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Assignment 2 COMP1230 (Advanced Web Programming) COMP1230 - Assignment Two Fall 2021: Due date: Nov 07 by 11:59 pm. The objective of the assignment is to use an associative array, iterations,...

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COMP1230 (Advanced Web Programming)

COMP1230 - Assignment Two Fall 2021: Due date: Nov 07 by 11:59 pm.
The objective of the assignment is to use an associative a
ay, iterations, conditional statements
and user-defined functions. The (click to download) contains an associative
$inventory a
ay that contains several books' information, such as book id, title, author, etc.

You are required to create two sets of functions.

1. HTTP request related functions: these functions provide access to client request
information such as accessing HTTP parameter, client IP address, request method
(post/get), etc.

2. Inventory utility functions: these functions facilitate accessing inventory data (books)

List of HTTP request related functions:

1. Write a PHP function to receive two strings and returns a string (parameter value).
Function Parameters:
• Name of an HTTP request parameter
• A default value to replace non-existing parameters. (Optional parameter)

Note: The function should handle both get and post requests. Therefore, this function
is called when a post or get request is made to the page.
• get is my function name.
• get(‘param_name’)
• get(‘param_name’,’default_value’)

HTTP Request: assignment2.php?id=10
HTTP Response: should return 10?>.
HTTP Request: assignment2.php?id=10
HTTP Response: returns 1234 because parameter isbn did not exist in GET or POST ?>
HTTP Request:
form method='post'>
If user inputs 5 in above form and clicks on submit:
XXXXXXXXXXHTTP Response: should return 5 ?>.
2. Write a PHP function to return a string containing the following information in a tabular
format. Hint $_SERVER supper global.
• The request method is used to access the page.
• The timestamp of the start of the request.
• The address of the page (if any) which refe
ed the user agent to the cu
• The IP address from which the user is accessing the cu
ent page.
• The user agent
owser information.
• Call this function right after your first function, to display information about the
• Make sure to style the table.
• Convert timestamp to readable time (as shown in example below)
Expected Output: (localhost) your Output will be different.

3. Write a PHP function to create and return an HTML dropdown menu. The function
should receive the following three parameters:
a. A string - name of the dropdown
. An a
ay - dropdown options
c. An optional string parameter to pass the selected option value to this function.
Example: If the function is called with following arguments:
_menu('category',[‘cat 1’, ‘cat 2’], ‘cat 2’);
Dropdown menu will have two items (cat 1 and cat 2), with cat 2 being the
selected item. Please note, the first letter of the items are changed to uppercase,
to create the value for output.

Inventory utility functions:
4. Write a function to return an a
ay of all the categories in $inventory.
• Function prototype: function_name (): return a
ay (categories)
• Sample return: ['Fiction’, ‘Biographies’]
• Call the function you creaed in previous step (3), by passing the returned a
(categories) to display the categories in a dropdown menu in the form created in
step 1.
i.e: $categories = function_name ()
call your function above
echo _menu('category', $categories);
Will produce following dropdown:
5. Write a function to return all the books for the selected category.
• Function prototype: function_name (cat_name) : return a
ay (books)
• Sample return:

• Print the return value in a readable format.

6. Write a function to search for a book in $inventory by category name and book id.
• Function prototype: function_name (cat_name,book_id) : return a
ay (book)
• Validation requirements:
1. Return the following string "Cannot find the category category_name" if
the category does not exist.
2. Return the following string "Cannot find the book" if the book id does not
3. Sample return: function_name('Fiction’,1)

4. Check if the returned value is an a
ay, and pass the returned a
ay to the
fuction you will be writing next (in step 7), to print the book information
in a tabular format. If you are not planning to complete the next function,
just call your function, by passing a category and an id of a book in our
inventory and print the returned book a
ay in a readable format.
7. Write a function to print book information in tabular format.
• Function prototype: function_name ($book): prints book inforamtion.
• Book price: Print prices for all book types (Paper Back, Hard Cover and Kobo
• Suppose the sale price is not zero print both original price (o_price) and sale
price (s_price). Review the following Output for style-related detail.
• Sample output:

