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MCO201 CORPORATE FINANCE Task brief & rubrics Final assessment Exam – Dashboard about investments Details of the task as follow: · Individual report in Pdf format is required · The objective of the...

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Final assessment Exam – Dashboard about investments
Details of the task as follow:
· Individual report in Pdf format is required
· The objective of the case is to be able to translate the key points and examples of the class to a real investment portfolio
· The instructions for the students are:
· You are called to build a dashboard and comment about your results to help an investor to decide where to allocate his funds
· To do that, you receive information regarding financial performance of some cu
encies against EUR, commodities, Index, cryptocu
encies and some tech-stocks from Dec 17th 2020 to January 15th 2021.
· The dashboard could be built using excel
· The Table of contents is based on:
· A dashboard that the students can build using their creativity for the design but in term of financials, it should respond to the following questions:
· What is the forecast of the following 5 days using the past 20 and 10 points of data
· Based on the forecast, what are the 1 or 2 best investments to hold and to short if the investor will take the decision based on the forecast of the day 5?
· Recommendations and conclusions explaining to the investor:
· Methodology and formulas to select and use the data
· Explanations to the management regarding forecast types and uses in the dashboard
· Exposure to the risk and mitigations actions
· Brief introduction of the main types of the investments
· Wordcount: 2500 words.
· Cover and Table of Contents are excluded of the total Wordcount.
· Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
· Text alignment: Justified.
· Please include the dashboard and numerical tables to justify your content.
Submission: Week 10 – Via Moodle (Turnitin)
Weight: This task is a 60% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
· Evaluate the possibilities to pick the right investments based on financial methodologies as P/E Ratio
· Forecast and judge based on the numbers the risk behind Cryptocu
encies investments
· Assess and suggest mitigations actions for risk management
· Suggest a diversified portfolio including BETA analysis
    The student demonstrates an excellent understanding of the concepts.
    The student demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts.
    The student demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts.
    The student demonstrates some, but insufficient understanding of the concepts.
    The student demonstrates insufficient understanding of the concepts. They may mention some relevant ideas or concepts, although it is clear that the relationship between them is not understood by the student.
    The student demonstrates insufficient understanding of the concepts and does not mention any relevant ideas or concepts.
    The student leaves the question blank or cheats.
Points are stated at the end of each question.

        D17    D18    D21    D22    D23    D24    D28    D29    D30    D31    J04    J05    J06    J07    J08    J11    J12    J13    J14    J15
    USD    1.2256    1.2238    1.2203    1.2152    1.2197    1.2189    1.2234    1.2251    1.2267    1.2282    1.2285    1.2290    1.2332    1.2296    1.2233    1.2176    1.2155    1.2192    1.2164    1.2134
    JPY    126.221    126.567    126.427    126.040    126.102    126.354    126.537    127.023    126.636    126.736    126.269    126.284    126.852    127.146    127.026    126.700    126.700    126.500    126.487    125.783
    CHF    1.083    1.085    1.081    1.082    1.084    1.085    1.087    1.085    1.085    1.083    1.081    1.081    1.082    1.084    1.084    1.082    1.083    1.082    1.079    1.077
    GBP    0.9027    0.9063    0.9207    0.9106    0.9077    0.8973    0.9021    0.9086    0.9036    0.8993    0.8977    0.9031    0.9043    0.9032    0.8996    0.9018    0.8970    0.8911    0.8913    0.8893
