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Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem XXXXXXXXXXGroup Paper and Presentation Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Business and Law INF70005 – Strategic Project Management Semester 1, 2018 Assignment...

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Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem XXXXXXXXXXGroup Paper and Presentation
Swinburne University of Technology
Faculty of Business and Law
INF70005 – Strategic Project Management
Semester 1, 2018
Assignment Three – Research and Reflective Report
Due date: Friday, 25th May @ 11:59pm
XXXXXXXXXXAssignment Value = 35%
Each student is required to prepare and submit a written research and reflective report of 3300 words (anything over the word limit will be ignored and will not be marked). Write into the template provided to complete your report. Don’t set your report out in a separate structure.
The purpose of this report is to 1) reflect your experience as part of a project team in the group assignment, and 2) research on two project management issues in which you are required to use appropriate concepts and models relevant to deepen your insights into the issues.
Your work should be of a high academic standard. Your reflection and research should be uploaded electronically to Blackboard by the due date. You are expected to follow relevant parts of the required style guide, and includes the use of Swinburne University Harvard Style referencing. Your report is to be typewritten into the table provided, in English. The report should be written in clear, plain language, so that non-expert users can easily understand it.
Project Management Issues
The research on Project Management issues are in video format and made available on Blackboard. They are prepared by a number of visiting Swinburne project management scholars.
Complete this Assignment in the tabular template format provided (incl. number of words used)
In grading this work it is expected to see evidence of the choice and usage of appropriate academic theory to deepen your insights of the selected project management issues. As well as a high quality written, appropriately referenced and supported analysis.
    Markers are therefore looking for:
· analytical substance
· argument structure
· use of supporting material
· quality of writing
· persuasiveness
· overall clarity
· internal consistency
· discerning between assumptions and value judgments vs. analysis and argument.
    Grading levels for each section:
    Grade range
    8 to 10
    7 to 7.9
    6 to 6.9
    5 to 5.9
    Less than 5
2 of 4
Your Name:             Your student ID:                                (use this template for Assignment 3)
    Issue / Concept
    Specific aspect / area of focus
    Your response
    Grade & comments
    Introduction to your project team and your role within it.
[50 – 100 words]
    Project management concepts
    Comment on the project significance, aims and objectives and what you have learnt from this experience.
[100 words]
    Identify and explain one or two key problem[s]
isk[s] encountered and describe your response and why that approach was chosen.
[100 words]
    Team member dynamics
    Explain what team dynamics worked well during the semester and why. What insights will you take into future projects?
[100 words]
    Identify one or two key team dynamics [positive or negative] which impacted your team’s performance?
Explain how these were managed. Describe your key learning outcomes?
[100 words]
    Team composition and process
    Identify one aspect that:
1. Worked well
2. Did not work so well.
Explain your choice using one illustration for each from your weekly progress reports to support your choice.
[100 words]
    List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers.. Explain why you choose them.
[150 words]
    For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the first issue.
[600 words]
    Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.
[200 words]
    For the second issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the second issue.
[600 words]
    Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.
[200 words]
    Presented appropriately in accordance with:
Swinburne Harvard Style Guide
    Total out of 35
Answered Same Day May 15, 2020 INF70005 Swinburne University of Technology


Ahmedali answered on May 22 2020
144 Votes
Strategic Project Management
The strategic project management comprises of management of complex projects and combines strategies of business and techniques of project management which will help in providing organizational
eakthrough. The most diligent steps are to create a team that comes from variety of discipline and organizational background. A diverse team comprising of 5 members complementing each other and readily filling the skills gap will help in fostering flow of innovative idea and thinking. My role as project leader is to designate roles and responsibilities of team members and help in balancing out team members according to their capabilities. The communication with stakeholders and management of organizational projects and people is one of the essential duties of project manager.
Comment on the project significance, aims and objectives and what you have learnt from this
The project aims to involve implementation and development of project procedures and attainment of project goals that has been laid out. The objective also involves optimization of allocated inputs within given constraints and aptly supervising and guiding productively that will help in efficient project management. The significance of application of strategic planning will help in timely conclusion of the project along with reaching purposeful research analysis that will help to find out varied facade of project management issues. I learnt from my experience that project management helps in optimal utilization of resources with given constraints of organizational resource sand time limit.
Identify and explain one or two key problem[s]
isk[s] encountered and describe your response and why that approach was chosen.
[100 words]
The project management encountered few problems in form of budgetary concerns and time restrictions that posed as a serious problem. The budget allocation was limited which restricted the extent of project reach. Time was also a constricting issue that caused a problem in to ca
y out a comprehensive and well researched analysis. I, personally tried to overcome issues of budget and time restriction through meticulous planning and allocation of budget that will help resolving problems of over budgeting. Timeline of pre drafted and each team member was handed out a copy in order to finish the task in stipulated time and holding members accountable for the delay or lapses in their part.
Explain what team dynamics worked well during the semester and why. What insights will you take into future projects? [100 words]
Performing of team has worked very well in project management and has helped in timely completion of project along with deriving refined and valid research analysis. The hard work of team members has helped in achieving goals that have been set for the group. The group’s structure and planned allocation of works helped in reducing conflicts arising within the team members. The future projects will incorporate mutual understanding and cooperation among team members and help in
eaking down ba
iers that may hinder working and emphasizing communication process that will help in clear understanding of group activity and work.
Identify one or two key team dynamics [positive or negative] which impacted your team’s performance? Explain how these were managed. Describe your key learning outcomes?
The team performance was impacted by group thinking that impedes individual innovative thinking and submitted to group consensus to reach upon a decision. The team members also got involved in free riding that led to few team members to relax and the work pressure mounted on other members. The issues were tackled by individual allocation of work to each member of team. Individual ideas and innovative thinking was encouraged and duly recognized. The key learning outcomes that was reached upon was adoption of strong leadership qualities can help in managing the team effectively and will help in positive guidance to be provided to team members that will motivate them to work towards achievement of goals and objectives of group.
Identify one aspect that: (1) worked well 2. Did not work so well.Explain your choice using one illustration for each from your weekly progress reports to support your choice.
The process of tackling problem with swiftness and providing a positive feedback helped in team bonding and reaching upon a quick solutions that members of team faced. Positive feedbacks helped in motivating team members to enhance their performance and come up with more innovative thinking. The lack in focus of communication is aspect that didn't work well for the team. There were gaps in communication that hindered information inflow and outflow causing time lapses that had an impact on timeline structure for finishing task in stipulated time. The progress report clearly indicates few lapses in time line that was
eached in the initial weeks as result of lack of communication.
List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers.Explain why you choose them.
[150 words]
The issue that has been underlined is chosen aspect for research constitutes managing projects in context to institutional complexities and role of project management in climate changes. The topics were chosen keeping in mind the objectivity of the issues and relevance in cu
ent scenario. The international speakers highlighted key issues that helped in providing key insights and outlining role of project managers in effective handling of the project and reaching project objectives and goals. The project issues help in understanding institutional complexities that provides view regarding innovation and product management that affects organizational plans and procedures. The climate change is a gleaming issue that analyses the role of project manager in national, professional and organizational context. The issues highlight universal problem faced by project managers in context of institutional complexities and climate changes that affects society whole and pose as a universal challenge.
For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
iefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory. Justify your choice.
[400 words]
Climate change is a universal challenge that has caused grievous outcomes in world environmental scenario. There has been growing environmental concerns that have lead to researchers to ca
y out studies that will reach upon the fact that climate changes have been an outcome of consequences of man’s action in past or concu
ent times. The climate changes also undertake...

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