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It's a needs assessment report.

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It's a needs assessment report.
Answered Same Day Apr 23, 2020


Karan answered on May 01 2020
150 Votes
Human Resource Management
Table of Contents
BODY    1
Identification of performance gaps    1
Method undertaken to conduct need assessment    2
Need assessment process    3
Possible outcomes    5
Training and development of employees plays most crucial role in the modern era as it focuses on enhancing the knowledge and the skill level of the employees so that they can contribute efficiently in the business operations and in turn
ings most effective results for the business. Further, it is a well known fact that every employee may not be highly skilled and due to absence of some specific knowledge and expertise employees have to face lots of difficulties in conducting business operations (Larsen, 2017).
The present report ca
ied out is based on the satisfying the training and the development need of marketing managers working in Woolworths Australia. At present all the marketing managers who are working in the company are not at all able to prepare effective marketing and digital programs for promoting the products and services of the company. This is the main reason due to which training has to be provided to the staff so that they can indulge into the practice of developing effective marketing programs by utilizing digital platforms. The main performance gap identified is that they are not at all able to identify the suitable digital platforms that can be utilized for promoting the products of the firm.
Identification of performance gaps
Company like Woolworths conducts all its operations on wider basis and this is one of the main reason due to which it is necessary that all the staff members must be skilled so that business operations can be conducted in the most effective manner. Further, at present the range of marketing managers that are working in the firm are not at all able to build effective digital platforms for marketing the products and services of the business. Further, performance gap has been identified where the management expect development of effective digital platforms but they are not at all able to build any such platform for the benefit of the business.
As per view of Garavan, Watson, Ca
ery, & O’Brien (2016) performance gaps is mainly identified in case of employees when they are unable to conduct the assigned tasks in the most appropriate manner and in turn it leads to decline in the performance of the company and the employee also. It has been identified that employees working in Woolworths are not having proper knowledge so that they can work on building digital platforms. Lack of knowledge and skill is acting as major hurdle in developing digital marketing plans for the overall growth and the welfare of the business.
According to Kadiresan, Selamat, Selladurai, & Mohamed (2015) development of effective training sessions within the workplace contributes a lot in employee development and in turn they are able to conduct the assigned tasks in the most effective manner.
The marketing managers were given targets to utilize different digital marketing platforms for promotion purpose within time period of 1 year but they were not aware about the digital platforms and due to this reason they were unable to meet with the expectations of the management.
So, this performance gap has been identified where lack of knowledge and expertise has become one of the main reason due to which training is required to be conducted within the workplace so as to boost overall performance.
Method undertaken to conduct need assessment
For conducting the need assessment one specific method has been undertaken that involves employee opinion/climate surveys (Sung & Choi, 2014). Mainly the meetings were scheduled with the marketing managers working in Woolworths. During the entire meeting different ideas were obtained from the employees so as to know the areas in which training is required. Employees were asked like what areas they feel most important and in turn training is needed. Personal interaction took place with every marketing manager so as to determine the need assessment. This method has proved to be quite effective in knowing the actual need of the employees and in turn best form of training can be delivered to the marketing manager.
In case other form of methods would have been taken for need assessment then in such case the direct interaction with employees would not be possible and identifying need assessment would be difficult. The main benefit of obtaining employee opinion for training need is that they can assist in knowing what challenges are being faced by them while conducting the assigned duties and the responsibilities. As per view of Clarke, & Higgs (2016) direct interaction with the employee who needs training is quite feasible and this...

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