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ITEC841: PROJECT MANAGEMENT Group Assignment Number 2: Part A & B - Karthhik Ariyakumar XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Part C - Shail Lalaji XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Part D - Dalveer Sidhu XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX...

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Group Assignment Number 2:
Part A & B - Karthhik Ariyakumar XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
Part E - Shahzad hasan samore XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
Part F - All
IS Project Management Plan
Semester 1, 2018
Appendix 1:
IS Project:4
You work for MIT Consulting, a leading IT project consulting company. Your expertise is in project management, scoping a project in terms of feasibility and providing an overview plan for board approval, negotiating with vendors and managing implementations.
You have been hired by the Client to provide a preliminary Project Plan for an important internal project. Client staff support the project and have secured Board approval for MIT Consulting to take the project to the next phase. (Prior consultants have recommended the project, but not fully scoped the detail.) Your
ief is to objectively assess the project and address the following issues in your report to the Board:
· HVN supplies an integrated retail and property system
· Franchise and company stores, 245 in total
· Four countries, 4 cu
encies and 5 time zones
· Project Reload's objective is to transform HVN's outdated and proprietary merchandising and supply chain operations, thereby enabling a significant improvement in the associated business processes and organisational effectiveness
· The SAP IS Retail solution has been selected as the application suite of software for the merchandising management solution
· The SAP MDM module has been selected for Master Data Management
· Reduce lost opportunity costs by implementing more efficient and effective promotions and inventory management
· Provide the required platform for entry into Multi-Channel Retail (online and physical stores)
· Capitalise on the growth of social media including Twitter and Facebook
[Source: John Slack-Smith, CIO, HVN, CeBIT Executive Briefing, 24/5/14]
[Your job is to reverse engineer this program, map to stakeholder benefits and metrics, phase the component projects in this program and assess the risks.]
A. Executive Summary
Harvey Norman Holdings Limited is a public company that is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange Limited (“ASX”), whose principal activities primarily consist of an integrated retail, franchise, property and digital enterprise.
Harvey Norman® operates under a franchise system in Australia and consistently delivers an unparalleled retail offering to Australian consumers with an extensive product range, cutting-edge technology and market leadership in key product categories. Harvey Norman Holdings Limited grants franchises to independent proprietors under three leading
and names: Harvey Norman®, Domayne® and Joyce Mayne®. The proprietors sell products in the following categories: electrical goods, furniture, computerised communications, bedding and manchester, kitchen appliances, small appliances, bathroom and tiles, carpets and flooring.
Harvey Norman Holdings holds franchise and company stores, 245 in total over Four countries, Four cu
encies and 5 time zones.
ently more than 245 stores and for reports to show how the business is doing to the CEO Ge
y Harvey; is to transform HVN's outdated and proprietary merchandising and supply chain operations, thereby enabling a significant improvement in the associated business processes and organisational effectiveness
Process improvement for time and money to reduce costs on using the SAP solution to be competitively advantage on online-retailing system.
“Reduce lost opportunity costs by implementing more efficient and effective promotions and inventory management
· Provide the required platform for entry into Multi-Channel Retail (online and physical stores)”
· working group was formed between IT and the business to nut out ambitions for the transformation. It came down to a desire for one trusted source of data, near real-time data (within 24 hours), more data sources, faster responses to data queries, self-serve query reporting and analytics, and a platform that was scalable.
· The technology solution Harvey Norman ended up with was SAP BW on HANA, using Lenovo System X servers, Apos for its scheduling and distribution needs, and Ciber as its systems integration partner.
· Using Virtual team presence
Inefficient pract
Statement of Work:
This effort includes the following:
· Define
· Assess
· Further define the critical functions and requirements
· Create and approve a project charte
· Create and approve a project plan for the SAP implementation
· Implement Test SAP Application focusing on high priority functions
· Test functionality and assess strengths and deficiencies of software product and implementation methods
· Make recommendations and project plan for a full production rollout including
· Roles and responsibilities
· https:
· Functions to be include
· Implementation methods
· Timeline
· Governance
· Report findings
· Seek commitment and/or funding
This effort does not include the following:
· Implementing a SAP IS product
B. Context
Summarise the project background
How does this project fit in to the context of the organisation?
What Is Project Background?
Creating a clear and unambiguous background of a project is one of the most important actions to be taken at the very beginning to ensure success of the project at the end. The clearer the background is, the more accurately and understandably the project will be spelled out. Below I give a definition of project background.
A Project’s Background is a formal document containing a common description of what is expected to be done within the project, what prerequisites for the project are, and how to produce the expected amount of work. The document is to be created prior to the implementation process to make a foundation for further goal setting and implementation.
When you develop a background document for your project initiative, you need to regard the following information:
· Primary focus (what is to be addressed by the project)
· A list of prerequisites and key reasons for launch
· A very common description of how to perform the project
· A plain explanation of the desired outcome
Project Objectives
Business Objectives for the project are:
The following limitations and constraints have been identified for this project:
· https:
· http:
· The effort relies on voluntary participation by multiple organisations within the reporting business
· This project has no defined budget
· Upon approval of this Project Charter, the next milestone will be the completion of a Project Plan.
· Lack of communication between systems
· Timeframe
The following assumptions were made when developing this Project Charter:
· This project has the approval of HVNto host the SAP IS Product.
· SAP IS Data mangaement reporting solutions need to continue support staff involvement with this project.
· More specific staff commitment levels will be defined in the project plan.
, benefits, additional research required, suggested process model and treatment of major risks.    Comment by KARTHHIK ARIYAKUMAR: Need help from Daveer and Shezhad
Conclude with overall recommendation as to the project’s priority.    Comment by KARTHHIK ARIYAKUMAR: All
http: XXXXXXXXXXivhnp
Stakeholders - wo
ied due to not going online straight away - competitive advantage with Project reload
C. Business Case
Financial and/or strategic justification
Project success criteria.
How will the client know the project was successful? How can the client ensure that the expected benefits are realised?
Discussed in Lecture about things to include in assigment
Business Case
XXXXXXXXXXProject scope
Part C
SAP, (full form – System, Applications and Products) is a German company, which supplies industry specific solution for multinational companies. SAP is well known for its ERP (enterprise resource planning) and data management.
Project Reload
Harvey Norman, previously used software for stock and data management. Which was inefficient and outdated. So, the CIO , John Slack-Smith, in 2010 CeBIT conference announced that the company will invest approximately $50 million to optimize its online retail market.
For the financial year 2011, no. of franchised outlets in Australia 195 and the no. of company-owned stores were 96. The most intriguing was the franchisee sales revenue, which was a whopping $5.08billion.
Using SAP for online retails across 245 stores in Australia, New-Zealand and Ireland was a challenging part and would require a minimum 5 years to completely transform its market.

