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Learning Goal…students will increase their understanding of the format and outline of a formal social science research essay. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH ESSAY OUTLINE TITLE PAGE (see template or sample...

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Learning Goal…students will increase their understanding of the format and outline of a formal social science research essay.
TITLE PAGE (see template or sample or APA Style Essentials)
· Adjust the margins to 2,5 cm or 1” and select double spacing – save as default for whole document
· Complete the Heade
Running head

· Go to the Insert tab on the toolbar and click on Header
· Click on different first page
· then click on the Blank option
· then click on Page Number – Top of the Page and Plain Number 1 by clicking on each
· then click on Insert Alignment Tab and then choose Right and click ok
· then type the words “Running head: SHORT VERSION OF TITLE ALL CAPS 50 CHARACTERS MAX”
· then click on Close Header and Foote

· Complete the Main Title Portion
· Type the title using capitals at the beginning of each word
· Double space and on the next line type your name
· Double space and on the next line type the name of the school that you attend

INTRODUCTION (see template or sample or APA Style Essentials)
At this level the introduction should be one to three paragraphs long depending on the length of your essay (the longer the essay the more paragraphs you will need to properly introduce all the information) and should include…
· The header needs to be changed to just the title in ALL CAPS
· There should also be a title centred at the top of the page with normal capitalization
· Include a
ief introduction and outline of the issue or topic
· Include any definitions relevant to the research you are compiling so that the reader understands your use of the terms and there is no confusion
· Include a
ief summary of the main points that you will be describing to provide support for your thesis(there may be two, three, four or five etc… you are not limited nor bound to three)
· Include a thesis statement that clearly explains the point you will be proving throughout the paper – this may come before or after the summary of the main points you will be using for support (or both)
BODY (see template or sample or APA Style Essentials)
In this section of the essay you present the key findings from your secondary research using all the literature you could find and include that is available regarding your topic and thesis.
· Your first body paragraph should be based on one main idea or point that you are using to prove your thesis, fleshed out or comprised of two to four (not an exact science it could be more as needed) sub topics or ideas.
· These main ideas or proofs are meant to be backed up by research others have conducted regarding your topic, thesis and this main idea. You state your point and then refer to a study or article that supports this idea. If the source partly agrees, but also differs slightly you can refer to these specifics as well. This helps to make your paragraph (and in the end your paper) more comprehensive or complete.
· Actually use the sources to write your paragraphs, have them out in front of you in printed form or on line ready and accessible – it makes it so much easier to know what to write.
· When you are describing the information that you have found, it is a good idea to go into depth so that the reader fully understands the point that was made in the reading. They do not have access to the article or research report that you are using.
· Every time you describe or refer to theories, ideas or studies from your secondary sources you need to indicate the sources of the information that you used (can be more than one source for
a single viewpoint or piece of information – just split them using a semi colon ; ). With the APA format this means that you use in text citations instead of footnotes or end notes.
· This information needs to be presented in a logical format that helps to build the argument that you are making - your thesis.
· It is also a good idea to compare and contrast points of view that you find as it helps to build a
icher essay.
· While doing this it is a good idea to remember that you are still working toward proving your thesis. So you can describe counter views and then explain where they are flawed.
· When describing other points of view, theories or findings it is also a good idea to show some critical thought, where and why are they wrong or off the mark.
For every main point that you are using to prove your thesis you are allowed to use one, two or even more paragraphs chunked out by themes or similar areas or subtopics within the topic. This gives you the space to adequately cover your topic. When you only use one small paragraph per point not enough information is shared and the essay only seems to scratch the surface.
· find appropriate, valid resources of key findings from research in literature
· avoid using self-help websites or articles stick to web sites that include or report on research findings
· develop an outline to help keep yourself organized
· build your essay by describing the key findings or information gathered from your different sources (and keep track of them as you go – it will make things much easier for you in the long run!)
· go in depth when describing these key findings, compare and contrast and critique
· cite all sources according to APA guidelines
· avoid using I, we, our(s), you(s), nowadays, would of or could of (it is supposed to be would have or could have) firstly – secondly – thirdly, any contractions ex. don’t
This section should contain a restatement of your thesis or main argument. Your conclusion paragraph(s) should basically summarize the main points that you covered in your paper. You can include suggestions for future research that will build on your thesis or findings. You can conclude the paper with an insightful comment about the issue at hand (be careful not to be cliché* or overly dramatic with this comment). You can be witty and insightful though. The conclusion should probably be one paragraph long, unless your paper is really lengthy.
*being cliché means using overly common or over used sayings ex. stuck out like a sore thumb
· give a summary of the key findings that reinforce your thesis
· consider the implications of the research – why does this information matter anyway?
· give suggestions for future research
· wrap it up with a impactful comment about the issue
REFERENCES (see template or sample or APA Style Essentials)
· use “in text” citations in APA style in the body of the paper to show all the sources you used even if you are using your own words example (Smith and Smith, XXXXXXXXXXNOTE the period comes after the second
acket not before the first one.
· if you are using a direct quotation include the page or paragraph number (for articles on line that don’t show page numbers) after the year in the
ackets example (Smith and Smith, 2001 p. 34) or (Smith and Smith, 2001, par. 23)
· use a reference page that includes all works cited in the paper listed alphabetically by autho
· do not use sources on the reference page that you looked at but did not actually cite in the paper
H:\HSB4U CHALLENGE & CHANGE IN SOCIETY\Independent Study\Social Sciene Research Essay Outline.doc