• Function 1: 10 marks
• Function 2: 15 marks
• Function 3: 15 marks
• Function 4: 10 marks
• Function 5: 10 marks
• Function 6: 20 marks
• Function 7: 20 marks
➢ Overall functionality 50%
➢ Logic, efficiency, reusability 30%
➢ Naming convention, documentation (valuable comments included in code),
eadability (spacing/indentation) 20%

When you lose marks:

1. Create only one file named assignment2.php in addition to the data file provided.
2. Misspelled file name (i.e assingmnet2.php) (-2 mark deduction)
3. You must include the file in your assignment two file (You will receive a
grade of zero if this is ignored)
4. The Output of your assignment must be valid HTML5. (Add the validation script before
closing body tag). (Invalid HTML -10)
5. Make sure to include (You will receive a grade of zero if
this is ignored)
Submission Guidelines:
• Upload the two files (assignment2.php and to the following directory in your
GBLearn account comp1230/assignments/assignment2/
• Login to and ONLY submit your assignment2.php
• Follow the naming convention and have meaningful names for your variables and function.
• Apply proper indentation and space before and after operators for readability.
• Removing unnecessary/unrelated code & comments.
• Add necessary comments to summarize your code or to explain the programmer's intent.
• Your work will not be marked if your GBLearn account is not setup
• Please Make sure to:
• Grant, both of your instructors, access to preview content of your GBLearn account, by
adding them to the instructors list on
• Create comp1230 directory structure (specified on Blackboard)
• Update your GBLearn profile page (public_html/index.html)
1. to include a relative link to the comp1230 directory in your account
2. to show a picture of yourself o to include a
ief Bio about yourself

Advanced Web Programming
1. Explain how PHP is embedded within an HTML document.
2. Distinguish between PHP statements and comments.
3. Describe these PHP data types: integer, double, Boolean, NULL and string.
4. Rules for creating a PHP variable name.
5. Declaring variable and assigning a value to it.
6. Review the use of superglobals $_GET and $_POST a
7. Describe the use of echo statement
8. Describe the rules for evaluating an arithmetic expression, including order of precedence and the use of parentheses.
9. Review some of the built-in functions
10. Introduction to filtering & sanitizing data
11. Built-in functions that pass control
12. A
A PHP file that includes HTML and embedded PHP
Murach's PHP and MySQL (3rd Ed.)
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
C2, Slide *
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
The PHP file displayed in a
Murach's PHP and MySQL (3rd Ed.)
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
C2, Slide *
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
PHP code: comments and statements
* This program calculates the discount for a
* price that's entered by the use

get the data from the form
$list_price = $_GET['list_price'];

calculate the discount
$discount_percent = .20;
20% discount
$discount_amount =
$list_price * $discount_percent;
$discount_price =
$list_price - $discount_amount;
Another way to code single-line comments
# calculate the discount
$discount_percent = .20; # 20% discount
Murach's PHP and MySQL (3rd Ed.)
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
C2, Slide *
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
Syntax rules
PHP statements end with a semicolon.
PHP ignores extra whitespace in statements.
Murach's PHP and MySQL (3rd Ed.)
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
C2, Slide *
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
PHP data types
Murach's PHP and MySQL (3rd Ed.)
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
C2, Slide *
© 2017, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
Integer values (whole numbers)
an intege
a negative intege
Double values (numbers with decimal
Answered 1 days After Nov 02, 2021


Shubham Kumar answered on Nov 03 2021
115 Votes
?php show_source(__file__)?
HTTP Request Related Function :
function get($variable, $default='1234') {
return $_GET[$variable];
else if(isset($_POST[$variable]))
return $_POST[$variable];
return $default;
function getRequestInformation() {

we get all the required information from the $_SERVER a
ay, and then display it in tabular format
echo "tbody>";
echo "td>Requested Method
echo "td>Access Time
td>".date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])."
echo "td>Refe
ed Url
echo "td>Client IP Address
echo "td>User Agent
echo "
function _menu($title, $values, $selected = "assignment") {

The return string stores the entire HTML Code for the drop down menu
$returnString = "
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