Project scope
Project Reload is a software-based project which will modernize supply chain operations of Harvey Norman. This means that a transformation of software was required which can accommodate the data and reports of more than 250 stores. Previous supply chain model of the company was outdated and had a very basic function which resulted in a slower business model.
Project Reload will use SAP businessObject to customize its supply chain accordingly which in-turn will be faster not only for the consumers but also, will help in the faster growth of the company.
The newly developed software will make sure the consumers as well as the employees find it easy to navigate and make online shopping without much hassle.

Estimated timeline
SAP is a software-based product which needs to be tested, maintained and updated after regular interval of time.
Installing and running a new product across 250+ stores which becomes the base of all future transactions takes a lot of time. It is estimated, that the entire project will be completed, and all the process will be done through SAP in 5 years.

The first financial year will go by learning and introducing products through SAP. Once the program is properly installed and running, training of associates to properly run the program will take another year. After many and trail and e
ors, the maintenance and debugging of the program is required which will be done after the end of third financial year.
The product will be at its best usage in the fourth year which is economic for the company and the profits from the major transfer and shift over would start from the fifth yea

SAP-IS is a software which seamlessly provides specific solutions for specific companies. It provides solutions based on the utilities and customer care services.
SAP-IS is used for device management, invoicing, billing, customer services and for intercompany Data exchange (IDE)
SAP MDM (Master Data Management)
SAP MDMD is management software used by SAP to control and organize inventory and data for useful parameters. SAP MDM ensures data integrity across all IT systems. Master Data Management (SAP MDM) enables master data on customers, partners and products to be consolidated and harmonized across the enterprise, making it available to all staff and business partners.

Project Maintenance
SAP will provide software-based distribution specifically for Harvey Norman, which means, the employees need to
Answered Same Day May 15, 2020 ITEC841


Amar answered on May 22 2020
146 Votes
Running Header: Part D – Process Model         1
Part D – Process Model         7
Part D – Process Model
Part D – Process Model
Introduction / Background
On the basis of the project scope, project requirements, business case and overall project requirements developed, the project planning as well as the project implementation will encompass the following for the Project Reload undertaken at HVN Supplies –
· The various processes shall encompass the scope / deliverables / charter development, resource planning for the project, requirements gathering, constraints / assumption development, Development of work
eakdown structure (“WBS”) to various levels, development of project schedule / resource allocation / milestone development on the basis of WBS, plan for quality management, communication planning, monitoring / control planning.
Additional Studies / Further Steps Required
These various set of requirements while offering a
oad level overview with respect to the myriad processes to undertake the project can be related to the specific project level activities of Project Reload in terms of the following –
· Project management plan development as this offers a guidance / blueprint to undertake project by way of WBS, schedule, quality process, monitoring process, vendor management process, procurement strategy, etc.
· At the outset, the set of activities that shall be further pursued in the project shall encompass the following –
· Planning phase encompassing the team setup, project plan development and affiliated activities
· Requirements and business analysis to evaluate, assess, validate and document the cu
ent situation at HVN Supplies and the area of focus that is to be improved by way of this project
· Identification of the improvement areas, the design, development and documentation of the specific tactical plan to pursue to the improvement process
· Employing suitable procurement plan, identification of the required vendors / procurement process,...

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