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Assignment Requirement Each group is required to prepare report regarding: What and how does future technological innovation such as artificial intelligence and accounting software automation impact...

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Assignment Requirement
Each group is required to prepare report regarding:
What and how does future technological innovation such as artificial intelligence and accounting software automation impact on accountant skills, ethics and career opportunities  associated with various accountant designations in future?
Your group will be assessed on three aspects of the assignment:
         Final report of your group:  3,000 words plus or minus 20%, excluding Job Advertisements and Group Work Activity Report;
         Group Work Activity Report including group meeting minutes: around 750 words plus or minus 20%, excluding group meeting minutes (5%); and
         Group presentation based on group assignment: (5%).
The final report with group work report is due by week 11.
Final Report (10%)
The final report of the group should use an appropriate business report format and should include:
1. A title page; include all group member full name and student number
1. A table of contents (Times new Roman 14 point);
1. Introduction (Times new Roman 12 point);
1. Appropriate topic headings (Times new Roman 14 point);
1. A detailed description on (Times new Roman 12 point):
4. What your group have research about cu
ent and future technology, accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities for  those who pursue accounting careers?
4. What information has surprised your group ? 
4. The technology, the accountant skills, the ethics and the career opportunities your group have researched may reflect an Australian viewpoint.  Choose a country that members of your group may have an interest in, or knowledge about.   Briefly discuss what aspects of the technology, the accountant skills, the ethics the career opportunities would have to be considered and what changes/adaptations your group might need to make.
4. What is your group opinion on the value of studying/taking accounting courses?
1. Conclusion or recommendation (Times new Roman 12 point);
1. Reference (Times new Roman 11 point);
1. Appendix
7. At least 12 accounting job advertisements related to accountant or this assignment
7. Group Work Activity Report where at least 3 Group Meeting Minutes should be attached.
To identify cu
ent required accountant skills and cu
ent career opportunities  associated with various accountant designations,
1. Find at least 12 accounting job advertisements advertised after 1st  March 2018  from  r  or other job advertisement WEB sites and analyse them in your final report.
1. Print the above job advertisements in KOI printing facilities that enable to identify the printing dates.
1. Attach the printed Job Advertisements as an appendix
To identify the cu
ent  ethics, please visit the following WEB site.
    CPA Australia
One of the world’s largest accounting bodies, providing 160,000 members in 118 countries with education, training, technical support and advocacy.
Please read the following articles and documents for your assignments:
Job Outlook
ANZSCO codes
Andon, P., Free, C. and Scard, B., 2015. Pathways to accountant fraud: Australian evidence and analysis. Accounting Research Journal, 28(1), pp.10-44.
Cernusca, L. and Balaciu, D.E., 2015. The Perception of the Accounting Students on the Image of the Accountant and the Accounting Profession. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 21(1), pp.7-24.
Drew, J., 2015. Keep Pace with Tech Changes. Journal of Accountancy, 220(4), p.20.
Henry, B. and Hicks, M., 2015. A Survey of Perspectives on the Future of the Accounting Profession. The CPA Journal, 85(8), p.6.
Murphy, G., 2015. A vision for the future: by using the most cu
ent technology and keeping their skills up to date, management accountants can enhance their careers and their organizations. Strategic Finance, 97(4), pp.62-64.
Pan, G. and Seow, P.S., 2016. Preparing accounting graduates for digital revolution: A critical review of information technology competencies and skills development. Journal of Education for Business, pp.1-10.
Sharpe, M., 2016. Investigating How Religiosity, Ethics, and Other Factors Relate to Future Accounting and Business Professionals' Views on Work-Life Balance. Ethics (January 22, 2016).
Suddaby, R., Saxton, G.D. and Gunz, S., 2015. Twittering change: The institutional work of domain change in accounting expertise. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 45, pp.52-68.
Walsh, J., 2014. The Role of Ethics in a Future Accounting Career.
Welsh, D.T., Ordóñez, L.D., Snyder, D.G. and Christian, M.S., 2015. The slippery slope: How small ethical transgressions pave the way for larger future transgressions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), p.114.
Answered Same Day May 19, 2020 ACC700 Deakin University


