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International Business You will work with a case study from Harvard Business School, which makes the capstone project for this class. Based on your insights gained during the course you will analyze a...

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International Business
You will work with a case study from Harvard Business School, which makes the capstone project for this class. Based on your insights gained during the course you will analyze a real-world issue related to International Business. You will state the facts of the case, identify relevant issues and decision points, and provide analysis and resolution. 
Download and go through the power point presentation as an introduction. Read the slides and the instructions that you will find in the comments to each of the slides.
And here are the main hints in order to be successful with this assignment: 
1. In your paper, apply the structure suggested in the power point slides (address the six sections mentioned there). This way we make sure you do not forget anything substantial.
2. Identify concepts that you have learned during the course (e.g., ethnocentrism, cultural value preferences, international strategies, organizational design, etc.). IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU NAME THE CONCEPTS AND DISCUSS THEM IN YOUR PAPER. This is an International Business (IB) class. So, show me IB concepts that are relevant to the case.
I expect ten pages, in Times New Roman, 12-font, double spaced, 1" margins. Cover pages, content tables, quotations, images, and reference pages are not required and will not count against the minimum page requirement if provided. Your paper must be of professional quality and style (not necessarily APA/MLA). I will look at spelling and grammar. Criteria include the application of the concepts learned during the course, and resolution of the problem. There is not one golden way of solving the problems mentioned in the case, thus I am not expecting that you are congruent with my way of solving it. As long as you can justify your approach, you will be fine. Work with the power point slides available for download in this module, they will teach you how to reduce the complexity of the case into manageable units.
Also, make sure to address the nine G/I objectives mentioned in the syllabus, as far as they are relevant to the case.
Your presentation must include the following sections:
1) Introduction
2) Problem Definition and Analysis
3) Possible Solutions
4) Recommendation
5) Action Plan

Introduction to Case Studies IND (Week 15).pdf
Introduction to Case Studies
Lea i g Objec i e
Apply your knowledge.
Effective learning by participating in real-life scenarios.
Develop practical cross-cultural communication skills.
Consider different perspectives towards reality.
Learn to make decisions under uncertainty.
Learn to justify your decisions.
Wh do ou ha e to ork ith a case stud at this point of the course? There are a
couple of reasons that ans ers this question.
1.The case stud ill allo ou to appl the kno ledge that ou ha e gained
throughout the course. B orking ith this kno ledge, our
ain ill be
able to make connections bet een concepts and the result ill be better
etention of and accessibilit to the material.
2.You ill ha e the opportunit to get immersed into a real business scenario.
Real-life situations in business are er comple . In this case stud ou ill
get a fla or of that. But I ill also gi e ou the kno ho of ho to ork ith
comple situations. This is a skill that ou ill need a lot later on, on the job,
so let s practice it!
3.You ill ha e to de elop and appl our communication skills. As future
managers, this is the number one skill that ou ill need later on in the
orkplace. You ill frequentl be asked to speak in public or to gi e ritten
eports to our superiors or gi e orientation to follo ers. In this case stud
ou ill ha e the opportunit to hone our riting skills, because ou ill
ha e to articulate our anal sis and solution in a co
esponding paper.
4.At some point in time ou ill ha e to decide ho to sol e the problem that
is described in the case stud . There is no golden a to sol e the case, so,
ou ha e to make a decision in a situation of uncertaint , and con ince our
5. In order to con ince our audience, ou must justif our decision and
problem-sol ing approach.
Again, all this is something ou need to practice in order to get prepared for the real
ork life.
General G ideline
Print the case study so you have a physical object in front of you
that you can work with (e.g. highlighting, underlining, writing
comments on it). (I provide a link to the text near the end of this
slide show.)
Give the case one quick read in order to get an overview. Then,
ead it again thoroughly, and highlight and/or take notes that help
you understand the scenario. Read as many times as necessary.
Avoid premature judgments during the read.
Identify and verify the facts.
What is relevant?
Differentiate fact from opinion. Identify stereotypes.
All action makes sense to the actor, so: try to understand.
Create summaries or flowcharts, if needed for your understanding
or that of the listene
H i h a Ca e S d
Make sure ou appl the suggestions mentioned on this slide.
Ha a d B i e Ca e
The presentation must consist of analysis and resolution of the organization’s
Your presentation m st include the following sections:
1) Introduction
2) Problem Definition and Analysis
3) Possible Solutions
4) Recommendation
5) Action Plan
A a e, dec de, ac ...
The follo ing slides ill tell ou ho to ork ith these sections in more detail.
Introd ction
Tell the reader:
Who is the organization?
Where is the organization located?
What size is the organization?
Which industry is the organization operating in?
What are the products?
Who are the customers?
H i h a Ca e S d
The first chapter in our paper should be the introduction. Please use the term
Introduction as the headline.
Problem Definition & Anal sis
Identify the status quo: financial situation, business model,
organizational culture, timelines, strategy (competitive, staffing),
Analyze the environment: geographical, political, legal, financial,
competitive, demographic, cultural…
What is/are the relevant problem/s? State the problem/s!
Identify and state the root cause/s of the problem. State them!
Who is affected by the problem? Identify the stakeholders
(stakeholders are all parties affected by the operations of a
H i h a Ca e S d
The second chapter in our paper should be the problem definition and anal sis.
Please use the Problem Definition and Anal sis as the headline.
E plain:
The status quo, meaning: describe the
financial situation, strateg , business
model, organi ational culture, timelines
that are rele ant to the case, other rele ant
data that help the reader understand the
organi ation s situation.
S a e e plici l : What is the problem?
Identif and state the root cause of the
Who is affected b the problem? Identif
the stakeholders. (The ans er to this
questions helps ou finding solutions.)
What is the difference bet een a problem and its root cause(s)? Let me e plain in an
e ample: ou ma ha e identified a lack of profitabilit as the problem. Well, at first
sight, this can ha e at least t o causes: too little re enue, or too high costs. But ou
can drill do n further: ma be ou are fine on the re enue side, but costs are too high.
In this case ou can find out in hich department the costs are too high, ho/ hat is
esponsible, and so on. This a ou can get to the root cause of the problem. And
as soon as ou ha e identified the root problem ou can address it. The root cause
informs our solution, a solution that is tailored to the root cause of the problem, or in
other ords: ou can find a cure, not onl a medicine that hides s mptoms.
Possible sol tions
What would be the ideal outcome?
Brainstorm, use imagination.
Become the CEO, the person in charge.
What can be changed:
Organizational culture, management style, methods,
standards, policies, strategies, product, design,
features, packaging, structure, incentives, resources
(personnel, time, money, relations), PR, hardware,
software, equipment, behavior, education of
Suggest a list of possible solutions (solutions are ways of
how to fix the problem) with their pros a d c .
Compare and weigh the alternatives!
H i h a Ca e S d
The third chapter in our paper should be about a list of alternati e, possible
solutions. Please use Possible Solutions as the headline.
The possible solutions chapter should offer a list of different a s to sol e the
problem/s. At least ou should identif the different options that are mentioned in the
case stud , but ou can also come up ith o n ideas of ho to sol e the case. In
an case, ith our list of possible solutions ou must also e plain the pros and
cons of each option to the reader.
State hat the ideal outcome ould be. Wh ? Because that a ou get a another
hint concerning the possible solutions of the problem.
One er important point to keep in mind hen tr ing to find solutions: don t forget
the cons. When ou come up ith possible solutions (or a s of ho to fi things),
don t forget hat the risks are, in other ords, the cons.
Select a solution and state why: how does
Answered Same Day Dec 06, 2021


