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Imagine that you are working at an Early Childhood Service as an early childhood teacher. You have been asked to design and prepare 2 Invitations to Play that supports children’s language, artistic...

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Imagine that you are working at an Early Childhood Service as an early childhood teacher. You have been asked to design and prepare 2 Invitations to Play that supports children’s language, artistic languages AND communication. You will need to demonstrate your understanding of language and communication in early childhood and the importance of the role of the teacher in constructing communication-rich environments.

An Invitation to Play is a collection of materials/tools/resources that have been set up as a curated experience that invites children to learn and express themselves through creative exploration and experimentation. It presents a space that is an opportunity for children's free expression and is not directed or instructed by an adult.

You are planning for independent play (ie without adult involvement) and will prepare immersive experiences suitable for young children, using a range of materials you have explored throughout this unit.


You will plan and prepare 2invitations to play(with one presented in class to your peers) for a chosen age group of children with a focus on language and communication (the hundred languages of children).

  • One invitationmust be set up by you with real materials that you would use with children.This must be presented in class (for IP).

  • You must provide the concept plans for the other invitation to play, providing the written rationale, including a graphic representation (eg, sketches, diagrams, photographs (including stock images of specific materials -NOTA STOCK IMAGE OF AN INVITATION TO PLAY).

The Invitations must focus on the use of creative arts and materials and include:

  • 1 invitation that focuses on supporting language diversity and EAL learners

  • 1 invitation to focus on supporting the development of expressive, spoken or sign language

NOTE:at least one of these invitations must also include consideration of First Nations perspectives

Both Invitations to Play will include:

1. Title

Name your invitation to play

2. Rationale including Resources and arrangement XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Link this back to explain how your invitation to play connects to each of the focus areas connected to the unit readings/materials. State why you chose these materials and arrange them as you did. Explain how this invitation to play fosters language and communication through play.

3. Use of Unit Resources and Referencing

While you are not assessed on APA referencing for this assessment task,all sources must be referenced,giving credit to original authors or creators, and showing experiences are evidence based.Failure to do this could result in a breach of academic integrity.

  • If the task does not match assessment task instructions, the total grade is a 0 and will be investigated for Integrity breaches

  • If the task does not draw from the course materials on VU Collaborate the total grade is a 0 and will be investigated for Integrity breaches

4. Select one (1) of your Invitation to Play to set-up

Practical Set-Up in-class. You will set up for one of your invitations to play using a range of materials during class time.

Explicit instructions include:

1. Preschool children cannot read. You must not use any written signs, flash cards, alphabet work, written translations or anything else that assumes children can read. This includes children’s picture books – these can only be included if you make it clear that the children will not read the books, and will not have them read to them as part of this play context.

2. You must not use colouring-in sheets. You must not use cue cards.

3. The materials exploration offering should include a limited number of materials that can be used together. It should be open ended process art. Do not provide any models for children to copy or be prompted by. This activity is similar to the one you did yourselves in Task 1, but is set up for children to be able to do it independently.

4. Play must be independent. It must not require any adult supervision or explanation. You can assume some prior teaching eg reading of a particular book, or teaching how to use a particular tool, as prior groundwork, but it must not be necessary for playing there now.

5. Only Outcome 5 – communication and the main body of EYLF text are relevant to this unit. Do not include other outcome areas if you reference the EYLF.

6. Hand eye co-ordination and fine motor skills are physical skills that come under the Wellbeing area. Do not include them as rationale for your language activity. They are not language.

7. You must provide a photo of a hand-drawn sketch of the invitation to show how it would be set up and where elements would be placed. This must not be computer generated.

assessment instructions

This assessment can be completed with Generative AI assistance for brainstorming, creating structures and generating ideas only. Generative. No AI is allowed in the final assessment submission.

For Assessment Task 3 - Important Reminder! Use of AI

We are happy for students to use AI for this task. AI can be used to assist with ideas generation and structuring only,Brainstorming and ideas
:AI can be used in the initial stages of the assessment for brainstorming and idea generation, checking ideas,etc., and as per dot point below students need to submit original work.

Level 2: AI-Assisted Idea Generation and Structuring

  • GenAI used for brainstorming and structuring ideas, but final work must be human-authored.

  • Useful for idea development.

  • Activities: brainstorming, creating structured outlines, generating ideas for improving their work.

  • No AI content is allowed in the final submission

Complete your assessment by following these instructions:

    1. Plan out your 2 Invitations to Play.This must include concept plans including drawings or graphics of the design plan and lay-out and a list of materials and resources to be included. Your original designs should include details of set up ...where ? inside, outside, under a tree, in the dry river bed, in the sandpit, on a table, on the floor, backdrop? such as posters, photographs, will the space be defined? rocks, carpets, partitions, a cardboard box will you create ambiance (lighting, rugs, cushions, what materials? How are they presented/arranged/offered Baskets, glass jars, grouped for child selection and then in rationale say why you chose these and arranged these as you did.

    2. Ensure you have read the context and structure above and have met all requirements for your planned invitations.

    3. Set up your invitation to playusing a range of materials from your design plans. Include yourself in the photographs/videos of both parts, i.e. the ‘explanation’ and the ‘set up’.

    4. Complete the written rationale for each Invitation to Play.

    5. Present/Share.Submit your invitations and evidence by:

      1. Submitting to the Assessment Dropbox

      2. Sharing with your class on the Padlet in Session 11.

      3. You will be asked to attend a live in class session to practically set up one of your invitations ready for play and discuss your invitation with your peers and lecturer.

Answered 3 days After Aug 15, 2024


Dr Shweta answered on Aug 18 2024
7 Votes
1. Name of Playset 1:
“Play with Puppets”
Materials required for puppetry:
The production of puppets requires the utilization of a variety of fundamental equipment and raw materials, including pieces of fa
ic, stuffing material, which serves as a filling component during the process of making the puppet, and other similar elements. Fa
ic, felt, and a variety of other materials for ornamentation, scissors, and big needles for stitching the various parts of the body together are all necessary components. Whiteboard or chart paper paints, strings used to tie puppets for playing, and other objects such as puppets and finger puppets are examples of things that may be used to enhance the puppet figure. Props that are simple to use, such as hats, scarves, and wands, are also examples of things that can be used to enhance the puppet figure.
The play titled "Invitation to Play with Puppets" offers young individuals the chance to express their feelings, viewpoints, emotions, and actions via the medium of puppetry. Play serves as the means through which this holistic link to the domain of improving language and communication skills is achieved. Young children have the opportunity to develop their storytelling skills via interaction with puppets, which can be beneficial to their development. Puppets provide younger children with this opportunity. This is due to the fact that the act of interacting with puppets fosters the development of a tale, the accumulation of events, and the explanation of meaning via the utilization of words. Furthermore, puppetry makes it simpler for children to perform parts, which provides them with the opportunity to explore with a wide range of vocal sounds, tones, and dialectal styles. One other advantage of puppetry is that it gives youngsters the opportunity to act out different parts. Children have the opportunity to learn abilities such as captivating turns, listening, and reacting by engaging in informal engagement with puppets through the employment of puppets. In addition, children have the opportunity to develop skills such as these. As a result of providing children with a safe medium through which they may communicate their emotions, puppets contribute to the development of emotional intelligence as well as language that is associated with feelings. Furthermore, this is an insult on top of the one that came before it. When children use puppets, they have the chance to gain essential communication skills, extend their vocabulary, and mimic the language that is used by...

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