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Lab 6: Application of Coulomb’s law:
Electric Field Hockey – Simulation based
Charges are attracted to charges of opposite polarity and are repelled by charges of the same polarity. The magnitude of the force between charges is described by Coulomb’s Law as
The concept of electric field can be used to describe the effect of a fixed charge on other charges that may be in its vicinity. Electric field is defined as the electric force on a test charge divided by the test charge, o
Using the definition of electric field, we can see that the force on a charge in an electric field is proportional to its charge, o
If the charge is not fixed in space, it will accelerate according to Newton’s Second Law
Therefore, the acceleration of a charged mass is
This lab will let you explore these ideas using simulation software.
Playing Electric Field Hockey
To apply and further develop your knowledge of electric charges, forces, fields, and field lines through the simulation of a moving charge in a field of other particles as well as physical ba
·    Personal computer with internet access.
Logon and Setup – Gain access to and set up the simulation software.
·    Log on to
·    The software should open automatically. However, you may get a dialogue box asking if you want to Open or Save – if so, select Open and then OK.
·    A screen similar to the one below will appear.
Check the Trace and Field boxes by clicking on each.
·    Click and drag a negative charge from the charge box and place it anywhere on the screen.
·    Your screen should now look similar to the one below:
·    Click the button to release the black positive charge and see what happens!
Practice – Gain familiarity with the operation of the simulation software.
·    After the first release note the path of the black positive charge as traced by the red dashed line and direction of the electric field as indicated by the black a
ows in the background.
·    If you would like to move or add charges do so by clicking and dragging the charge.
·    Reset the black positive charge to its original position by clicking on the button.
·    Click the button again to release the black positive charge.
·    Repeat steps 2 through 4 after each trial is complete. Attempt to score a goal by getting the black positive charge into the net.
·    If, at any time, you would like to start over with no charges on the field, click on the button.
Difficulty 1 – Force a charge around a physical obstacle and into the net using fixed charges.
·    When you are ready for a challenge, click the and buttons and select Difficulty: 1. Your goal is to get the black positive charge around the physical ba
ier and into the net.
·    Add and move charges by clicking and dragging each charge.
·    Click the button.
·    Release the black positive charge by clicking the button. Note the relationship between the charge’s path and the strength and direction of the electric field along its path.
·    Repeat steps 2 through 4 after each trial is complete, attempting to get the black positive charge into the net.
·    When have scored a goal, note the number of tries it took you and any observations you have about the process and what you learned.
Difficulty 2 – Force a charge around two physical ba
iers and into the net using fixed charges.
·    Click the and buttons and select Difficulty: 2. Your goal is to get the black positive charge around the physical ba
iers and into the net.
·    Add and move charges by clicking and dragging each charge.
·    Click the button.
·    Release the black positive charge by clicking the button. Note the relationship between the charge’s path and the strength and direction of the electric field along its path.
·    Repeat steps 2 through 4 after each trial is complete, attempting to get the black positive charge into the net.
·    When have scored a goal, note the number of tries it took you and any observations you have about the process and what you learned.
Difficulty 3 – Force a charge around multiple physical ba
iers and into the net using fixed charges.
·    Click the and buttons and select Difficulty: 3. Your goal is to get the black positive charge around the physical ba
iers and into the net.
·    Add and move charges by clicking and dragging each charge.
·    Click the button.
·    Release the black positive charge by clicking the button. Note the relationship between the charge’s path and the strength and direction of the electric field along its path.
·    Repeat steps 2 through 4 after each trial is complete, attempting to get the black positive charge into the net.
·    When have scored a goal, note the number of tries it took you and any observations you have about the process and what you learned.
Difficulty 3 with Larger Mass – Force a larger mass charge around multiple physical ba
iers and into the net using fixed charges.
·    Increase the mass of the black positive charge to 100 by sliding the slide control for mass all the way to the right.
·    Click the button. Do not clear the screen of your charges from the last successful try.
·    Release the black positive charge by clicking the button. How did the larger mass affect the trajectory of the black positive charge?
·    Add and move charges by clicking and dragging each charge.
·    Click the button.
·    Release the black positive charge by clicking the button. Note the relationship between the charge’s path and the strength and direction of the electric field along its path.
·    Repeat steps 4 through 6 after each trial is complete, attempting to get the black positive charge into the net.
·    When have scored a goal, note the number of tries it took you and any observations you have about the process and what you learned, especially the effect of a larger mass?
Answered 1 days After Mar 14, 2024


Dr Shweta answered on Mar 15 2024
14 Votes
Electric Hockey lab solution
Practice Simulation:
Number of tries for goal:1
Number of charges: 2
Mass of charge = 25
Positive charge gets attracted toward the negative charge.
Difficulty level 1 simulation
Number of tries for goal:10
Number of charges: 3
Mass of charge = 25
Positive charge is drawn towards the negative charge, but the existence of an obstacle increases the likelihood of collision, resulting in an increased number of attempts to attain the objective. The primary factor contributing to this impact is the distance between the particles. Furthermore, the electric force is directly affected by the magnitude of electric charge ca
ied by these...

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