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LASA 2: Individualized Professional Development Plan In this assignment, you will create an individualized professional development plan that will address your own multicultural awareness, knowledge,...

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LASA 2: Individualized Professional Development Plan

In this assignment, you will create an individualized professional development plan that will address your own multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills that can be applied to your professional setting.


· Identify a specific cultural group with which you will likely work with at least one of the following common characteristics: age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status.

· Read at least two scholarly resources that match the specific cultural group you choose. Examples of scholarly resources include academic textbooks or professional, peer-reviewed journal articles.

· Evaluate a professional role or function in which you will likely engage with this group. This might be work as a therapist, educator, clinical supervisor, etc.

· Evaluate and summarize measures designed to assess multicultural competence and select one that you would use to assess your own competence. Provide a rationale for your selection.

· Review scholarly literature that would increase your knowledge of the culturally diverse group you have identified given the professional role or function you have selected. Summarize three recent journal articles (e.g., published since 2000) that you found to be the most helpful in understanding this group.

· Review scholarly literature that addresses cultural skill development. Select and evaluate three methods for skill development that you could employ in your current setting with your identified cultural group and your selected professional role or function.

Your final product will be a Microsoft Word document that is approximately 4–5 single spaces pages in length, 12pts font, and you will utilize a minimum of five scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation following American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.

Grading Rubric

Criterion Descriptions


Identify a specific cultural group with whom you will likely work with at least one similar characteristic.

50 points

Evaluate a professional role or function in which you will likely engage in professionally

50 points

Evaluate and summarize measures designed to assess multicultural competence and select one that you would use to assess your own competence.

50 points

Summarize three recent journal articles (e.g., published since 2000) that you found to be the most helpful in understanding this group.

50 points

Select and evaluate three methods for skill development that you could employ in your current setting with your identified cultural group and your selected professional role/function.

50 points

Communicate in a professional manner using strategies and format aligned with disciplinary conventions, the context, and the audience; content displays clarity, correctness, and is concise, and organized demonstrating ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources. Response, where appropriate, reflects efficient collaboration with others and ability to adapt to varied situations.

50 points

Answered Same Day Aug 16, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Aug 18 2020
139 Votes
Running Head: Individualized Professional Development Plan
Individualized Professional Development Plan 2
LASA 2 Individualized Professional Development Plan
“Healthcare for Aboriginal & To
es Strait Islander People in Australia”
Student Name:…………………
Submitted to:…………………
Healthcare for Aboriginal & To
es Strait Islander People in Australia
Aboriginal and Strait Islander Australians face health inequity due to various cultural ba
iers like inadequate transport facilities, lower standards of literacy, racism and limited accessibility of health care services in far-off areas. According to reports of National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (2013), these people are exposed to various diseases around 2.5 times more than the other Australians. The major problems are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory problems and diabetes. To address these social determinants of health, the healthcare system should provide effective culturally appropriate care to address the requirements of these disadvantaged sections of society. The report analyzes the cu
ent scenario in providing care to Aboriginal and To
es Islander communities in Australia by elaborating on the research conducted by two peer-reviewed articles.
The two scholarly articles that match the healthcare services provided to To
es Strait Islander people include Li, J.(2017). And Rigg, M.& Veitch,E.(2011).
I would like to engage with this Cultural group as a Registered Nurse. The role of RN is very important to reduce the gap between the indigenous and nonindigenous citizens in the healthcare system of Australia. We apply patient-centered care and evidence based shared decision making support to the patients. The clinicians have to understand the role of colonization in the lives of these people (Li, 2017). We have to identify the inequalities in their life in form of social, healthcare and cultural practices. We must know how to provide the holistic care that is respectful, and culturally safe for them. We must also understand the importance of family, partnership, and traditional belief system involved in decision making of these people. We must respect the diversity of belief system, gender, and experiences of these people.
The nurses can provide the closest care to any patient. I find it an opportunity to understand the preferences and beliefs of this culturally sensitive community and deliver appropriate care accordingly.
Measures Designed to Access multicultural Competence
The multicultural competence directs that the Healthcare Organizations should have certain pre-defined principles and set of values; and they should exhibit attitude, behaviors and policies to facilitate the delivery of care effectively across diverse cultures (Health Performance Framework, 2014). The advisory council of Australian Government established a framework to assess the cultural competence based on three factors: The cultural competence of the Organisation, Cultural competence of the system, and the Cultural competence at the individual level. Within the Organisation, the workforce and leadership must strive to support the Aboriginal people. The institutional or systemic ba
iers (like language ba
iers, improving the trust on nonindigenous doctors, improving the awareness about the treatment and reducing the dissatisfaction in patients) must be eliminated to help these people assess care.
At the individual level, the clinicians and the nursing professionals may increase their awareness about the culture of Aboriginal people, the behaviors, and other related skills of clinicians can be improved, assist the Aboriginal patients in navigating the healthcare Organisations and to actively participate in the health care system.
The program run by Nursing & Midwifery in University of Western Sydney, as discussed in the research of Li (2017) found that the education plays a significant role in removing the negative attitudes, stereotypes and enhancing the respect for diverse culture in Nursing students.
The research conducted by Rigg(2011) proposed that the Aboriginal patients mainly emphasize their social relationships with the clinicians, their...

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