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    Financial Statement Analysis Package (FSAP): Version 10.0
    Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective, 10th Edition                                FSAP User Guides:
    By Jim Wahlen, Steve Baginski and Mark Bradshaw
                                    The FSAP user should only enter data in the blue-font cells shaded light green.
    The FSAP User Guides appear in column I to the right.                                 The Data spreadsheet is designed for up to six years of financial statement data. The user must input the most recent year of financial statement data in column G, regardless of the number of years of data inputted.
                                    The user must conform financial statement data to the FSAP template because the spreadsheets within FSAP use the Data spreadsheet as their base. The user can, however, rename account titles as necessary to match the account titles of the particular firm. FSAP contains a number of general purpose accounts that can be renamed to fit the accounts of the particular firm (for example, Other Cu
ent Assets (1) and (2)).
                                    FSAP automatically computes the amounts of various sub-totals and totals within the Data spreadsheet. These items are shaded in gray and serve in checking the mathematical accuracy of inputted amounts. FSAP checks to ensure that total assets equal total liabilities and shareholders’ equity, that total revenues and gains minus total expenses and losses equal reported net income, and that cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities equal the change in cash on the balance sheet. These financial data checks appear at the bottom of the Data spreadsheet. Any material non-zero amounts (that are not due to rounding) on these rows require the user to re-check amounts inputted to identify and co
ect the e
    Analyst Name:    enter analysts' names                            Insert your name in column B.
    Company Name:    enter company name                            Enter the name of the company in Column B. This name will appear on the output of all spreadsheets within FSAP.
    Year (Most recent in far right column.)    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021        Throughout FSAP, enter amounts for account titles listed in
as negative numbers. Except for per share amounts, be consistent with the units of the amounts entered (for example, thosands or millions).
    BALANCE SHEET DATA    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021        Enter Balance Sheet Data:
    Cash and cash equivalents
    Short-term investments
    Accounts and notes receivable - net
    Prepaid expenses and other cu
ent assets
    Other cu
ent assets (1)                                Other cu
ent assets (1), (2) and (3) can be renamed and used for different types of cu
ent assets for different firms.
    Other cu
ent assets (2)
    Other cu
ent assets (3)
ent Assets    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of total cu
ent assets.
    Long-term investments
    Equity and cost investments
    Property, plant, and equipment - at cost
        Operating lease right-of-use assets
    Other noncu
ent asset (1)                                Other noncu
ent assets (1), (2) and (3) can be renamed and used for different types of noncu
ent assets for different firms.
    Other noncu
ent asset (2)
    Other noncu
ent asset (3)
     Total Assets    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of total assets.
    Liabilities and Equities:
    Accounts payable
    Accrued liabilities
    Notes payable and short-term debt
ent maturities of long-term debt
ent operating lease liabilities
    Income taxes payable
    Other cu
ent liabilities (1)                                Other cu
ent liabilities (1) and (2) can be renamed and used for different types of cu
ent liabilities for different firms.
    Other cu
ent liabilities (2)
ent Liabilities    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of total cu
ent liabilities.
    Long-term debt
    Long-term operating lease liabilities
ed tax liabilities
    Other noncu
ent liabilities (1)                                Other noncu
ent liabilities (1) and (2) can be renamed and used for different types of non-cu
ent liabilities for different firms.
    Other noncu
ent liabilities (2)
     Total Liabilities    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of total liabilitries.
ed stock
    Common stock + Additional paid in capital
    Retained earnings     Accum. other comprehensive income      and other equity adjustments                                Include on this line any treasury stock accounts and any items that do not fall within some other shareholders' equity line. Such items seldom appear in balance sheets of U.S. firms. Amounts that increase (decrease) total shareholders' equity should be entered as positive (negative) amounts.
     Total Common Shareholders' Equity    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of total shareholders' equity.
    Noncontrolling interests
     Total Equity    0    0    0    0    0    0
     Total Liabilities and Equities    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of total liabilities plus shareholders' equity.
    INCOME STATEMENT DATA    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021        Enter Income Statement Data:
    Revenues                                When entering income statement data, enter amounts that increase income (revenues, gains, income) as positive amounts, and enter amounts that decrease income (expenses, losses) as negative amounts.
         Gross Profit    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of gross profit.
                Add back: Imputed interest expense on operating lease obligations                                Compute and add back the imputed interest expense on operating lease obligations (if any), as shown in Chapter 10.
                                    Other operating expenses (1), (2), and (3) can be renamed and used for different types of recu
ing operating expenses for different firms.
            ing operating expenses>                                Non-recu
ing operating expenses can be renamed and used for different types of non-recu
ing expenses for different firms.
    Income from equity affiliates
Wahlen, James M.: Wahlen, James M.:
Include here if reported as part of operating income.
ing operating gains                                 The FSAP user must decide whether particular operating gains or losses are non-recu
ing - infrequent and unusual given the firm's business and operating environment. If so, enter the amounts on the appropriate rows. Enter expense and loss amounts as negative numbers.