    Gold    1,894    1,889    1,900    1,867    1,875    1,880    1,888    1,886    1,882    1,897    1,936    1,951    1,958    1,923    1,891    1,850    1,855    1,855    1,839    1,854
    Silver    26.1    26.1    26.9    25.3    25.7    25.9    26.6    26.4    26.4    26.6    27.4    27.6    27.8    27.4    26.6    25.2    25.4    25.5    25.2    25.5
    Petro Brent    51.34    52.09    50.27    49.96    49.88    50.81    51.50    51.46    51.39    51.28    53.15    51.67    53.94    54.49    54.75    55.36    56.03    56.86    55.75    55.45
    Nikkei    26,807    26,763    26,714    26,436    26,525    26,668    26,854    27,568    27,444    27,444    27,258    27,159    27,056    27,490    28,139    28,139    28,164    28,457    28,698    28,519
    Hang Seng    26,678    26,499    26,307    26,119    26,343    26,387    26,315    26,568    27,147    27,231    27,473    27,650    27,692    27,549    27,878    27,908    28,277    28,236    28,497    28,574
    DAX    13,667    13,631    13,246    13,418    13,418    13,587    13,790    13,761    13,761    13,719    13,727    13,651    13,891    13,968    14,050    13,937    13,925    13,940    13,989    13,932
    IBEX35    8,153    8,037    7,790    7,934    8,074    8,112    8,156    8,175    8,154    8,074    8,099    8,092    8,350    8,386    8,408    8,358    8,352    8,361    8,372    8,351
    FTSE100    6,551    6,529    6,416    6,453    6,496    6,502    6,502    6,603    6,556    6,461    6,572    6,612    6,842    6,857    6,873    6,798    6,754    6,746    6,802    6,776
    CAC40    5,549    5,528    5,393    5,467    5,528    5,522    5,588    5,612    5,599    5,551    5,589    5,565    5,631    5,670    5,707    5,662    5,651    5,662    5,681    5,650
    FTSE MIB    22,012    21,976    21,411    21,844    21,844    22,130    22,289    22,259    22,259    22,233    22,316    22,201    22,734    22,746    22,794    22,722    22,646    22,744    22,638    22,685
    Bitcoins    18,914    18,402    19,372    19,183    19,234    19,049    21,989    21,762    22,755    23,567    27,258    25,629    27,645    30,182    32,057    29,101    29,417    28,493    31,418    31,749
    Ethereum    541    521    516    513    500    478    602    590    592    607    821    840    895    972    993    906    920    876    948    1,013
    AMZN    3,240.96    3,236.08    3,201.65    3,206.18    3,206.52    3,185.27    3,172.69    3,283.96    3,322.00    3,285.85    3,256.93    3,186.63    3,218.51    3,138.38    3,162.16    3,182.70    3,114.21    3,120.83    3,165.89    3,127.47
    NFLX    524.83    532.90    534.45    528.91    527.33    514.48    513.97    519.12    530.87    524.59    540.73    522.86    520.80    500.49    508.89    510.40    499.10    494.25    507.79    500.86
    AMD    96.85    96.84    95.92    93.23    93.16    91.55    91.81    91.60    90.62    92.29    91.71    92.30    92.77    90.33    95.16    94.58    97.25    95.36    91.78    90.79
    TSLA    622.77    655.90    695.00    649.86    640.34    645.98    661.77    663.69    665.99    694.78    705.67    729.77    735.11    755.98    816.04    880.02    811.19    849.44    854.41    845.00
    ZM    404.00    401.62    406.01    408.97    409.00    383.88    375.17    351.39    353.75    353.40    337.32    359.98    360.83    344.41    342.50    349.61    337.71    356.81    364.63    383.24
Answered Same Day Mar 19, 2022


Rochak answered on Mar 20 2022
108 Votes
10 Day Forecast
        10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    Return generated over 5 days
    USD    1.23    1.23    1.23    1.23    1.23    1.22    1.22    1.22    1.22    1.22    1.21    1.21    1.21    1.21    1.20    1.20    -0.89%
    JPY    126.74    126.27    126.28    126.85    127.15    127.03    126.70    126.70    126.50    126.49    125.78    126.37    126.33    126.18    125.97    125.83    0.04%
    CHF    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    1.08    -0.07%
    GBP    0.90    0.90    0.90    0.90    0.90    0.90    0.90    0.90    0.89    0.89    0.89    0.89    0.89    0.89    0.88    0.88    -0.85%
