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Jenna has been working on creating a DVD library where she can list all of the DVDs that she has. Some she bought herself, others were gifts from her mom, dad, sister, grandpa, and grandma. The root...

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Jenna has been working on creating a DVD library where she can list all of the DVDs that she has. Some
she bought herself, others were gifts from her mom, dad, sister, grandpa, and grandma. The root
element for her library is dvdlibrary with one or more dvd elements. Each dvd has a title, description,
year, company, favorite characters, favorite bonus features, and purchase information. Her characters’
elements each have one or more character elements. Her bonus elements each have one or more
features. Her purchased elements each have price, location, and date. The dvd element has two
attributes, bonus element has one attribute, and the purchased element has no attributes.
Jenna wishes to create an XSLT style sheet to use to display the DVD collection information
attractively.She would like the price value to be clearly formatted as currency with a dollar sign. She
would like the result document to show how many years it has been since each movie was released.
Lastly, she would like to display a small chart illustrating her own review rating for each movie, based on
a number from 1 to 10.
She has already created a CSS style sheet for the page. Complete the following:
1. Using your text editor, open the file dvdlibrary.txt.Review the contents to familiarize yourself
with the structure of the XML file.
2. Add a comment in the prolog with a description of the file, your name, date, and the filename.
3. Save the file as dvdlibrary.xml.
4. Add a processing instruction after the comment section that attaches the dvdlibrary.xsl style
sheet to this XML document. Close the file, saving your changes.
5. Using your text editor, open the file dvdlibrarytxt.xsl.
6. Enter your name and the date in the comment section of the file, and save it as dvdlibrary.xsl.
7. In the dvd template, locate the table cell that displays the value of the price element. Use the
format-number() function to format the price value so it displays with a leading dollar sign.
8. Go to the top of the document and, directly after the opening tag, insert
code to create a global variable named currentYear to hold the value of the current year.
© 2015 Cengage Learning
9. In the empty tag at the bottom of the table modified in step 7, insert code to
display the correct number of years since the movie was released. (Hint: Subtract the value of
the year element from the value of the $currentYear variable.)
10. Below the dvd template, create a new named template named drawStars. Within the
drawStars template:
ï‚· create two parameters named starFile and starCount
ï‚· use an xsl:if structure so that, as long as the starCount is greater than 0, the template
continues to call itself, drawing the starFile image and decreasing the starCount value by 1
each time. (Hint: The structure should be similar to that used for the drawImages template
in the tutorial.)
11. Scroll to the table modified in step 7. Below the

tag containing the text "My Rating:" (but
before the tag), insert code to use the call-template element to call the drawStars
template using 'star.png' for the starFile parameter and rating for the value of the
starCount parameter.
12. Save your changes to the file.
13. Generate a result document using either an XML editor or your web browser. Verify that the
layout and content of each item matches that shown in the figure below:
14. Submit the completed files to your instructor.

Answered Same Day Mar 30, 2023


Shivali answered on Mar 31 2023
43 Votes
New Perspectives on XML Comprehensive,
3rd Edition
Step by Step formatting:
1. Using your text editor, open the file dvdli
ary.txt. Review the contents to familiarize yourself with the structure of the XML file.
2. Add a comment in the prolog with a description of the file, your name, date, and the filename.
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