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ERPBIM501A Use accounting processes BSBINN601 - Lead and manage organisational change Assessment 1 ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Student name: Assessor name: Date of assessment / evidence: Venue: 251 PITT...

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ERPBIM501A Use accounting processes
BSBINN601 - Lead and manage organisational change
Assessment 1
    Student name:
    Assessor name:
    Date of assessment / evidence:
    Qualification title:
    BSB XXXXXXXXXXAdvanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
    Unit(s) of competency assessed:
    BSBINN601 - Lead and Manage Organisational Change
    Instructions to the student:
    To complete this unit’s assessment, you are required to answer all questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Activity Task 1:
Knowledge questions
    Activity 1
    □ Satisfactory
    □ Not Satisfactory
    □ Not Completed
    Instructions to the assesso
    To complete this unit’s assessment, the student is required to answer all questions in this booklet and demonstrate specific tasks and skills.
Once the booklet is completed, you are to make the assessment decision. Please refer to the marking guidelines when making this decision.
    Context of Assessment
    Assessment tasks will be completed in the College, including the computer lab, using provided software and documentation.
    Assessment outcome:
(please tick to indicate)
    ( Competent
    ( Not Yet Competent
    Is re-assessment required?
    Date of re-assessment
(if applicable)
    Date declared competent:
(if different to date of assessment)
· The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights and appeals were clearly explained.
· I have been provided with feedback on my assessment and agree/disagree (delete what is not applicable) with the assessment result.
    Student signature:
· The assessment process, including assessment information, competency requirements, student rights and appeals were clearly explained.
· The assessment was valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
· I have provided the student with feedback on their assessment.
· I certify this assessment record is accurate.
    Assessor signature:
*Please see Moodle for feedback on assessment(s)*
Assessment Task 1 Submission Guidelines
· All work must demonstrate a satisfactory standard of literacy (i.e. standard spelling and co
ect grammar).
· All assessment tasks must be submitted by due date ie, two weeks after the receipt of assessment task details.
· Students are advised that extensions beyond the due date must be negotiated with the relevant facilitator in advance.
· Marked assessments will be returned with written feedback comments in the Moodle website within one week of receipt of the assessment tasks.
· Resubmitted assessments must include the original co
ected submission.
· Students are required to keep a soft copy of all work submitted.
Assessment Task 1
Change can be intended to remedy cu
ent situations, for example, to improve the poor performance of work staff, products or the entire organization, reduce burnout in the workplace, and help the organization to become much more proactive and less reactive, or address large budget deficits.
Please choose one of the above scenarios. Once you have determined which example you will be addressing, use the attached questionnaire to identify how you will address the necessary requirements for successful change in your organisation.
Once you have completed the questionnaire you will develop a comprehensive Change Management plan based on the organisation you have chosen.
Your change management plan must include the following detailed information:
Please used the template provided for the change management plan.
· Company details
· Change identification
· Change specifications
· Change methodologies
· Implementation strategies
Interview Questions
What will change?
Why is this change needed?
What are the consequences if the change is not made?
What will the end state be?
What benefits are there for customers and employees if the change is made?
What obstacles do you see in making the changes?
What will need to be communicated to whom, how and by when?
Have you got the right leadership and "buy-in" support for the proposed change?
Is the proposed change aligned with the strategic plan?
What are the implications and ba
iers to successful implementation?
What are the inherent risks/costs of not em
acing the change?
What processes will you need to change/introduce?
How will success be measured and what value will success have for the business and individual?
How do you intend to change people's behavior?
Change Management Plan
    1. Company Details:
    Company Name:
    Project Phase:
    Planning Phase
    Key Stakeholder Endorsement:
    Change Project Team:
    2. Change Identification
    Type of change:
    Reason for change:
    Change Scope:
ent Status:
    Future Status:
    3. Change Specifications
    Change Tactic:
    Process Change:
    People Change:
    Information Sharing:
    Cost of Change:
    Risk Assessment:
    4. Change Methodology
    Stakeholder Analysis:
    5. Implementation Strategies
    Action Plan:
    Schedule Details:
    Communication Plan:
    Training Plan:
    Resistance Plan:
ERPBIM501A Assessment Guide V XXXXXXXXXX

    Risk summary
    Risk Mitigation
    Resistance to change
    - Redundancy packages
- Counseling
- Support
- Training
    - OH&S training
- Insurance
    Technical problems with machinery
    - Technician
- Wa
    - Monitoring
    Power blackout
    - Generato
    - Lawyers
Templates for assessment task 1
Risk Assessment Template
Stake holder Matrix Example
    Keep satisfied
· Customers
· Distributors
    Manage closely
· Directors
    Monitor (minimum effort)
· Floor staff
· Administrative staff
    Keep informed
· Government
· Trade associatiation
· Community
· Suppliers
· staff
Communications Plan template example
    Change committee meetings
    Development of change action plan
    Inform changes
    Buy machine
    Training of staff
    Machine starts oper./Redundancies
Action Plan Template example
Communications Plan Template example
    Com. ID
    Who; identify agencies, stakeholders, businesses, the public, etc.
    What event or information will be provided?
    When will the information be provided?
    With what frequency?
    Responsible Party
    General public
    Project web page
    Updated monthly or after significant milestones
    Mark Thomas
    Elected officials, project neighbors and businesses
    Open House
    March 12
    One time
    Keith Bishop
Answered Same Day May 01, 2020 BSBINN601 Training.Gov.Au


Sundeep answered on May 13 2020
152 Votes
ERPBIM501A Use accounting processes
Interview Questions
1.    What will change?
To improve the poor performance of work staff
2.    Why is this change needed?
To increase the output of the working staff
3.    What are the consequences if the change is not made?
The quality of the services are not up to the required level which leads to loss in customer base
4.    What will the end state be?
The workforce would be in a better condition and motivated which would improve the overall working capacity of the organisation which would lead to development
5.    What benefits are there for customers and employees if the change is made?
The quality of the products offered would be better and better services would be offered too. The repeat customers would increase and it would lead to increase in the revenue of the firm.

6.    What obstacles do you see in making the changes?
The employees may be resilient to change and may be frustrated. Since the quality of the work is going down it adds up to the frustration and the manager’s anger towards the projects. Since the clients aren’t happy it would lead to changes in the project hence adding to the cost and frustration in the team members
7.    What will need to be communicated to whom, how and by when?
The change management program needs to be communicated to the team members by the management team at the earliest so that the changes can be met and understood. The information should reach by email and ve
al communication so that a clear understanding of the plan is there.
8.    Have you got the right leadership and "buy-in" support for the proposed change?
Yes we do have the right leadership and the “buy-in” support for the proposed change.
9.    Is the proposed change aligned with the strategic plan?
The proposed change is directly aligned to the strategic plan as it would improve the working condition of the employees, reduce frustration and improve the quality of work and increase the revenue generation of the firm
10.    What are the implications and ba
iers to successful implementation?
The implications of the successful implementation would be better quality products and services to offer to the client which would result in better return rates of the client and improvement in the performance of the employees
11.    What are the inherent risks/costs of not em
acing the change?
The organisation would lose employees and projects both. The employees would search for better jobs and the clients would prefer the competitors over us. The name of the organisation would go down and the rankings would also go down. The future clients would not prefer working with us
12.    What processes...

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