    Gold    1,897.00    1,936.00    1,951.00    1,958.00    1,923.00    1,891.00    1,850.00    1,855.00    1,855.00    1,839.00    1,854.00    1,827.91    1,805.95    1,788.99    1,776.50    1,769.97    -4.53%
    Silver    26.60    27.44    27.64    27.80    27.35    26.58    25.23    25.42    25.50    25.18    25.48    24.86    24.36    23.96    23.64    23.45    -7.98%
    Petro Brent    51.28    53.15    51.67    53.94    54.49    54.75    55.36    56.03    56.86    55.75    55.45    57.26    57.54    58.05    58.14    58.47    5.44%
    Nikkei    27,444.00    27,258.00    27,159.00    27,056.00    27,490.00    28,139.00    28,139.00    28,164.00    28,457.00    28,698.00    28,519.00    28,841.76    29,097.00    29,324.86    29,511.85    29,624.36    3.88%
    Hang Seng    27,231.00    27,473.00    27,650.00    27,692.00    27,549.00    27,878.00    27,908.00    28,277.00    28,236.00    28,497.00    28,574.00    28,674.89    28,795.00    28,937.22    29,100.89    29,263.79    2.41%
    DAX    13,719.00    13,727.00    13,651.00    13,891.00    13,968.00    14,050.00    13,937.00    13,925.00    13,940.00    13,989.00    13,932.00    14,049.02    14,069.75    14,081.92    14,061.84    14,067.69    0.97%
    IBEX35    8,074.00    8,099.00    8,092.00    8,350.00    8,386.00    8,408.00    8,358.00    8,352.00    8,361.00    8,372.00    8,351.00    8,469.00    8,482.33    8,484.86    8,465.76    8,479.26    1.54%
    FTSE100    6,461.00    6,572.00    6,612.00    6,842.00    6,857.00    6,873.00    6,798.00    6,754.00    6,746.00    6,802.00    6,776.00    6,880.93    6,868.79    6,855.57    6,830.82    6,838.13    0.92%
    CAC40    5,551.00    5,589.00    5,565.00    5,631.00    5,670.00    5,707.00    5,662.00    5,651.00    5,662.00    5,681.00    5,650.00    5,702.78    5,705.72    5,710.43    5,704.81    5,704.82    0.97%
    FTSE MIB    22,233.00    22,316.00    22,201.00    22,734.00    22,746.00    22,794.00    22,722.00    22,646.00    22,744.00    22,638.00    22,685.00    22,858.65    22,873.66    22,879.60    22,830.12    22,851.60    0.73%
    Bitcoins    23,567.00    27,258.00    25,629.00    27,645.00    30,182.00    32,057.00    29,101.00    29,417.00    28,493.00    31,418.00    31,749.00    32,516.27    32,646.24    33,207.76    33,294.51    33,475.94    5.44%
    Ethereum    607.00    821.00    840.00    895.00    972.00    993.00    906.00    920.00    876.00    948.00    1,013.00    1,033.55    1,018.80    1,026.00    1,029.53    1,037.20    2.39%
    AMZN    3,285.85    3,256.93    3,186.63    3,218.51    3,138.38    3,162.16    3,182.70    3,114.21    3,120.83    3,165.89    3,127.47    3,095.36    3,090.71    3,087.93    3,076.59    3,074.04    -1.71%
    NFLX    524.59    540.73    522.86    520.80    500.49    508.89    510.40    499.10    494.25    507.79    500.86    491.72    487.39    487.09    485.37    484.49    -3.27%
    AMD    92.29    91.71    92.30    92.77    90.33    95.16    94.58    97.25    95.36    91.78    90.79    93.95    94.05    93.97    93.86    93.74    3.25%
    TSLA    694.78    705.67    729.77    735.11    755.98    816.04    880.02    811.19    849.44    854.41    845.00    896.92    913.99    928.80    943.34    953.56    12.85%
    ZM    353.40    337.32    359.98    360.83    344.41    342.50    349.61    337.71    356.81    364.63    383.24    365.02    369.07    370.17    375.30    381.93    -0.34%
    Dashboard Data    Return generated over 5 days
    USD    -0.89%
    JPY    0.04%
    CHF    -0.07%
    GBP    -0.85%
    Gold    -4.53%
    Silver    -7.98%
    Petro Brent    5.44%
    Nikkei    3.88%
    Hang Seng    2.41%
    DAX    0.97%
    IBEX35    1.54%
    FTSE100    0.92%
    CAC40    0.97%
    FTSE MIB    0.73%
    Bitcoins    5.44%
    Ethereum    2.39%
    AMZN    -1.71%
    NFLX    -3.27%
    AMD    3.25%
    TSLA    12.85%
    ZM    -0.34%
20 Day Forecast
        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    Return generated over 5...

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