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In-Class ORAL Presentation Assignment on IBN’ ARABI POEM This is for an oral presentation and those are things that we need to talk about in the presentation. 1)Contextualize the material.Who...

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In-Class ORAL Presentation Assignment


This is for an oral presentation and those are things that we need to talk about in the presentation.

1)Contextualize the material.Who wrote it? Where in the world are they from, and when? What do we need to know about the circumstances and society of the moment it was produced? 2)Summarize the material.Quite literally: what happens in this text?

3)Present its main thematic ideas and/or arguments. What is the purpose of this text? What is the significance of this work?

4)Identify a few key passages. Show us some significant moments in the text! Tell us about the language. Are these moments ironic, sincere, powerful, bewildering? Close-read them for us—tell us what the author is doing in these moments.

5)Provide a few questions for class discussion.This is the most important part of your presentation:you are to provide us a set of questions to kick-start conversation. That is, your job isnotto be an expert who knows every single thing about the text you select. Instead, your job is to highlight interesting moments, confusing moments, productive moments in the text that the class might want to chew over, to think about. You are framing a conversation.

I have attached the poem( it is 3 pages)
Answered Same Day Oct 25, 2023


Ayan answered on Oct 26 2023
34 Votes

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