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For your final assignment, you're required to analyze a contemporary case study using ethical theories and principles explored in the preceding outcomes. You should demonstrate an ability to critically analyze your idea, to offer insightful solutions, to show a relationship between the solutions and the consequences, and finally to demonstrate your ability to present your ideas clearly and concisely. Your paper should reflect logical, creative, thoughtful, and analytical approaches to your case study. Please include a couple of internet resources and a couple of scholarly resources. 
Your final research paper should reflect your knowledge, your opinion, and a reasonable discussion of the rationale behind your decision. Use references from peer-reviewed publications to support your statements. Your references should be composed of mainly scholarly (peer-reviewed) research in technical journals and books. (Wikis are not peer-reviewed and although they may be good at gathering initial information, you're advised to check their sources as more reliable information once you delve into a topic area). Government publications and policy documents are perfectly acceptable.
1. The papers must be well-organized, logical, proofread, spell-checked, and grammatically co
ect. Use complete sentences. It is always a good idea to have someone else read your paper to catch any e
ors you miss.
2. Include a minimum of five different scholarly references. Use APA 6.0 formatting style.
3. The title page should include your name, date, id number, course, and the paper title.
4. The paper should be 4000 words. The font should be 12pt Double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial. The page limit does not include the references and title pages. The addition of figures and tables is allowed and will not count toward the final page limit.
Use the Case study below as well as the sources selected for the paper.
· principles of health care ethics to use are Autonomy vs. Beneficence and Consent and Informed Decision-Making, Nonmaleficence
The use of a genetically altered sister as a donor for the medical care of another kid poses an intriguing ethical conundrum in the film "My Sister's Keeper". I'm interested in this issue because it poses ethical concerns around confidentiality, beneficence, and autonomy in the context of family dynamics and medical decision-making. I will use ethical theories and principles to evaluate this case study in my paper, concentrating on how these ideas relate to the character's behaviour and the larger implications for healthcare ethics. To structure my article, I will first give a summary of the case before looking at how the moral concepts of beneficence, autonomy, and confidentiality connect to the choices made by all parties and the morally complicated situation at hand.
Peer-reviewed websites:
Miller, F. G., & Wertheimer, Alan XXXXXXXXXXFacing up to paternalism in research ethics. Hastings Center Report, 37(3), 24–34. https: XXXXXXXXXX
Dondorp, W., de Wert, G., Bombard, Y., Bianchi, D. W., Bergmann, C., Bo
y, P., Chitty, L. S., Fellmann, F., Forzano, F., Hall, A., Henneman, L., Howard, H. C., Lucassen, A., Ormond, K., Peterlin, B., Radojkovic, D., Rogowski, W., Soller, M., Ti
en, A., … Cornel, M. C XXXXXXXXXXNon-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy and beyond: Challenges of responsible innovation in prenatal screening. European Journal of Human Genetics, 23(11), 1438–1450. https: XXXXXXXXXX
Ross, L. F., Saal, H. M., David, K. L., & Anderson, R. R XXXXXXXXXXTechnical report: Ethical and policy issues in genetic testing and screening of children. Genetics in Medicine, 15(3), 234–245. https: XXXXXXXXXX
Scholarly sources:
Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F XXXXXXXXXXPrinciples of biomedical ethics (8th ed.). Oxford University Press.
Gillon, R XXXXXXXXXXMedical ethics: Four principles plus attention to scope. BMJ, XXXXXXXXXX), 184–184. https:
ing, J XXXXXXXXXXMedical law and ethics (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Description of the movie
The movie revolves around the Fitzgerald family, whose lives are deeply affected by the illness of their daughter, Kate, who has leukemia. Anna, her younger sister, was conceived through in vitro fertilization to be a perfect genetic match for Kate, allowing her to serve as a donor for various medical procedures throughout her life.Anna undergoes multiple medical procedures as a donor for her sister Kate, including blood transfusions, bone ma
ow donations, and eventually the donation of one of her kidneys. As Anna grows older, she begins to question her role as a donor and the sacrifices she's made for her sister's sake. She decides to legally emancipate herself from her parents, leading to a complex legal battle that raises profound moral and ethical questions about medical autonomy, family dynamics, and the value of life.
Throughout the movie, i was confronted with dilemmas about medical ethics and the rights of individuals, as well as the impact of illness on family dynamics.
Some of the ethical issues depicted in the movie include:
    1.    Autonomy vs. Beneficence: The central ethical dilemma revolves around the conflict between Anna’s autonomy and the beneficence principle. Anna’s parents make decisions regarding her medical interventions without fully considering her wishes or autonomy, prioritizing the well-being of her sister Kate.
    2.    Consent and Informed Decision-Making: Anna’s ability to provide informed consent for medical procedures is questionable, as she is often coerced or pressured into agreeing to interventions without fully understanding the risks and implications.
    5.    Quality of Life: The movie prompts reflection on the ethical implications of prolonging life through medical interventions, particularly when the quality of life for the individual undergoing treatment may be compromised.
    6.    Conflict of Interest: There is a clear conflict of interest between Anna’s parents, who are primarily focused on saving Kate’s life, and Anna’s own interests and rights. This conflict raises questions about how to balance competing interests within families facing medical crises.
