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Unit of Competency BSBINN601 lead and manage organisational change Student Assessment PACK Student number: 72240 Student name: CISEL CAKIROGLU BSBINN601 LEAD AND MANAGE ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE Student...

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Unit of Competency
BSBINN601 lead and manage organisational change
Assessment PACK
    Student number: 72240
Assessment Pack
Learning checkpoint 1 – Idenitify change requirements and opportunities    8
Learning checkpoint 2 – Develop change management strategy    14
Learning checkpoint 3 – Implement change management strategy    20
Final Summative Assessments    26
Question 1:    30
Question 2:    30
Question 3:    31
Question 4:    32
Question 5:    32
Question 6:    33
Question 7:    34
Question 8:    35
Question 9:    35
Question 10:    36
Question 11:    37
Question 12:    38
Question 13:    38
Question 14:    39
Question 15:    39
Question 16:    40
Question 17:    41
Question 18:    41
Question 19:    42
Question 20:    42
Question 21:    43
ASSESSMENT TASK - PART B – Project: Leading and managing organisational change at BizOps Enterprises    46
Student Declaration for submission
The student will, affirm the following facts regarding this assessment they are submitting under their name:
1. I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this assessment is my work, all sources have been properly acknowledged and the assessment contains no plagiarism.
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4. I understand that I may be requested to answers questions about the content of this Assessment Item to determine my Competency.
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Assessment Instructions
The assessor will mark student’s against a competency checklist to ensure that they have met the requirements of each of all the relevant unit competencies. Each assessment task has been developed to make judgement on whether the unit of competency has been achieved
The assessment results will be based on:
S – Satisfactory
US – Unsatisfactory
Students are to gain ‘satisfactory’ results in all assessment tasks to be deemed ‘Competent’ in this unit of competency. For the student to be able to achieve academic success in the complete unit of competency they MUST achieve a ‘satisfactory’ result in all assessment tasks associated with this unit of competency
Should a student be deemed unsatisfactory in an assessment task by the assessor, they will be informed by their assessor of the process for re-assessment.
Final unit results Final assessment results will be recorded as ‘Competent’ or ‘Not Yet Competent’. Students failing to achieve ‘Competent’ in the unit of competency will be subject to the course progress policy.
final Assessment Tasks
Part A - Questioning             
[You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses.]    
Part B – Project                 
[Lead and mange organisational change at BizOps Enterprises]
Reasonable Adjustment
Each unit is delivered and assessed based on a student’s individual needs. If a student requires assistance, or modifications, or has a disability and requires “reasonable adjustments” necessary to perform the required assessment tasks, they will need to inform the Assessor.
If the student is not satisfied with the decision made by the assessor the Shafston appeals policy and process for Academic decisions will apply (refer student handbook)
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BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change, Release 1 – Assessments
© 2015 Aspire Training & Consulting
Level 8, 409 St Kilda Road
First published May 2015
Formative Learning checkpoint 1 –identify change requirements and opportunities
This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in identifying change requirements and opportunities.
Formative assessment
Formative assessment generally takes place at regular intervals before and during training with progressive feedback to improve competence. Formative assessment is assessment for learning: it focuses on the gap between where learners are in their learning and where they need to be to achieve the requirements of the unit under study.
Part A
List the most recent significant change to the chosen organisation’s structure, processes, technology and/or people.1. A merger or acquision
2. Major downsizing of the workforce
3. Moving or changing on the operational premises
4. Upgrading majör equipment and changing on the work processes
5. Getting into a new market
What external facto
s was this change in response to?Political, economic, demographic, sociocultural, technological factors might be the external factors.
Explain why team-building is considered an organisational development intervention and critical for change management.
Part B
1. To identify the organisation’s objectives, what sources would you consult regarding your chosen organisation?Organisation’s strategic plan and senior management might be consulted.
1. Identify the strategies that your chosen organisation is pursuing in order to meet its organisational objectives and classify them according to the types of corporate and competitive strategies presented in the topic.
1. A cost leadership strategy for competing with competitors about price
2. A focus strategy for implementing a cost
3. A differentiation advantage strategy
4. A differentiation strategy by offering unique products
5. A stability strategies for focusing on core business
Part C
1. As a result of the recent change in your chosen organisation, identify the changes to the structure, work processes and technology, and/or people.· Organisational design changes
· Major business processes changes
· New technology introduction which affects structure, process and people
· Organisational design techniques implementation to improve employee attitudes and behaviour
Identify the roles of the experts or specialists who could help you to analyse the need for and effects of change on people within your chosen organisation.Members of the human resources team can help me to analyse need for and effects of change on people and I would consult external human resources.
Part D
Consider the following scenario in relation to your chosen organisation, then answer the questions.
Your manager has asked you to identify the major trends in the external environment that are likely to affect the achievement of the organisational objectives. She also wants to know the internal strength and weaknesses, and how these may affect the organisation’s response to the trends.
1. What sources would you consult to research political/legal, economic, sociocultural and technological trends?Australian government agency sites another one is including comlaw, the Australian taxation office and safework Australia austrade law state law societies might be consulted for Political/Legal trends.
Australian bureau of statistics, australian government agency sites, banking institutions might be consulted for economic trends.
IBIS reports, Australian Bureau of statistic, research papers might be consulted for sociocultural trends.
Scientific and information technology publications, Australian government agency sites, conferences might be consulted for technological trends.
1. To research what your major competitor is doing, what sources would you consult?· Annual reports
· Press releases
· Tradeshows
· Conferences
· Network contacts
· Employement advertisements
· Sdvertisement and
· Newspapers
List the steps you would take to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the organisation’s requirements.CFBJKJGFFGHJKLLKJHGFGHJKJHGFGHJKJHGFGHJK
In developing a priority list of change requirements, what process would you follow?I would identify the gaps between the cu
ent and desired situations. Then I would describe and discuss high level change impacts and I would score the change requirements for identifying priorities.
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     Assessment BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change
    Version 2.0 Sep 2017
    ©Shafston House College Ltd trading as Shafston School of Business
    Page 21 of 51
Formative Learning checkpoint 2 – develop change management strategy
This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in developing a change management strategy.
Part A
1.    What techniques and tools did the organisation use to assess the impact of the proposed change?· Process mapping, stakeholders, force field analysis, change readiness questionnaries might be used to assess the impact of the change.
Part B
1. What techniques and tools did the organisation use to assess change readiness?
· Interviews
· Focus groups
· Surveys and questionnarie
· Flowcharting or process mapping
· Forcefield analysis
· Stakeholder analysis
· Brainstorming
1. You are considering a change in your personal life. This may be a purchase of a new house or a commitment to compete in a half-marathon in Hawaii. Conduct a force field analysis to identify the driving and resisting forces in helping you to make a decision. List the driving and resisting forces for change.
For example; Quit smoking
Driving Forces;
· Health threat
· Negative effects on self image like teeth, skin etc.
· High cost
Resisting Forces;
· Stress relief
· Addiction
Part C
1. Identify the organisation’s change vision. What is it and how has it been communicated to stakeholders?The vision statement for redifining the company
and in Australia is to
Answered Same Day May 15, 2020 BSBINN601 Training.Gov.Au


