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IMAT2913 Data Visualization Summative Assessment Task 1 Report (60% of module coursework mark) Imagineā€¦ A supermarket is beginning to offer a...

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IMAT2913 Data Visualization
Summative Assessment Task 1
Report (60% of module coursework mark)
A supermarket is beginning to offer a line of organic products. The supermarket has a customer loyalty program. As an initial buyer incentive plan, the supermarket provided coupons for the organic products to all of their loyalty program participants and have now collected data that includes whether or not these customers have purchased any of the organic products. You are a data analyst and have been commissioned by the supermarketā€™s manager to analyse the products data and to provide the supermarketā€™s manager with some insights. The products data contains the attributes shown in the table below.
    Customer loyalty identification numbe
    M = male, F = female, U=Unknown
    Age (in years)
    Television region
    Geographic region
    Customer loyalty status: tin, silver, gold, platinum
    Organics purchased? 1=Yes, 0=No
    Affluence grade on a scale from 1 to 30
    Time as loyalty card membe
    Output Area Classification Demographic label sourced from ONS
1=Rural, 2=Cosmopolitan, 3=Ethnicity central, 4=Multicultural metropolitans, 5=U
anites, 6=Su
anites, 7=Constrained city dwellers, 8=Hard pressed living.
    Average Weekly Spend on Meat
    Average Weekly Spend on Fruit and Vegetables
    Average Weekly Spend on Convenience Food
    Average Weekly Spend on Toiletries
Use the following guidelines to know what you should do with the provided dataset (refer to the Marking Grid For Summative Assessment Task 1 file for more details):
    Data import and understanding
    What you should do?
    Deliverable Checklist
    Ā· Import data as a data frame.
Ā· Print and comment on the data type of the imported attributes.
Ā· Show and comment on the count of missing value and its percentage for each attribute.
Ā· Show and comment on the descriptive statistics of the attributes.
Ā· Explore and comment on the unique values of the attributes.
Ā· Change from one data type to another with providing justification for any change.
    Ā· Print out of all python code (as figures).
Ā· Print out of all generated outputs/charts.
Ā· Your justifications and comments.
    Data questions & visualization AND Visualisation channels and retinal variables
    What you should do?
Start by choosing THREE QUESTIONS you'd like visualizations to answer (they should provide insights to help take actions). Next, design a visualization chart to answer each question. Then, provide a
ief description of your design (e.g., the use of data wrangling to prepare the data for visualization to find the answer for the posed question, choice of visualization plot, size, colour, scale, and other visual elements).
    Deliverable Checklist
Ā· Print out of all python code (as figures).
Ā· Print out of all generated outputs/charts.
Ā· A
ief description and justification of your design. Do not interpret the generated visualizations.
    What you should do?
    Deliverable Checklist
    Show how your data visualization knowledge improved over the course and how this might be applicable in a different context. In addition, show how you can validate your design to assess its effectiveness to communicate the derived insights.
    Ā· Your reflection.
Ā· Design validation.
Note: Your contribution to the report should be no longer than 1,500 words. Use a minimum font size 12.
Answered 7 days After Nov 25, 2022


Baljit answered on Dec 02 2022
51 Votes
Supermarket Organic Product Data Visualization
A. Data Import and Understanding
1. Import Data set into Data frame:- I have read the organic.csv data set into pandas datagram named organics and display the header of the dataframe.
Python Code and Output:-
2. Data type of each attribute:-Basically attributes are of three types integer, float and object types. CUSTID and ORGYN are of integer type, GENDER, TV_REG, REGION, CLASS are of object types i.e. string or characters and remaining attributes are of Float type.
Python code and Output:-
3. Missing Values of attributes and its percentage
Python Code and its Output to count missing Values
Python Code and its Output to count percentage of missing values missing Values
As we can see from the above outputs of python codes .We can see that there are missing values in GENDER,AGE,TV_REG,REGION,AFFL,LTIME and OAC attributes .
4. Descriptive Statistics of the Attributes
Python code and Attribute:-
For Integer and float type attributes
For Object type attributes
From above data we can see that Average age of customer is 53.7 and Mean ORGYN is 0.2434 that means 1 out of 4 people purchased the product. We can also see the average values of the other attributes .From object type of Statistics we can see that most of the customers are female ,From London Television region ,From South east region ,from Silver class.
5. Unique Values of attributes:-
Python Code and Output:-
From above values we can see that number of unique value for different attributes .
We noticed that some of attributes has more unique...

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