J Summer 2012
Criminology 103
Crime Starters Assignment
As you are aware, criminal justice ofacials, politicians, and academics are always
looking for and proposing ways to ieduce crime. Some of the things they come up with
have merit, but when yo.t"toot at crime rates and the inefficiencies in our criminal justice
system, you have to wonder if they really know what they are talking about' Frankly
,i"uking, a 1ot of what they have proposed to reduce crime has proven to be just plain
siupid. inis of course has been goodlor Crime Starters, because it is what keeps crime
rates and criminal justice system bungling up, and our business alive.
As president of Crime Starters though, I am concerned about the recent downtum
in crime rates and the negative impact this may have on our business' I was especially
disappointed to leam for-exampl" thut Abbotsford has lost its first place standing as the
mu.d!, capital of Canada. There was even a reporl last week that someone was able to
park their car in Surey ovemight without it geiting broken into. Worse, a report out last
week claims that it is no longei the case thativeryone in Mission has a grow op' These
reports are just heartbreakin!, and as you might expect, I am thinking that we need to do
,o-" things to deliberat"ty Jutt" crime rates to rise again' In particular' I.am.thinking
that we can propose to do a number of things to each part of the criminal justice system
that will be widely seen and accepted u, *uyt to reduce crime and system inefficiencies'
but in reality will have the opposite effect. iktto* this is sneaky and unethical' but that is
precisely tnl nna of behavioiwhich has made our corporation so strong' For you
personally, it is precisely the kind of behavior which will get you pfomoted' Remember
our motto "Some people step up, we step on people"
With the abgyg-in-g]:p.d'J9*91"?S.'t:F+enlr-q-qui19s*J-o-glg-p1gPps'e 'thre'etSpecific-thing*'we
can do to-in;re^g 9{tq9-"q"1dii1"!1r.1gl1.y-s-1199:ile!,!,9]e,Leies- i+ -Qsada' You can propose
changes in poliCing, ;"tt, ffiiof 6oneclio"i-ptaciiCes. You can also propose changes to
our laws. For thosJof you who would also like to get a raise, you can also propose
changes we can make in terms of social policy. Whatever you propose, you need to
clearly describe the change, yo.r.""o*rriend and why you believe it will result in a crime
rate increase or system in-efficiencies. Importantly, whatever you proposemust again be
seen by most Canadians as a gteatway to reduce crime'
The assignment should be at least ten pages long, double spaced, and handed in at the
["gr""l"g of the class on July 26th. It is worth 30% of your grade.