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In first part of the Assignment 1, literature review of minimum of two journal/ conference papers (No blogs or Wikipedia to be considered) is required focussing on the following points: Carry out...

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In first part of the Assignment 1, literature review of minimum of two journal/ conference papers (No blogs or Wikipedia to be considered) is required focussing on the following points: Carry out literature review and develop a Taxonomy (classification) of Operating Systems (OS) from conventional to current systems. Use tree diagram to represent the taxonomy and explain the basis of classification. A minimum of 10 OS to be considered. 7 Marks  Provide two applications which can run on the operating systems mentioned in the taxonomy XXXXXXXXXXMarks1. Elaborate on the essential features of any one OS that you have researched in Assignment 1a XXXXXXXXXXMarks 2. Justify what makes Linux OS more secure than other OS? 4 Marks 3. Multiprogramming and time-sharing OS allow sharing the resources simultaneously with may users. This can result into various security challenges. What are two such challenges? However, some applications would prefer using time sharing than a single user workstation. List out two applications and justify why they prefer time sharing environment over single user workstation XXXXXXXXXXMarks4. IoS and Android are two of the top operating systems available today in the mobile market. Research these two and compare them in terms of: a) Battery Management b) Process Management c) Memory Management d) Security Management 8 MarksI. Security related commands 5 marksOn a Unix/Linux system, each file and directory are assigned access rights for the owner of the file, the members of a group of related users, and everybody else. Access rights can be assigned to read a file, to write a file, and to execute a file (i.e., run the file as a program).Execute the following commands (1-5) and paste the screen shots.1) Create a file and name it with your MITID?2) What are the default file permissions assigned to the newly created file?3) Change the default permissions to group, read & write access and verify the same4) Reset the user password5) Some files begin with a dot (.). These are called hidden files. How can you list them?II. Unix networking Commands 5 marksExplore the following unix/linux commands. Provide its syntax and explain the purpose of each of the command. Provide references of the resources used.1) Ping2) Ifconfig3) netstat4) nslookup (Hint: You have an IP address in your network how will you find hostname and vice versa?)5) ARP
Answered Same Day Jul 31, 2021


Pranav answered on Aug 03 2021
149 Votes
Assignment 1 Specifications
Assignment 1A: Operating Systems (OS)    
In first part of the Assignment 1, literature review of minimum of two journal conference papers (No blogs or Wikipedia to be considered) is required focusing on the following points:
y out literature review and develop a Taxonomy (classification) of Operating Systems (OS) from conventional to cu
ent systems. Use tree diagram to represent the taxonomy and explain the basis of classification. A minimum of 10 OS to be considered.
An Operating System is the fundamental programming of PCs that gives an interface between the PC projects and equipment.
Working framework likewise gives a product stage on top to different projects, they are called application. Application program is the product that encourages the clients to make normal capacities, such as making text. Your decision of the working framework, determinate the incredible degree of the application that you can run.
The essential elements of the O.S. are overseeing machine assets, facilitate the equipment and sort out records and catalogs on capacity gadgets.
Classification of Operating Systems
Operating systems can be classified as follows:
Multi-user: is the one that concede two or more users to use their application at the same time. Some of O.S permits hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously.
Single-User: just allows one user to use the application at one time.
Multiprocessor: Supports opening the same program more than just in one CPU.
Multitasking: Allows multiple application running at the same time.
Single-tasking : Allows different parts of a single program running at any one time.
Real time: Responds to input instantly. Operating systems such as DOS and UNIX, do not work in real time.
Provide two applications which can run on the operating systems mentioned in the taxonomy.
The central objective of a Computer System is to execute client application and to make undertakings simpler. Different application alongside equipment framework are utilized to play out this work. Working System is a product which oversees and control the whole a
angement of assets and adequately use all aspects of a PC.
There are number of applications which runs on OS, some of them are as follows.
· Game Application
· Database Application
· Graphics Application
Game Application:
For a client to explore through a game stage whether it's exploring through record, games or different projects the game stage needs to have its own working framework. Each working framework has it own a
angement of capacities and projects that run an on every gadget; every gadget shows it's working framework in an unexpected way. Every gadgets has it's particular working framework; regardless of whether the gadget is plan for home use or intended to handheld most OS's on gaming gadgets are worked for simple use
Database Application:
A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. Where databases are more complex, they are often developed using formal design and modeling techniques.
The database management system (DBMS) is the software that interacts with end users, applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze the data. The DBMS software additionally encompasses the core facilities provided to administer the database. The sum total of the database, the DBMS and the associated applications can be refe
ed to as a "database system". Often the term "database" is also used to loosely refer to any of the DBMS, the database system or an application associated with the database.
Assignment 1B: Operating System and Unix Script    
Section 1:
The second...

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