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King Edward VII College has been operating for five years. The college is based in the Melbourne CBD, with about 500 students enrolled. It offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human...

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King Edward VII College has been operating for five years. The college is based in the Melbourne CBD, with about 500 students enrolled. It offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business. Courses are offered at all levels from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma. The college is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of the art facilities.
Due to its success, the college plans to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Sydney. The Brisbane campus will commence operating in January 2018 and Sydney in mid-2018. Campus locations are already in place, with the process being overseen mainly by the CEO and the Finance Manager. No staff have been employed as yet, but it is anticipated that each campus will require a receptionist, a student services officer and 4 trainers. Existing staff at the Melbourne campus will complete all other staff functions until such time as student numbers increase substantially. It is anticipated that maximum student numbers will be up to 50 students at each of the new campuses.
The College cu
ently employs 24 staff members including the CEO, a Marketing Manager and Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer, and approximately 14 trainers.
Further details regarding the above staff, as well as the staff turnover statistics, are provided in the Workforce Information document.
King Edward VII College understands the overall importance of strategic planning for human resources and, given the company’s expansion plans, a Human Resources Strategic Plan is now required.
The status of key areas of human resources is as follows:
Equal employment opportunity and diversity: equal employment opportunity is implicit in recruiting staff and in the workplace but there is no formal policy or strategy in place or a
angements for flexible working a
Human resources information systems: the cu
ent human resources system is basic. Staff files are kept in a filing cabinet and payroll is managed through accounting software. There is interest in migrating to an advanced HR information system as the business grows and has multiple sites. Costs need to be identified.
Induction is limited to a couple of hours at the beginning of an employee’s employment. There is no follow up.
Job analysis and design: no formal systems in place.
Occupational health and safety: policies and procedures and processes are in place. However, no formal training system or ongoing development systems are in place.
Performance management: while performance management is indicated in the company’s strategic plan, it is sporadic and depends on the manager. Clearer procedures and systems need to be put in place and there also needs to be some attention to reward and recognition schemes.
Professional development: professional development onus is on the staff with no formal systems in place. Any professional development undertaken by staff is not always recorded although staff are supposed to complete a professional development register. An online system for recording professional development and that is linked to the human resources information system would be useful. There is no cu
ent budget for professional development and an annual amount needs to be identified per staff member.
Recruitment and selection: there are a desire to identify recruitment and selection strategies that ensure the recruitment of quality staff.
Staff retention and succession planning: no formal systems are in place.
Assume that one of actions identified from the employee survey is to:
· Develop the King Edward VII College Work/Life Balance Strategy
1 Develop Work Life Balance Report and Action Plan
You are now required to implement these additional actions from the Human Resources Strategic Plan and based on the feedback from staff and the Health and Safety Officer.
To do this, you are to conduct research and develop a short report to present to staff about options for the range of potential work/life balance programs that could be implemented and recommendations on which programs you think are most appropriate for King Edward VII College.
Use the Work Life Balance Report and Action Plan Template to guide your work.
You report should be approximately one page long and written in clear and concise English.
2 Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.
Assume that the Health and Safety Officer has emailed you back and is very supportive of the proposed actions for Work/Life Balance actions. They advise that a further improvement would be to ensure that the actions are formalised in the King Edward VII Health and Safety Policy and Procedure. This should be a policy statement about the organisation’s commitment to Work/Life Balance.
Review the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and update it as recommended by the Health and Safety Officer. The update will be a short statement about the organisation’s commitment.

BSBHRM602 Manage Human Resources Strategic Planning    Work Life Balance Report and Action Plan Template
King Edward VII College
Work Life Balance Report
One of the main areas that impact employee satisfaction includes work life balance whereof employees are able to maintain a balance between their work as well as their personal lives. Having a happy balance between the two promotes satisfaction, happiness as well as productivity. This report suggests some work-life balance strategies that could enhance the satisfaction of employees at King Edward vii College and recommends actions to achieve them.
Work-Life Balance Strategies
Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours allows employees to choose the hours they wish to work and exactly which hours. This gives them independence as well as motivation to work more or less based on their work demands as well as personal needs.
Work from home
Work from home allows employees to complete their tasks from the convenience of their homes. This helps in employees complete their work as well as take care of their personal affairs without having to come to work physically.
Work benefits
Providing employees with work benefits like childcare, lunch etc supports employees in performing better. It helps them take their mind off some of the pressing daily tasks of their lives and as a result improves their productivity.
Counselling services
Counselling services help employees in seeking help in order to manage their work stress or any other stress. This can be done through phone or physical visits to the counserllor.
Sharing Cele
Sharing and cele
ating together helps employees bond with each other and become more caring of each other. It also makes employees feel a sense of belonging and homeliness at the work place
Conducive work environment.
Creating a work environment that is conducive to work and has a homely feeling helps employees relax at work. This also enables them to enjoy work and feel less burdened.
Work-Life Balance Strategies Recommendations
Work benefits- Work benefits will help employees better adapt to their work schedules. Some of the recommended strategies within this scope are having childcare options and lunch provisions. This would help employees save both time and resources and increase their work satisfaction.
Counselling services- Counselling services can help employees in seeking help when they need it. It can act as a way of helping employees deal with stress as well as discover ways through the help of the counsellor to adjust their life and work.
Sharing Cele
ations- Cele
ations help employees to bond with each other and will help them feel more attached to their work environments. It is also and inexpensive way of encouraging employee retention.
Actions to achieve recommendations
Refer to action plan to achieve recommended options.
This document is Work Life Balance Report and Action Plan Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 3 of BSBHRM602.
BSBHRM602 Manage Human Resources Strategic Planning    
Vocational Training Institute RTO 41111 CRICOS 03487C
Version: October 2019 v1.0
© J&S Learningwork 2018
    Performance Indicators
    Work benefits
    Provide Childcare Options
    Working hours
    Increased Employee Satisfaction Levels assessed through an Employee Satisfaction survey
    Lunch Provision
    Lunch Break
    Counselling services-
    Hire a Counsello
    Working hours
    HR Department
    Number of visits to Counsellor per month
    Sharing Cele
    Christmas, New Yea
    Religious Cele
ations- After working hours
    HR Department
    Number of employees participating in the events
    Birthdays, Anniversaries
    Individual occasions- After working hours
Action Plan
Answered Same Day Feb 27, 2021 BSBHRM602 Training.Gov.Au


Sayani answered on Feb 27 2021
146 Votes
Table of Contents
Development of Work Balance Strategy in King Edward VII College    3
Implementation of Action Plan    3
Health and Safety Policies and Procedures    4
References    5
Development of Work Balance Strategy in King Edward VII College
In order to maintain a strong balance between work life and personal life of the employees the college management should follow certain work balance strategies. First of all the working hours should be very flexible and workable for the workers so as to motivate them in their work, which therefore allows them to choose the work hours, they desired. Secondly, the management should allow the employees to work from their respective home so as to manage the time according to their comfort level without any physical effort (George, Walker & Monster, 2019).
Thirdly, the employees should be provided with work benefits such as lunch, refreshments, childcare, medical leaves in order to encourage them to perform productively. Counselling services should be provided to the employees in order to relieve them from mental stress. The management should create a friendly...

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