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its an anthropology of violence and crime individual submission on the set text of 'the land of open graves: living and dying on the migrant trail' and relate it to the topic of state as apparatus of...

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its an anthropology of violence and crime individual submission on the set text of 'the land of open graves: living and dying on the migrant trail' and relate it to the topic of state as apparatus of capture.
Answered Same Day May 17, 2020


Rupal answered on May 18 2020
152 Votes
    It is very difficult to reconcile the attraction of American economy for an impoverished Mexican population in search of a better life and the strict immigration laws of America which intend to keep this population away from its southern borders. The state seeks to capture and deport the same people who provide cheap labour in menial jobs and assist the economy of the country. In The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail (2015), Jason De León discusses the instrumental role of...

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