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Introduction to Quality Assurance and Quality Management Methods Please view this short video: Healthcare Quality Assurance Success Story The Session Long...

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Introduction to Quality Assurance and Quality Management Methods

Please view this short video:

Healthcare Quality Assurance Success Story

The Session Long Project for this course is to evaluate and critique a health care facility you are familiar with and compare it to the general principles and standards for quality assurance presented in this course. If you are not familiar enough with any particular health care facility to conduct an evaluation of their quality assurance practices you may find a health care facility on the Internet to use as the subject of the SLP. (Most major hospitals publish their quality assurance policies and practices online.)

The purpose of the SLP is to provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and information presented in this course to a facility which must meet specific quality assurance practices and have adopted and implemented specific policies. Through this process you will acquire valuable knowledge on the significance and importance of a quality assurance program in the health care setting.

Session Long Project

The Session Long Project for this course will be divided into four modules as follows:

Module I. Identification of health care facility for the subject of the SLP. Brief description of facility is presented as well as their quality assurance program.

Module II. A discussion and critique of the subject facility's Utilization Management program will be presented.

Module III. A discussion and critique of the subject facility's Case Management program will be presented.

Module IV. Discussion of the subject facility's Risk Management program will be presented.

SLP Assignment Expectations

For this Module I SLP you are to complete the following tasks in a 4- to 5- page paper. (This does not include the title or reference page):

  • Identify an appropriate health care facility for use in the SLP.
  • Provide a description of the facility and it's organizational structure.
  • Describe the facility's current Quality Assurance Program.
  • Discuss the mandated requirements, if any, for the facility's quality assurance program.
  • Has this facility ever had a “never event?” If so, what was it and what were the results?

I need 4-5 pages, APA, 4-5 in-text citations, 4-5 references

Answered Same Day Apr 23, 2020


Soumi answered on Apr 28 2020
152 Votes
Running Head: QUALITY ASSURANCE        1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Identifying Envita Medical Center, USA for Use in the SPL    3
Providing a Description of Envita Medical Center and its Organizational Structure    3
The Cu
ent Quality Assurance Program at Envita Medical Center    4
Discussing the Mandated Requirements, for Envita Medical Center Quality Assurance Program    5
Issue of ‘Never Event’ within the Envita Medical Center, USA and its Outcome    5
Conclusion    5
References    7
The power to deliver monetary resources that drives the functional structure of any public or private organization lies in the hands of its customers and their confidence over the credibility of the organizations. In order to improve the level of confidence among the minds of the customers, organizations need to refine its service and product quality with the help of quality assurance. As quality assurance needs to consider all the aspects related to the customers, covered, set of predetermined steps are required, which is better known as the quality management methods. In the cu
ent assignment, Envita Medical Center, which is a leading healthcare organization of USA, has been selected and its quality assurance level has been carefully criticized, with the aim to offer a better understanding of the assignment topic.
Identifying Envita Medical Center, USA for Use in the SPL
Although Envita Medical Center is a not a hundred year old healthcare organization, it has emerged as an exclusive and one of its kind healthcare organizations, established in the first half of the last decade. The organization is unique for its person based diverse set of cancer treatment offered to both local and international patients. The organization, with its high percentage of customer satisfaction is an achievement in itself. According to Manary, Staelin, Kosel, Schulman and Glickman (2015), getting positive feedback from the patients as always a good sign for healthcare organizations. The organization also proves its quality by the use of traditional as well as alternative treatment techniques and considers every case with its own specific need. Envita Medical Center has improved its service quality within the last fifteen years on consistent basis with the help of regular updating of its treatment techniques, medicines, alternative techniques and patient management. The consistent upgrade of quality hints at Envita Medical Center’s emphasis on the quality assurance and proper adaptation as well as application of the quality management methods. As Envita Medical Center has been on of the top rated healthcare organization and has a consistent tendency of maintaining its quality, it is rationally appropriate for considering for the understanding of quality assurance and quality management methods (Envita, 2018).
Providing a Description of Envita Medical Center and its Organizational Structure
Unlike majority of healthcare organization in USA, Envita Medical Center has a very unusual and futuristic organizational structure. A seen from the perspective of rational calculation it can be...

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