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Kirkwood2 How to build stuff on Instagram instructions? Tutorial on how to post to Instagram and make a story. How to create an Instagram post: 1. Launch the Instagram application on your smartphone....

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How to build stuff on Instagram instructions?
Tutorial on how to post to Instagram and make a story.
How to create an Instagram post:
1. Launch the Instagram application on your smartphone.
2. Secondly, click on the "+ symbol" that appears in the top right-hand corner of the application.
3. Select the "Post" option.
4. Select a photo from your recent gallery, or touch on the camera icon to snap a new one.
5. Choose an image (or a series of pictures) to include in the post.
6. Select "Next" from the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
7. If desired, edit or apply a filter to the photograph. Choose a filter that best shows off your photo.
8. Press the next button.
9. Add a description, tag the people in the photograph, and specify where the photo was taken.
10. Select "Share" from the drop-down menu.
11. At this point, the post will be shared on Instagram, and it will be visible on your Instagram account.
12. Wait for all of your followers/friends to see and like the picture.
How to post a story on your Instagram Profile:
1. Launch the Instagram application on your smartphone.
2. Secondly, click on the "+ symbol" that appears in the top right-hand corner of the application.
3. Select the Story option.
4. To take a photo, click on the camera icon, or choose from a list of pictures.
5. Make changes to the photograph or provide a caption.
6. Select the white a
ow that appears in the screen's lower right-hand corner.
7. Select your prefe
ed method of sharing (your story)
8. Click on the blue "Share" button to send the link to others.
9. Afterwards, the tale will be published on your Instagram feed.
10. This will show up to all of your followers/friends for them to view the Story.
11. Then your followers/friends can reply to the story.
12. Additionally, they may share it with their friends or include it to their own story by clicking on the shatter button.

Assignment: Article or Webinar

Assignment Basics

Form: Various
Due date: Friday, March 18 by 5pm.
Submission Procedure: Place into the relevant submission box on D2L. If you are using a
video for a webinar, you can either place the video file in the submission box, or link to an
external video (on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).

Assignment Description

Professionals in technical and business fields are often called upon to be “teaching experts”
for clients, users, and potential customers. For the final assignment of the course, you will
produce a web-based article on a specific technical subject, or record a webinar video or
audio session (usually accompanied by a slideshow or other presentation tool) that teaches a
particular audience group about a product, technology, or subject matter.

It is safe to assume that as a working professional in a technical field, you will be called upon
to appear in or otherwise help produce media about your area of work. This assignment
gives you practice in producing such media content. It can also provide you with a portfolio
piece to discuss or display in job interviews and networking opportunities.

You have a wide variety of options for how to present and structure your final assignment.
Some possibilities include:

A blog post (including text, images, and links)—You could have a draft in a
typical Word document, or you can create an .html file/folder with links. Or, you
can post it on an actual blog if you have one. (Text and image)
A PowerPoint with Voice—You can create
ecord a slideshow with
commentary, like a webinar. (Text, image, voice)
A Video webinar—You can create a video that features you speaking about a
topic, with or without cuts to a slideshow (or, it can be just slideshow—you’re not
obligated to appear on screen!) (Video, voice, possibly text and image in slides)
A Voice-only Podcast—You can structure this as a “single-host” podcast or as an
interview (
ing a friend!) (Voice).

You should think of the Article or Webinar assignment as a sort of final exam, where you
integrate all your learning for the course and demonstrate that you’ve met the learning

Assignment FAQ

What topic should I pick?
In terms of what your article or webinar should be about, you have a number of options.
The main requirement is that your article or webinar should be about a technical subject
matter that know something about. Your goal is to teach the viewe
listener about the
subject in clear, concise, and interesting way. So, here you’re the expert.

It should not be general! Make your topic specific. I’d much prefer a shorter assignment on a
specific sub-topic than an extremely underdeveloped discussion of a
oad or sprawling
topic. For example, a webinar on a single programming technique within a language would
e far preferable to a webinar on an entire programming language. You can’t cover a whole
language in a short article or video, whereas a single technique is precisely what a webinar or
video is supposed to cover! A podcast on a specific video card would be preferable to a
podcast on all hardware components, or video cards in general.