Shivagya answered on May 20 2020
155 Votes
Bizops enterprises
1. Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives and the corporate and/or competitive strategies
BizOps Enterprises requires an immediate change in its strategy from a Human Resources and Learning & Development perspective. Among the key issues were the leaving of managers, improper replacement hiring, training and development of staff in new technology to be implemented and low staff morale. As is visible from the calculations below the growth of the company has been to the tune of 15 % annually. Reinvestment in the business in is about 13.2 % of the net expenditure and expenditure is at 85 % of the income annually thus making the profits 15 %. The other key issues that were identified was the loss of market share due to the inability to adapt its products and strategy and to ineffective implementation of technology throughout the organization. All these arenas require an immediate resolution to their problems for the company to achieve its objectives. The company need to readjust its hiring and retaining policies all the while implementing new reinvestment and research budgets to improve its technological scope. It also needs to hire a new learning and development officer to assist in the implementation of new technologies across the firm. The manufacturing division needs to be completely redesigning and habit redefinition.
    % Growth
2. Identify change requirements:
a) Conduct an analysis of the organisation’s internal and external environments to identify impacts on the new strategic objectives using appropriate analytical tools such as the PEST framework for external analysis.
    The Political environment was governed by the various legal statutes, codes, guides and regulations in place to govern the business environment such as,
· Anti-Discrimination Legislation
· Company law
· Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) requirements
· Employee contracts
· Enterprise agreements
, etc.
    As is mentioned in the case, the company has been losing market share rapidly in light of the facts that its key managers have been leaving the firm without their adequate replacements which has led to the company’s lowered adaptability to the latest technologies. This has left the company’s products less competitive and relevant in the cu
ent market. As can be seen from the financial analysis, the company has had a steady growth rate and to perform better in the cu
ent market it needs to focus on the competitiveness and relevance of its products.
    The social aspects of the case revolve around the green image projected by firms like BizOps Enterprises and its competitors. The company was known for its high quality products with a “green bias”. Thus it can be deduced the key differentiators in most of the products in the industry were the amount of services provided, the more advanced the technology in the product, and the cleaner and environment friendly the product.
    As identified as one of the key differentiating factors among products, the industry is definitely heavily innovation and technology dependant thus any lapses in that particular domain can lead to the lack in a firm’s competitiveness and its product’s attractiveness to buyers and clients.
) Provide a SWOT analysis summary of the organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to the organisational objectives and corporate and/or competitive strategies.
    · Steady historical growth rate of the company will help keep stakeholders satisfied & also help gain trust in the short term
· The company has adequate operations in place for distribution of products and sufficient channels to market to
· Inclusive and enthusiastic culture, implying there should be lesser difficulty in employing new training and teaching methods to implement the new technology across the...

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