Jose answered on Dec 08 2021
145 Votes
The University of Queensland
International Business
Student Submitting:
Due Date 07/12/2020
1.0 Introduction
Logoplaste is a Portuguese based multinational company and the company have operations in different parts of the world. The company started its operation in the year of 1976, the headquarters of the company is situated in Cascais. The organization Logoplaste is making and manufacturing of plastic containers, most of the customers are highly satisfied with the services provided by the company. The company have more than 63 plants around the world, in the year of 1998 they started their operation in UK market. Charles Vinopal is the cu
ent CEO of the company and Filipe de Botton Chairman of the organization. For retaining the customers and for meeting their needs the organization introduced Logoplaste innovation lab. While analysing the operations of the company we can able to understand that the company is giving more importance to three aspects;
1. Innovations
2. Sustainability
3. Customer satisfaction
The company operates in global container and packaging industry and the industry is facing different problems and issues. The customers of the companies include, business groups and FMCG companies.
While analysing the growth of the industry we can understand that the Asia-pacific region is showing positive trends and the company wants to expand its operation to Asia for gaining more market share. The company is facing tough competition from the national and international players and the company wants to develop an bolder strategy that helps for utilizing the resources and for attaining the competitive advantage. Companies operates in the industry is giving more importance to the tools and techniques. While analysing the case of Logoplaste we can understand that the company is invested huge fund for implementing the IT tools and techniques.
2.0 Problem Definition and Analysis
While analysing the cu
ent position of the company we can understand that the company maintained 15% growth rate for more than 15 years and the company is having strong financial capacity. The company is giving more importance for implementing bolder strategy and methods for attracting and retaining the customers. The company is giving more importance for quality services and they are using open book policy and it helps for getting more customers and winning negotiations. While analysing the negotiation history of the company we can able to understand that the company is not failed in negotiation and it helped the company for creating a sustainable competitive advantage (Leitao et al 2010). The activities and strategies of the organization is influenced by the internal and external environmental factors. The employees of the company know the rules and regulations followed in the local regions and it helped them for doing business without any issues or ba
iers. Environmental movements are directly affecting the performance of the organization.
On consideration of the overall situation of the company the following are the factors which would be important for the consideration of the overall business of the company at large
a) Political – The political factors affecting the organisation include the overall political climate of the concern and the political background of the country in which the same operates. In consideration of the organization this factors do not play much of role in the concern.
) Economic – The economic factors would include all the economic factors which govern the organisation and the overall economic situation of the country in which it operates. The economic factors certainly have a role to play in the business as the same would influence the overall organisational background and the manner of operations considering the larger degree and sense of the concern.
c) Social – The social trends and the movement would also have an influence on the business of the concern as the same would lead to a development of the overall situation which would incentivise the people to use more of the facilities in the organisation. Considering the same it would be important for the overall development of the industry.
d) Technological – Company is known to em
ace technology in its processes. The company sues the latest technological services and with this it ensures that the guests are provided with the best of the services which they deserve for. The company also intends to provide value for money and in an attempt to do so the company makes sure that the bests is only delivered to the company. This certainly has a positive influence over the market of the company.
e) Environmental – The environmental factor is something which impacts the company the most. The external environment would constitute of all the other companies that compete with...

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