     Operating Income    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of operating profit.
        Subtract: Imputed interest expense on operating lease obligations                                Compute and subtract the imputed interest expense on operating lease obligations (if any), as shown in Chapter 10.
    Interest and Other income     Income from equity affiliates
Wahlen, James M.: Wahlen, James M.:
Include here if not reported as part of operating income.    
Wahlen, James M.: Wahlen, James M.:
Include here if reported as part of operating income.                                Enter any amounts of income (or ) from equity or noncontrolled affiliates.
    Other income or gains                                 Enter income or gain amounts (or expense or loss amounts as negative numbers) that are unusual and non-recu
ing and outside of normal business operations.
     Income before Tax    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of income before tax.
                                    Enter the amount of income tax expense that appears on the income statement in the section for income from continuing operations. If income tax expense reduces income, enter the amount as a negative number.
    Income from discontinued operations                                Enter any amount reported in the separate section of the income statement labeled Discontinued Operations. The amount is reported net of tax effects. Enter as a positive or negative number as appropriate.
    Extraordinary gains                                 Enter any amount reported in the separate section of the income statement labeled Extraordinary Items. The amount is reported net of taxes. Enter as a positive or negative number as appropriate.
    Income from changes in accounting principles                                Enter any amount reported in the separate section of the income statement labeled Changes in Accounting Principles. The amount is reported net of income taxes. Enter as a positive or negative number as appropriate.
     Net Income     0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of net income using the above data for revenues, expenses, gains and losses.
    Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests                                Enter the amount of net income attributable to noncontrolling interests. Enter amount as a negative number. If the firm reports a net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests, enter the amount as a positive number.
     Net Income attributable to common shareholders    0    0    0    0    0    0
    Net Income (enter reported amount as a check)                                Enter the amount of reported net income on this line. It will be used by FSAP to provide a mathematical check on the amounts of all revenues and expenses on preceding lines.
    Other comprehensive income items                                This amount usually appears in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Enter as a positive or negative number as appropriate.
    Comprehensive Income    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of comprehensive income.
    STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS DATA    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021        Enter Statement of Cash Flows Data:
    Net Income    0    0    0    0    0    0        In the Statement of Cash Flows Data, enter amounts reported on the firm's statement of cash flows. Enter amounts that increase (decrease) cash as positive (negative) numbers. The row headings help indicate whether amounts should be positive or negative.
    Add back depreciation and amortization expenses                                FSAP automatically enters the Net Income amount computed above.
    Add back stock-based compensation expense
ed income taxes
         Decrease in accounts receivable
     Decrease in inventories
     Decrease in prepaid expenses
     Decrease in other cu
ent assets
     Decrease in other noncu
ent assets
    Increase in accounts payable
    Increase in income taxes payable
    Increase in other cu
ent liabilities
    Operating lease right-of-use assets and liabilities, net
    Other addbacks to net income
    Other operating cash flows
     Net CF from Operating Activities    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of cash flow from operations.
    Proceeds from sales of property, plant, and equipment
         Decrease in marketable securities
    Investments sold
        Payments for acquisitions of intangible assets
    Other investing transactions
     Net CF from Investing Activities    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes the amount of cash flow from investing activities.
    Increase in short-term bo
    Increase in long-term bo
    Issue of capital stock
    Proceeds from stock option exercises
            Other financing transactions (1)
    Other financing transactions (2)
     Net CF from Financing Activities    0    0    0    0    0    0        FSAP automatically computes
Answered 1 days After Nov 12, 2022


Prince answered on Nov 13 2022
55 Votes
Solution 1: Cash flow from operational activities (CFOA) is a measure of, in part, the cash coming in and going out during a firm's daily operations. Net income would be the profit a business has made for a period. The starting point for calculating cash flow from operating operations is net income. By deducting the cost of sales, operating costs, depreciation, interest, amortisation, and taxes off total revenue, net income is determined. Net income, which is also known as accounting profit, is listed in the statement of income along with all receipts and outlays. Changes to specific cu
ent assets & liabilities from balance sheet are also reflected in cash flow from operational operations. When cu
ent assets, like inventories, receivable from customers, and defe
ed revenue, increase, they are regarded as sources of cash and when they decrease, they are regarded as uses of cash. Similar to how increases in cu
ent liabilities, such as tax obligations, accrued costs, and accounts payable, are viewed as sources of cash while declines in similar liabilities are considered uses of cash. 
There is a strong relationship between net income and cash flow from operations. For the three years presented in the 2021, net income and cash flow from operations were both positive. In each year, cash flow from operations was greater than net income. This indicates that the company was profitable and had positive cash flow. Sta
ucks' cash flow from operations generally exceeds net income, as the company has significant depreciation...

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