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Individual Report -Word count: 2500 BUSM60003 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY 2 Time - 48 hours

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ORGB60390 Business Ethics
BUSM60003 International Business Strategy: Semester 2 – Individual Report                 XXXXXXXXXXPage 9 of 9
The module International Business Strategy will be assessed in the following manner:
    Assessment Title
(% of module mark)
    Semester 1
    Group Presentation (15 mins) – LO1 & LO2
    Semester 2
    Individual Report (2500 words) – LO3 & LO4
These assessments aim to achieve the following learning outcomes:LO1 Knowledge and Understanding: Demonstrate knowledge of strategic concepts and how to apply them in an international/global context to demonstrate a critical understanding of business and corporate strategy in such an environment.
LO2 Application, Analysis: Demonstrate the abiity to apply appropriate theory and be able to critically analyse and evaluate strategies of multi-national enterprises in the international/global arena.
LO3 Problem Solving: Identify and apply appropriate strategic choices in national and multi-national environments.
LO4 Reflection: To recognise the potential opportunities and challenges that are involved in implementing strategy in multi-national environments.
Semester 2 Assessment:        Individual Report
Learning Outcomes Assessed:    LO3 and LO4
Weighting:                 70% of Overall Module Mark
Word Limit:                 2500 words
For this individual assignment, you are expected to prepare a report that addresses the three elements below.
You have been provided Tesla Plc Annual Report for 2022 as a starting point for your research. You are expected to undertake further research on the company (e.g., consumers, technological, environmental, political, and economic environment) in order to be able to address the following elements in your report.
1. Analyze the internal and external environment with reference to Tesla Plc’s operations in Europe as per their 2022 Annual Report and other supporting evidence you have gathered on the company until 2022.
(40 marks)
2. Identify the key challenges and trends over the medium term (3 years – 2022 onwards) and how these will pose challenges and opportunities for Tesla Plc’s Europe operations.
(30 marks)
3. Propose an international business strategy that responds to these challenges that Tesla Plc’s Europe operations could face. Furthermore, you are required to reflect upon any assumptions in making the proposed strategy in order for the organization to be prepared to tackle any challenges that it could face when implementing this proposed international business strategy.
(30 marks)
You should draw upon appropriate and relevant theory and evidence in relation to the argument built, aligning with the environmental, competitor, and consumer changes. Just copying reports or diagrams of models from sources you read will not give you any marks; however, using this data within appropriate strategic models is expected.
Do apply the strategic models and concepts in a meaningful, properly referenced/evidenced, and a well-communicated and well-presented manner.
General Guidelines for the Assessment
Please take the following suggestions into consideration when writing your report:
· All sources of information cited in the text of the report should be acknowledged in the list of references using the Staffordshire University Harvard referencing system.
· The assignment needs to be well-written, analytical, critical of the theories and concepts where appropriate, well-researched, and showing clear linkages between theories, models and literature to the issues being discussed. The emphasis of the assignment must be on the analysis rather than on just describing the issues.
· You have a +/− 10% leeway on your word count. Please refer below to the word count policy for further information.
· The Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty policy is strictly enforced. All submissions are scanned for plagiarism on Turnitin, and a penalty will be imposed on submissions that are flagged for plagiarism.
Word Count Policy
State the number of words used in your report on the cover page of your assignment. Your report should not exceed the word limit of 1500 words. Title, reference list, appendices, tables (succinct with bullet points), graphs and figures used within the main body of the report are excluded from the word count.
A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded. Utilising 1500 as the maximum allowed word count for this assignment, the following applies:
1-10%        Excess        No penalty
11-20%    Excess        10% reduction in the mark
21-30%    Excess        25% reduction in the mark
31% +        Excess        The work will be capped at a pass, i.e. 40%
NB. None of the above penalties will be used to change your mark which is above the pass mark to one that is below the pass mark. Therefore, the maximum penalty for exceeding the word limit will be a reduction to a pass grade.
Citations and References
· All sources of information used for the assignment should be presented in the slide deck as in-text citations and a list of references using the Staffordshire University Harvard referencing system (https:
· Ensure that each in-text citation has an accompanying entry in the reference list, and vice versa.
· Numbering and bullets are not required for the reference list.
· References in the reference list need to be presented in ascending alphabetical order (i.e., from A to Z).
· Tables and diagrams need to be carefully referenced.
Reading Material
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Regner, P., Scholes, K., and Angwin, D XXXXXXXXXXExploring strategy: Text and cases pape
ack. 11th edn. Pearson Education.
Thompson, J., Scott, J. M., and Martin, F XXXXXXXXXXStrategic management. Cengage Learning (eBook available in the li
Alan M. R. and Simon C XXXXXXXXXXInternational business. Pearson Education (eBook available in the li
Peng, M. W. and Meyer, K XXXXXXXXXXInternational business. 2nd edn. Cengage Learning, Australia (Hard copy in the Li
Academic Misconduct and Submission Information
The Business School takes any cases of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, very seriously. The penalties are severe and can, in some cases, result in a student not being allowed to continue their studies. Plagiarism will be dealt with according to Staffordshire University’s regulations on Academic Conduct.
The academic conduct procedure can be found at:
What is plagiarism?
Contrary to popular student belief, getting caught and being punished for committing plagiarism is not a rare occu
ence. Academics typically uncover and report for disciplinary action between 6 and 12 students each year for ‘plagiarism’ on the University website. You will have committed plagiarism and may be caught, reported and punished (as described below) if you:
· Copy extensively from the work of others (from sources such as books, magazines, journals, websites, for example) and submit the work as your own. It is acceptable to refer to the work of others as long as you do not use too much and reference your sources properly.
