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In this module, we explore the informal and formal report genres. Interestingly enough, one of the most important aspects of any report or piece of technical writing is the title of the document. For...

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In this module, we explore the informal and formal report genres. Interestingly enough, one of the most important aspects of any report or piece of technical writing is the title of the document.

For this discussion, evaluate the effectiveness of the following feasibility or comparison report titles:

  • Need for an Assistant Production Manager
  • Feasibility Report: Exploring the Option of Subcontracting Cleaning Services
  • Dogday Afternoons: A Decision to Expand Market Presence via a New Marketing Method
  • Wiley Financial Website Research Report
  • Recommendation for Expanded Hours to Increase Revenue at Maloon’s Café

In your post, address the following questions/topics for each of the titles above:

  • What works well?
  • What changes, if any, would you recommend?
  • Then, create a more effective title (filling in hypothetical background information, if needed, for this exercise).
Answered Same Day May 24, 2021 University of Adelaide


Rupsha answered on May 25 2021
139 Votes
Running Head: ACADEMIC WRITING        
1. Need for an Assistant Production Manager
The title is not appropriate in my opinion. The word 'need' is not preferable for person or employee; rather a word like 'demand' is suitable in this case. As it is an advertisement, it should be more attention gra
ing. Therefore, the word 'vacancy' should be added somewhere so that it can attract the eyes of an individual at a glance. The appropriate title for it is-’Vacancy: demand of an assistant production manager'.
2. Feasibility...

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