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Identify the problem. What is the environment? What is the situation? What are the options? Identify the people and groups affected by choosing one of the above options. Individuals: self, boss,...

1 answer below »
  1. Identify the problem.
    1. What is the environment?
    2. What is the situation?
    3. What are the options?
  1. Identify the people and groups affected by choosing one of the above options.
    1. Individuals: self, boss, client, subordinate, etc.
    2. Groups: company, public, family, profession, etc.
  1. Build a decision framework – What is going to be the basis for my decision?
    1. Consequentialism – looking for good results or least harm
      1. What will be the result of the decision for me personally?
      2. How are the above people and groups affected?
      3. Are they affected negatively or positively?
    2. Deontology – duty and obligation
      1. How deep is my obligation to each of the people and groups?
      2. How do I prioritize conflicting duties?
    3. Virtue ethics – Who am I?
      1. What fundamental principles are in play?
      2. What norms or traditions I practice are being challenged?
      3. What personal values that I hold are being affected or threatened?
        1. Am I being asked to do something that I don’t believe in?
        2. Am I being asked to ignore something that I feel must be addressed?
  1. Make a decision
    1. Base your decision on values that are supported by principles
    2. Make a commitment to the decision
  1. Take action
    1. Do what you feel is right for the right reasons - Never mistake temptation for opportunity
    2. Let the chips fall where they may - A person who ignores wrong becomes either an accomplice or the next victim
  1. Learn
    1. Accept responsibility for your decision and your actions
    2. Understand the difference between providing explanations and making excuses
    3. Listen to feedback so you can learn from everyone’s mistakes
    4. Incorporate changes where possible to avoid similar situations in the future
Answered Same Day Dec 31, 2021


David answered on Dec 31 2021
131 Votes
A) Environment can be defined as a state in which many elements work together,
environment is mostly considered as natural environment whereas term environment can be used
for other fields such as business environment, political environment, economic environment etc.
In the present case we have a situation where Angel chief accountant is working with the
company since last 10 years and has developed a fiduciary relationship with the top level
management. Being head of the accounts department she is responsible to evaluate all the
projects on the financial grounds, she has just received her new project in which the management
is planning to purchase the electricity form external source and abandoning the in house facility.
Angel’s husband is heading electricity production department since last 15 years, if management
abandon the electricity production facility than all employees in production department along
with Angel’s husband will suffer as it is difficult now days to get a new job easily.
B) Situation is a scenario which is composed of two elements, one is the set of persons
who are set to be in the situation and the other is conditions they are facing. Situation could be
favorable or unfavorable depending upon the perception of person facing such situation. A
situation could be favorable for one and unfavorable for another depending upon the
In the present situation Angel is struggling with a dilemma whether she should
manipulate the financial analysis in favor of purchasing department or report the co
ect analysis
to the management.
C) Options are the choices which a person face at a particular point of time,...

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