· Copy another student’s work and submit it for assessment under your own name.
· You allow another student to copy your work and they submit it for assessment under their own name.
The last item is of particular importance. Few students seem to understand what it means. You should be aware that if, for example, you allow another student to bo
ow your work and they subsequently copy some of that work and present it as their own, you and they will both be punished even though they copied your work.
What happens if you get caught?
Examination Boards may punish offending students in a number of ways. Typically, punishments range from reducing grades, making students re-sit modules, through to failing students on a module or an entire award. The University regards this form of cheating as a serious offence.
Submission information
If you fail to submit any assessment for a module an N will be recorded (non-submission) (fail due to non-submission) for that module and you will not have a guaranteed re-sit entitlement. Any further attempt entitlement will be at the discretion of the Award Board.
Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances claim is made.  In these circumstances work may be submitted up to 5 working days late only (this is not automatic).  If the extenuating circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded as usual.  If the claim is rejected and the work is of a pass grade, a maximum of a 40% will be awarded.  If your work is submitted after the 5 working days a 0 will be awarded.
Performance Criteria
Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:
    Assessment Guidelines
    Unsatisfactory superficial analyses, concepts ad language of the subject are absent or scant. I
elevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are often confused in application and or explanation.
    A satisfactory level of understanding of the relevant models and concepts. Some elements of an appropriate structure are present. Restricted analysis of some issues.
    A systematic knowledge and very good understanding with evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated. Key issues are identified and analysed, although this may be restricted at times. Some sources are acknowledged.
    Very good evidence of wider reading and knowledge. The assignment effectively interprets the information and exhibits the integration of ideas across the subject area. The assignment has credible recommendations. A systematic approach to development and evaluation is used. Most sources are acknowledged and referenced using Harvard system.
    An excellent effort on the arguments building which is clear and convincing. Confident integration of theory and empirical evidence is demonstrated. Consistent referencing to sources using the Harvard system. High level of analysis and critical thinking.
    An outstanding answer demonstrating a detailed understanding of the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its inter-relationship with other fields of study; awareness of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge. Excellent presentation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data.
    Exceptional answer demonstrating a highly detailed understanding of the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its inter-relationship with other fields of study; clear appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge. Exceptional presentation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data.
BUSM60003 International Business Strategy: Semester 2 – Individual Report    Page 2 of 9
Level 6             XXXXXXXXXXAsia Pacific Institute of Information Technology              2023/05
Generic Undergraduate Assessment Criteria (Level 6)
    First class
    Upper second
    Lower second
    Below 20%
    Knowledge and Understanding
demonstrating a
highly-detailed understanding of the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its
elationship with other fields of study; clear appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge. Exceptional presentation and evaluation of qualitative and
quantitative data.
    An outstanding
demonstrating a
detailed understanding of the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its inter-relationship with other fields of study; awareness of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge. Excellent presentation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data.
knowledge and
understanding of
the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its inter-relationship with other fields of study; clear awareness of the limits of knowledge.
Very good presentation of qualitative and quantitative data.
    Very good
knowledge and
understanding of
the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its inter-relationship with other fields of study. Some understanding of limits of knowledge. Good presentation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data.
knowledge and
understanding of
the issues and methodologies, concepts, theories and/or data and its inter-relationship with other fields of study. May contain minor e
ors and/or discussion of i
elevant issues. Adequate presentation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data.
knowledge and
understanding of
the key issues raised by the question; coherent knowledge and understanding of its inter- relationship with other fields of study. Limited presentation and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data.
    Unsatisfactory, but
shows a limited
grasp of some
elevant issues. Limited awareness of ambiguity of knowledge, or ability to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data.
    An attempt to
answer the
question, but
without any significant grasp of material or appropriate skills. Minimal application of knowledge, or use of information.
    No answe
offered; or an
answer which
is totally i
elevant or fundamentally wrong.
Shows some
evidence of having benefited from the course.
Problem Solving
thinking, rigorous argument and an impressive use of evidence. Thorough and accurate analysis of subject with evidence of
eadth and depth of study. Excellent application of theory to problem.
analysis displaying
independent thought and strong, well-organised argument and highly competent application of evidence and theory to solve problems.
    Excellent analysis
independent thought and strong and well-organised argument, competent application of evidence and theory to solve problems.
    A very good
analysis and well-
organised argument, very well supported by evidence.
Evidence applied
well to provide solution to problems.
    Good analysis and
argument, well
supported by evidence. Good application of evidence and theory to solve problem.
    Arguments and
analysis adequate,
accurate and supported by evidence, but may be superficial or limited.
Some application of evidence and theory to solve problem.
    Argument and
analysis may be
illogical, i
elevant, or contradictory in places and/or unsupported by evidence.
Limited application of evidence and theory to solve problem.
elevant o
deficient argument and analysis; unsubstantiated generalisations. Little or no
Answered 3 days After Aug 22, 2023


Bidusha answered on Aug 25 2023
36 Votes

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