Autonomy: Throughout the film, Anna's autonomy is often overshadowed by the demands placed upon her to serve as a donor for her sister Kate. Her desires and wishes regarding her own body and medical decisions are frequently disregarded or ove
idden by her parents and medical professionals, highlighting a potential ethical concern regarding respect for individual autonomy in healthcare decision-making.
Beneficence: The actions taken by the family and medical professionals are often motivated by a desire to promote Kate's well-being and health, reflecting the principle of beneficence.
    1.    Parental Pressure: Anna’s parents, especially her mother, exert significant pressure on her to undergo medical procedures to benefit her sister Kate. This pressure disregards Anna’s own well-being and autonomy, as her parents prioritize Kate’s health over Anna’s individual rights and desires.
    2.    Emotional Toll on Anna: The constant medical procedures and sacrifices Anna undergoes for her sister’s benefit take a severe emotional toll on her. While the intentions behind these actions may be to promote Kate’s well-being, they ultimately harm Anna’s mental and emotional health, highlighting a failure to fully consider her overall welfare.
    3.    Lack of Informed Consent: Anna’s consent to medical interventions is often presumed or coerced rather than fully informed. She is not always provided with adequate information about the risks and consequences of the procedures, and her ability to make autonomous decisions about her own body is compromised.
    4.    Conflict of Interest: The conflict of interest between Anna’s parents, who are primarily concerned with saving Kate’s life, and Anna’s own interests and rights creates a situation where beneficence is skewed towards one individual’s well-being at the expense of another.
Nonmaleficence: The film also grapples with the concept of nonmaleficence as the medical interventions and treatments intended to help Kate may also have negative consequences for Anna and raise questions about the potential harm inflicted upon her.
Answered 4 days After Apr 15, 2024


Sanjukta answered on Apr 20 2024
18 Votes
Parental Pressure (My Sister’s Keeper)
The story that is taken into consideration for ca
ying out this task is My Sister's Keeper as I am interested in the issue that is highlighted by this movie such as it tends to possess some ethical concerns around beneficence, confidentiality, as well as autonomy in the context of the medical decision making and family dynamics. Furthermore, I will be also using some of the ethical principal and theories for evaluating the case study in this paper, concentrating in terms of how these ideas relate for the character’s behaviour as well as the larger implications for the ethics of the healthcare.
Summary of the article
The story happens in the imaginary town of Upper Da
y, Rhode Island in the year 2004. Anna Fitzgerald's more established sister, Kate, experiences intense promyelocytic leukaemia, a blood and bone ma
ow disease. Anna was
ought into the world as a rescuer sister explicitly so she could save Kate's life through the gift of her umbilical line blood. In a nutshell, Considered as a ma
ow benefactor for her seriously sick sister, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) has gone through endless medical procedures and operations in her short life (Picoult, 2009). However their more seasoned girl's life has most likely been drawn out, the strange choice of Anna's folks has
oken the whole family's establishment. At the point when Anna sues her folks for liberation, it sets off a legal dispute that takes steps to obliterate the family for good. In the movie My Sisters Keeper, Anna Fitzgerald was destined to be a strict lifetime human benefactor for her more seasoned sister, Kate who has leukaemia. Anna had gone under endless medical procedures and operations beginning when she was destined to keep Kate alive, however to the detriment of Anna.
The choice to do this to Anna for as long as she can remember was a strange choice chosen by her guardians with the assistance of their doctor. As Anna has matured, she has not just understood that this is a bad behaviour on her folks' part, yet her sister has something different as a main priority completely too. Throwing light on the above-mentioned discussion it can be stated that this My Sister’s Keeper has a lot of themes. One is the fine line between wrong and right in the medical ethics. Another major theme is the family bonds and sister. However, one last theme is basically what appears to be true versus the reality. However, the major themes of this film are freedom, family as well as death. It also explores relationships between the major characters in greatest detail, hence showcasing the different aspects concerning the family dynamics. The major ethical question in the film that it focused is whether or not creating saviour siblings for saving the life of the child is morally right. Anna sues her folks for the right to her own body after a significant medical procedure including a kidney relocate is talked about causing turmoil in their family; however it is subsequently figured out that Kate was behind everything along. Kate believed her more youthful sister should ca
y on with the typical life she merited, and she was more than prepared to give up in the wake of taking on the conflict against leukaemia so lengthy. This was a tragic tale about affection and impression of a circumstance from many sides. To dissect this film, I have decided to apply some ethical theories (Goodwin, 2006)
With the advancement of the technologies it is an absolute necessity that ethics boards, lawmakers, physicians and the research conductors for dealing with significant ethical dilemmas, so that informed consent continues for evolving and also protecting the rights of the patients. It is not ethically acceptable for designing a baby and their actions can be directly connected to the Kant’s ethics in the deontological frameworks. Furthermore, it talks about the individual will as well as the actions that individual does despite the results either bad or good, that might come out of them. It highlights the fact that is to create a new child for acting as a donor for an existing sick child. Moreover, it leads to them being used. In the film Anna screamed at her mother telling “I’m important too, mum”. Even if Anna did help saved the life of Kate but at some point Kate would have not continued with the medical processes and maybe she would have wanted to die. It is a known fact that death is permanent and people will have to face it at some point of time. Death is present in this movie from the starting but Brian and Sara fights against it (Edel, 2020)....

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