Ram Mohan answered on May 23 2020
141 Votes
BUS700 Economics
Assessment 3: Research Report, Paired-Assignment
    This report is based on research undertaken by our group on the impact of technological innovations such as automated accounting software, Big Data driven analytics, and Artificial Intelligence on the future career prospects, ethics, job opportunities, and skills needed for students and working professionals alike in the accounting profession. Indeed, this research report is the culmination of the efforts put in by our group as far as the topic mentioned above is concerned. We sincerely hope that this report would be useful to anyone and especially future accountants as far as career choices are concerned.
    The key themes that are covered in this group report pertain to how changes due to technology impact the accounting profession and how Reskilling is the way forward. In addition, this report also focuses on how other countries in the world approach these challenges as well as provide career opportunities for the willing. Apart from this, there is a detailed discussion on how ethics and value based norms are impacted both by technology as well as business and financial trends.
Impact of Technological Changes on the Accounting Profession
The fast changing technological landscape has impacted everything from life, business, and the way we work. Cutting edge technologies such as Big Data powered Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and automation software have changed the way we live and work. Indeed, the impact of exponentially accelerating technology has been such that all professions including accounting have witnessed a dramatic shift in the way they operate. In particular, technology has impacted the accounting profession by automating routine workflow activities, simplifying accounting entries addition, validation, and reconciliation (Crouzet & Véron, 2002).
    In addition, the emerging technologies such as Analytics and AI threaten to upend the accounting profession in unimaginable ways. Indeed, while the introduction of accounting software meant that mostly the jobs at the lower end of the accounting value chain were impacted, the emergence of AI and Analytics threatens the jobs at the higher end as well. Thus, there is cause for concern as far as employment trends are concerned and especially so, for the future jobs that would be created (Drew, 2015).
Future Career Prospects for Accounting Professionals
    This is the reason why we as a group pursuing accounting and finance degrees have to be wo
ied about our future job prospects as we might not find good jobs or for that matter, even an jobs especially when large scale changes in the way the accounting profession operates are underway due to technology. In our research, we found that technology impacts the accounting profession in myriad ways. Starting with changing job roles due to lower value adding jobs being automated and including the migration of jobs offshore where cheap labor is abundant, as well as changes in the way Reskilling of the accountants is required (Dutta, et al., 2015).
    For instance, accounting software eliminates manual accounting entries as well as recording the financial transactions. Further, accounting software also leads to automation of routine administrative processes in terms of making redundant manual methods of reconciliation and preparation of finical statements. By such redundancies, many jobs such as Book Keepers, Accounting Professionals engaged in vetting and validating the accounting entries as well as those accountants whose job is to reconcile the statements manually would find them out of jobs (Murphy, 2015).
    Thus, these workers have to either look for other jobs or reskill themselves to keep themselves a
east of the changing requirements for their jobs. Indeed, as
iefly mentioned earlier, Reskilling is a term that we came across many times during our research. Reskilling refers to the retraining of accounting professionals to ensure that they have newer skills and higher value adding skills. By doing so, they can hope for either being promoted to the appropriate positions in their cu
ent organizations or can be employed in other organizations where their new skills are required (Suddaby, et al., 2015).
The Importance of Reskilling
    Reskilling is a term that we researched much especially when viewed in the context of what accounting professionals already in the profession and working for corporates are concerned. As we discovered in our research, the stark choices facing existing accounting professionals boil down to either acquiring new skills or having to have their jobs made obsolete and redundant. This is the reason why many firms in Australia are focusing on Reskilling as a means to ensure that workers are not laid off due to automation and instead, they have the necessary skills to survive the onslaught of new technologies (Pan & Seow, 2016).
    Indeed, the respected business and financial publication, Australian Financial Review, ran a series of articles and report, some of them sponsored by the corporates, as to why Australian firms are choosing to reskill their workers rather than laying them off. The reasons cited in the articles and reports are to do with the costs of finding newer workers as well as upgrading to the latest technologies versus the costs of retaining the existing workers and the costs of retraining and Reskilling them (Murphy, 2015).
Focus on Higher Value Adding Activities
    Further, the articles and the reports also mention how the key to success for accountants in the future would lie in how well they adapt to the new skills required of them. For instance, some of the skills that accountants in the future would need to acquire are related to more intellectual and less repetitive and routine work. In other words, accountants in the future would have to posses’ abstract analytical abilities where they can complement and supplement their existing skills (Drew, 2015).
    In addition, they should focus on higher value adding activities such as business and financial as well as management consulting as potential areas for growth. Already most accountants in the Big Four firms do a significant amount of these activities and it is high time others in lesser known firms follow this practice. In other words, what the skills of the future as far as accounting is concerned are the ability to go beyond number...

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