ITECH3229 – Mobile Device Programming (2018)
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Assignment 2 – Game 15
Due Date: 11 pm, Sunday of Week 11
This assignment will test your Android development skills and is worth 20% (Type A) of your overall course mark.
Android Development
This assignment requires you to develop a simple Android application which uses a number of Activities which are
elated through the use of Intents. To write the application you will need to use the Android Studio Integrated
Development Environment (IDE).
Your application must perform all tasks listed in this document, and be capable of running on any Android device
with a minimum API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop).
Your application should be created to display co
ectly on an emulated Nexus 4 (4.7" screen, 768x1280 pixels in
portrait orientation) - however, by using sizes specified in "density independent pixels" (dp) the application should
also be able to display co
ectly on any Android device with any sized screen and resolution.
Do not add any additional activities or features that are not outlined by the specifications to follow. You will not
e marked higher for additional functionality, instead you will be penalized for not matching the program
Plagiarism Policy
The Federation University policy on plagiarism can be found at the following location:
I highly recommend that you familiarise yourself with what is and what is not considered plagiarism, but I'll
summarise the key aspects below:
• Do NOT share code with fellow students. I mean it. These are individual assignments, not group projects.
If the same code is found in multiple students’ projects, you’ll be called in for a chat and risk getting zero
for the assignment and having a plagiarism flag put on your record.
• You may, and are in fact encouraged to, discuss the project with your fellow students. The goal being
that you understand how to create good, high-quality Android applications – and that understanding then
flows into the exams where you'll be asked questions on Android application development. Just don't
share projects/code – code it yourself, learn from your mistakes, and become a great developer.
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Application Specification
Project Settings
Your Android application should have the following settings:
Minimum SDK: API 21
Target / Compilation SDK: API 27
Project/Application Name: Game_15
For example, Game_ XXXXXXXXXX
Company URL:
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0. Introduction
The following information and images were taken from https:
The Game of Fifteen, or 15-Puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of numbered square tiles in
andom order with one tile missing. The object of the puzzle is to place the tiles in order by making sliding
moves that use the empty space.
Fig1. Game of Fifteen
Fig2. A Solved Puzzle
Half of the starting positions for the n-puzzle are impossible to resolve, no matter how many moves are
made. For example, the following puzzle is unsolvable:
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Fig3. An Unsolvable Puzzle
By the way (and this is not from Wikipedia), if the 15-Puzzle does not have a left-to-right solution (like in
the Fig2), then it has a right-to-left solution, and vice versa.
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1. Application Description
In this assignment, you are required to develop an android app that allows you to play The Game of Fifteen
on a mobile device.
(a) When the application starts, it should look similar to the following:
(b) When you click the “START NEW GAME” button, a random puzzle will be generated (you will be
provided with the method that generates a random puzzle):
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• The TextView at the top of the activity, tells you if the puzzle is solvable or not (you will be
provided with the method that calculates solvability).
• You can play the game by clicking on the cell adjacent to the empty cell to move it to the empty
space. For example, if you click the cell labelled “9” in the figure above you will get the following:
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• Please note, that the TextView at the top of the app has changed and now shows the number of
moves (clicks on the cells) made.
• When you solve the puzzle, and in case your result (the number of moves made to solve the puzzle)
is less than the previous record, the following CustomDialog appears on the screen:
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• If you want to save the result, enter your name and click SAVE RECORD button. Otherwise, click
cancel. After saving the result you will get something like:
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• The Best Result should be saved permanently, use SharedPreferences for that.
• To play another game click START NEW GAME button.
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• This time, as you can see, the puzzle is unsolvable. So you, probably, will want to start another
• If someone else’s Best Result i
itates you, click CLEAR BEST RESULT button. The record will be
erased from the SharedPreferences, and you will get the following picture:
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• In this case, the next puzzle solution (yours) will be the best.
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2. Glass Model15 (4 marks)
The game model should be presented in the class named “Model15”.
It has two instance variables:
• int [] cells – integer a
ay representing the game board. You should initialise it as follows:
int [] cells = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
ay element with the value 0, represents the empty cell, the rest represent game pieces with
labels equal to their value. When you move a piece adjacent to the empty cell, co
ay elements swap values. This is a linear representation of a 2-dimensional board, so, you need
to figure out, which cells are neighbours.
• int moves – represents the number of moves made in the game. At the beginning of a new game
should be set to 0.
And the methods:
• public boolean moveCellAt(int i) – moves piece at index i to the empty cell, if
they are neighbours, if they are not – nothing happens. Increases the value of
variable moves by 1. Returns true if the resulting a
ay configuration is a
solution, i.e. the a
ay is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0}, and false
otherwise. This is how you will know if the game finished or not.
• shuffle – method that generates a random game (permutation of the a
ay cells). The code is
public void shuffle() {
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 16; i > 1; i--) {
XXXXXXXXXXint j = random.nextInt(i);
XXXXXXXXXXswap(i - 1, j);
• isSolvable – returns true if the game has a solution, false otherwise. The code is provided:
public boolean isSolvable() {
int[] temp = {cells[0], cells[1], cells[2], cells[3],
XXXXXXXXXXcells[7], cells[6], cells[5], cells[4],
XXXXXXXXXXcells[8], cells[9], cells[10], cells[11],
XXXXXXXXXXcells[15], cells[14], cells[13], cells[12]};
ayList temp1 = new A
for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
XXXXXXXXXXif (temp[k] != 0) {
int parity = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
XXXXXXXXXXfor (int j = i + 1; j < 15; j++) {
XXXXXXXXXXif (temp1.get(i) > temp1.get(j)) {
if (parity % 2 == 1) {
XXXXXXXXXXreturn true;
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return false;
• private void swap(int i, int j) – a private method, that swaps values of
elements of the a