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Indigenous Media Analysis: This assignment will involve gaining familiarity with some mainstream Indigenous media sources. You will examine one podcast/radio episode, one tv episode and two print...

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Indigenous Media Analysis: This assignment will involve gaining familiarity with some mainstream Indigenous media sources. You will examine one podcast/radio episode, one tv episode and two print sources. The sources will be chosen from:

You will write a XXXXXXXXXXwords) page paper which analyzes each source and compares them. Discuss each of the sources by summarizing it, giving a short background to the topics at hand and then providing your analysis. Your conclusion of the paper should consider the differences in topics, lenses and style from mainstream media that you noticed. As stated frequently, submissions without proper works cited and citations will not be marked.
Answered 1 days After Oct 16, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Oct 18 2022
67 Votes
Indigenous Media Analysis        4
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Analysis    3
Conclusion    6
References    7
     In this discussion, I will choose the radio podcast Unreserved with Rosanna Deerchild as it was a radio talk show which illustrated on the indigenous traditions, their cultures and communities. In the television episode, I choose The Pope’s Apology
oadcasted in the aptn investigation news channel. The story illustrates about the racial abuse which were experienced by the residential indigenous students of Ermineskin Indian Residential School in Alberta, Western Canada. Thirdly, we will discuss on two print media sources which are being published in the Wind Speaker news website. The first source discusses about the interview with Leonard Bastien who is the knowledge keeper of Elder and Chair of the Manitou Asinîy-Iniskim-Tsa Xani Center and wants to
ing back the 145 kg meteorite known as the Manitou Stone for illustrating the history of the buffalo culture of the Prairie First Nations. Secondly, we will discuss about the interview with Danielle Smith, the indigenous leader who takes initiatives for the development of natural resources, structuring policies for the conservation of resources and towards development of exports as per Sec. 92 (a) in Ottawa. Both this two news are targeted towards the indigenous people and culture. Further, the two news are crucial for initiating major projects which can help in the development of the indigenous people.
     In the podcast - Unreserved with Rosanna Deerchild, it is Rosanna who tries to
eak down the whole movie of Star Wars and illustrates the association of the movie with the indigenous people and their culture. Further, the language which is used in the movie is of the similar language used by the aboriginal community which is called Ewok language. There is also usage of props which are closely associated with the indigenous culture. Hence, the sci-fi movie star-wars evaluates about the First Nations and aboriginal cultures. It was due to this reason I was also able to learn about the First Nations while studying in the school. I usually get news from social media. But while driving my car I turned on my radio where I heard about the Star Wars and its association with indigenous culture. Hence, this podcast was very much interesting and was hence a very intriguing manner for gathering various information. I also enjoyed the way Rossana discusses about the upcoming experiences of the sci-fi movie Star Wars by confe
ing it from the indigenous lens. Hence, it was a very interesting podcast as I was very much interested to learn about the pop...

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