While there is no formal proposal, feel free to run a topic by me for approval.

Can I re-use a topic from the technical description or instructions?
If it is an appropriately specific technical subject, yes!

What is the genre?
One of the purposes of this assignment is to key you to emerging genres in the field of
technical communication. In this sense, the genre you’ll be working with isn’t that fixed or
stable in terms of its features. However, we can recognize some stable features. Blog posts
will have shorter paragraphs and simpler, more conversational language, they will use
images and links, they will be titled, usually in a way to garner attention, for example.
Webinars will tend to use well-designed slides, and to include a voice-over or video image
of the speaker; they might also have a short intro of the speaker before the slide show
egins. Podcasts will generally have additional sound effects or intro music; they will tend to
include interviews so it’s not just one person talking. The best way to gauge some of the
genre features is to review some of the articles and multimedia examples in the
Week 10 materials!

Who is your audience?
Many articles and webinars are aimed at reasonably informed professionals in the same field.
You should not consider your audience to be completely new to the field, but they are
looking for additional information on your topic. You should consider them to be non-
specialists for the purpose of defining and using terms, but they are not a “general audience”
(there’s no such thing!).

What technology should I use?
You can use whatever technology you have at your disposal! For most video/audio, you can
use Panopto for Students, like you might have for your video instructions. It provides
options for showing slides (Webinar), voice only, voice and video, etc. If you have some
other video capture technology you prefer (including just your mobile device!), that’s fine,


The assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:

1) Language/style—Have you developed a clear and concise style? Is your writing
and/or voiceover in line with expectations for technical style (as covered in Weeks 2
and 3)? Is your style in line with expectations readers/viewers/listeners might have
of the genre (i.e., a blog post should use a more conversational style)?
2) Audience—Have you adjusted your material effectively for your audience? Have
you defined terms as needed? Does your webinar or article help the audience
accomplish an informational task?
3) Strategy—Ultimately, the article/webinar is probably a combination of technical
description/instruction, or perhaps a white paper in another (less formal) medium.
Have you reviewed and developed a clear strategy for organizing and delivering the
material. (By strategy, I mean the strategies that we covered for technical
description, not “strategy” in general!). if you include instructions, are you using best
practices for instructions?
4) Visuals and Design—(Obviously, a podcast will not have any!) Are your visuals
functional and effective? Do they follow best practices for visuals as described in
CGTC (pp XXXXXXXXXXDo you use any techniques that you liked in the visuals you saw
for Case Study Discussion 2?
5) Genre—Do you approximate some of the genre features you see in the Example
documents? Do you imitate some of the genre features that you admired in Case
Study Discussion 4? Are you meeting user expectations for the genre?
    Assignment: Article or Webina
    Assignment Basics
    Assignment Description
    Assignment FAQ
Answered 2 days After Mar 15, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Mar 18 2022
114 Votes
Cybersecurity and how it affects us every day    1
Cybersecurity and how it affects us every day    8
Table of contents Technical Blog/ Cyber Security    3
References    5 Technical Blog/ Cyber Security
Cybersecurity and how it affects us every day
By Tim Posted March 18, 2022, in
Cybersecurity is protection against cyber threats which are malicious acts in the form of data damage, data stealing, and disruption of the digital life of the affected person or organization. Cyber threats can be in the form of a computer virus, spam mail, and hacking. It is cybersecurity that helps to protect sensitive information from being getting damaged or theft.
Cybersecurity is programming software that helps an organization or an individual to defend themselves against any form of data
each by cybercriminals. In the modern days, we depend heavily on networks and various electronic devices for paying electricity, utility, and other bills as well as accessing medical facilities. Hence, cybersecurity professionals try to edifice cybersecurity software that can protect our private information as well our network and systems. But due to hi-tech technologies and smart tactics used by cybercriminals, business leaders can no longer depend on traditional cybersecurity solutions like antivirus software, firewalls, or authentication...

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