Senior Social Science Research Essay Ru
    Below 1
    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3
    Level 4
    knowledge & understanding
    The writer does not show an understanding of the topic or material
    Writer shows limited understanding of the subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic
The essay is lacking in information and detail
    Writer shows some understanding of subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic
ut lacks depth needed
Quantity of information included could be bette
    Writer shows a good understanding of the subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic
eadth of information used
    Writer shows an excellent understanding of the subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic
eadth of information included
    thinking & inquiry
esearch &
    Student has not successfully researched the essay
Sources not used
Analysis lacking
    Student used a limited range of sources which lack
Different sources not used throughout the pape
The student shows a limited ability to analyze the information from the source(s)
Limited or no conclusions drawn from the material
    Student gathered information from a limited range of sources and the effort to select quality sources could be improved
The sources are not really integrated throughout the paper
The student shows some ability to analyze the information but only on the surface
Some conclusions drawn from the material
    Student has gathered information for a variety of relevant electronic and print sources

These sources were integrated somewhat throughout
Good effort to analyze the information in depth and draw appropriate conclusions

    Student has gathered information from a variety of quality electronic and print sources which are clearly relevant, balanced and include critical readings relating to the thesis
Primary sources are included if relevant
These sources were integrated in a comprehensive manner throughout
Student carefully analyzed the information and drew in depth, appropriate and highly evolved conclusions
& essay construction
application of APA style
    Essay construction is not co
The paper does not include an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion
The spacing is inco
Pagination is missing
Missing title page
Missing reference page
Missing in-text citations
    Essay construction needs a lot of work Introduction is missing; definitions, an intro of some of the content to be covered and a thesis
Body paragraphs too short and are too few
Conclusion is either missing or fails to restate the info covered in the paper and the thesis
Spacing is inco
ect + extra space inco
ectly included between paragraphs
Pagination inco
ect or missing
Title page is not in the APA format
Answered 1 days After Jun 21, 2022


Ayan answered on Jun 23 2022
84 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Discussion    4
Causes of trafficking    4
Recommendations to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings    9
Conclusion    10
References    11
Human trafficking is a serious bad behavior and an encroachment of fundamental human privileges. Extraordinary numerous everybody fall into the grip of human dealers reliably, both in their own nations and a
oad. Essentially every country on the planet is moved by human trafficking, whether as a wellspring of setbacks, a movement point, or a last goal. Human trafficking could happen everywhere, for whatever length of time there are powerless circumstances in the environment. Human trafficking takes many designs in different countries; but it essentially pursues people in powerless conditions. People in slight and unstable conditions are looking for a leave plan and may su
ender to human dealers in their desperation. Human trafficking is a frustrated quirks impacted or moved by a grouping of social, money related, social, and various variables. Huge number of everybody su
enders to human dealers reliably, both in their own nations and a
oad. A critical number of these parts are remarkable to explicit trafficking plans and the states where they occur. Various countries are collaborating to fight the purposes behind human trafficking today. The US State Department's Trafficking-in-Persons Report, which covers 188 nations and spaces, is the world's most finished resource on adversary of trafficking exercises. Countless individuals generally through the world are compelled to kill their will to help others, for instance, through asking, prostitution, necessary enslavement, sweatshop work, and so on. As demonstrated by specific assessments, sexual double-dealing addresses around 80% of trafficking, while work abuse addresses 19%. Today, the world's slave people is surveyed to be some place in the scope of 20 and 30 million. As a result of language issues, apprehension about the traffickers, or potentially dread of policing, of human trafficking rarely approach to look for help.
Human trafficking is the trafficking of individuals, generally for the motivations behind constrained labor, sexual subjection, or business sexual exploitation for the dealer or others. Trafficking in Persons is portrayed in Article composed by Pe
y, (2018) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Human Trafficking as the enlistment, transportation, move, clutching, or receipt of individuals through the risk or use of force or various sorts of tension, gra
ing, distortion, confusion, abuse of power or shortcoming, or the giving or getting of portions or benefits to get the consent of an individual having control over the person. The abuse of others' prostitution or various kinds of sexual double-dealing, compelled work or organizations, enslavement or practices basically indistinguishable from coercion, subjugation, or the removal of organs are cases of double-dealing. Human trafficking can happen inside a country or past limits. Human trafficking is a bad behavior against the person since the setback's chance to flexibility is ignored by drive, and they are made the most of economically. Starting around 2014, the International Labor Organization assesses that constrained labor acquires $150 billion in benefits consistently. Human trafficking is the unlawful exchange individuals, especially ladies and youngsters, that doesn't necessarily require the casualty to move starting with one area then onto the next. Human trafficking is one of the quickest developing activities of transnational crook gatherings, as indicated by I
ahim, (2018). International a
angements characterize human trafficking as an infringement of human rights. Besides, in the European Union, human trafficking is represented by a guideline.
Causes of trafficking
Compelled work impacts 21 million people, as demonstrated by a 2012 check by the International Labor Organization. With 11.7 million losses, Asia-Pacific is the area with the most obliged workers, followed by Africa with 3.7 million and Latin America with 1.8 million setbacks (Recknor, Di Ruggiero and Jensen, 2022). As per the Huffington Post, sex is engaged with 75-80% of human trafficking and subjugation. The others are constrained to work in labor-serious ventures like agribusiness and development. As per a review by the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, 5,544 frequencies of human trafficking were reported in 2015. Sex trafficking and labor trafficking are two kinds of human trafficking. Regardless of the way that they serve particular objectives, there are sure normal topics...

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