an employer could dismiss staff member at any specific time on any grounds, apart from an unlawful one, or for on no grounds that to without experiencing any legal liability (Dove et. al., 2016). 
Exceptions to "AT WILL" employment
Over the years, certain exceptions have been made with respect to the at-will employment for mitigating it’s at times severe impacts. The exceptions involve:
Public Policy
The widely documented common law exemption to the at-will employment guards staff members against unconstructive employment acts, which inte
upt public interest (Dove et. al., 2016). This law exception is related to and might overlay with, the retaliation exception. 
Implied Contract
Implied employment contracts are acknowledged within 41 states as well as the District of Columbia, nevertheless even where documented might be hard for the plaintiff to establish (Dove et. al., 2016).   An implied...

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