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Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief XXXXXXXXXXABN XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 1: 22nd December, 2016 XXXXXXXXXXTEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 ASSESSMENT...

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Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief XXXXXXXXXXABN XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 1: 22nd December, 2016 XXXXXXXXXXTEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 ASSESSMENT BRIEF COURSE: Bachelor of IT Unit: Object Oriented Design and Programming Unit Code: OODP101 Type of Assessment: Task 4 –Solution to programming problem An individual programming solution with emphasis on object oriented programing principles discussed in lectures Length/Duration: N/A Course Learning Outcomes addressed: Systems development and User experience a) To act as an ethical practitioner while demonstrating skills in data analysis, database design, system design, web design and software development & testing. Teamwork and self-management skills b) To take responsibility for their own time management delivering quality required material on time in dynamically changing technological and communication contexts whether as an individual or member of a small team. Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to: a. Analyse and dissect simple design and programming problems b. Demonstrate basic knowledge of object oriented programming concepts and syntax c. Implement a well-designed modularised solution to small programming problems d. Develop and/or implement testing schedules Submission Date: Week 11 Assessment Task: Programming Solution to a Problem Total Mark: 30 Weighting: 30% of the unit total marks Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or without approved extenuating circumstances incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day, calculated from the total mark E.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 2 mark penalty per calendar day. XXXXXXXXXXKent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief XXXXXXXXXXABN XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 1: 22nd December, 2016 XXXXXXXXXXTEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 More information, please refer to (Documents > Student Policies and Forms > POLICY – Assessment Policy & Procedures – Login Required) ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: You have been approached to design a java application for a local retailer The Merplier Crazy Lolly Shop. It is envisioned that this java application will track the details of employees, customers, and suppliers. The CEO wants a design, documentation, and code of a simple version of the java application. 1. Design and Documentation Purpose of system Explain in simpler words what the following application will do after implementation. Class Diagrams In this section, you are to provide a class diagram for every user-authored class of the system. You are expected to use inheritance so that you have parent class and child classes. 2. Coding Create a new project in Eclipse called Assessment 2. Within this project create a package called lollyShopSystem. You then must design the classes and include the following: 1. Author the following classes within your newly created package: a. LollyShopDriver - which will be used to run the application. This class will have a main method. b. Person – this is an parent class and includes the following attributes i. firstName (String) ii. surname (String) iii. phoneNumber (String) iv. discount (int) c. Customer – which will inherit from Person and includes the following attributes i. emailAddress (String) ii. And an additional attribute of your choice. d. Employee – which will inherit from Person and includes the following attributes i. hourlyWorked (double) ii. And an additional attribute of your choice. e. Supplier – which will inherit from Person and includes the following attributes i. companyName(double) ii. supplierStatus (String) iii. And an additional attribute of your choice. 2. Provide at least two constructors for the Employee, Supplier and Customer classes: i. A default constructor which assigns each instance variable a default value ii. A constructor with parameters which assign values to each instance variable. 3. Write get and set methods for your classes for all instance variables. XXXXXXXXXXKent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief XXXXXXXXXXABN XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 1: 22nd December, 2016 XXXXXXXXXXTEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 4. Write a toString() method in each class that will return a String containing all the relevant data for each of your objects. Use get methods to write toString() method. Use the format below in screenshot to display the details. 5. In the Customer, Employee and Supplier classes, create setDiscount() methods. Every group of people have different discount amounts and they are: a. Employees get a discount based on their hours worked. If an employee works less than 20 hours, they get 5% discount, if they work between 21-30hours they get a 10% discount and if they work more than 30 hours they get a 15% discount b. Customers do not get any discount. c. Suppliers get discount according to their status. If status is “Active”, then 15% discount and if status is “past supplier” then 5% discount and
Answered Same Day May 29, 2021 OODP101


Aditya answered on May 30 2021
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