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Overview · Task: Complete an Excel workbook that demonstrates the skills learned this semester! · Purpose: Solve a problem for yourself or others using Excel. · Graded by certified graders with...

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· Task: Complete an Excel workbook that demonstrates the skills learned this semester!
· Purpose: Solve a problem for yourself or others using Excel.
· Graded by certified graders with feedback on the ru
This assignment is a personal application project, meaning that you are responsible to design the project requirements within the guidelines below.
1. The Excel workbook must benefit one of the following:
· Yourself, your spouse, a family member, or a friend.
· A work setting (your employer / company).
· A church calling or assignment.
· A volunteer, charitable, or public organization.
2. If the user is someone other than yourself, work closely with that "client" to clearly understand their needs and requirements, and what functionality the project should provide.
Note: Although you may collaborate with your "client" about requirements and needs, you may not ask questions about how to actually build the Excel workbook.
3. Your project spreadsheet should meet all of the following requirements:
· Be original and creative. Do not use pre-existing workbooks, templates, or other partially completed files. You should start your work using the file provided above.
· Your project must be newly-created during this semester. You may not use something that you completed previously.
· Do not use a project associated with another course. This is a personal application project, not an academic project. You may not submit a project that received or may receive credit in another course (including a previous semester of this course).
· The workbook must use the full range of functionality learned this semester. This ranges from cell referencing, filters, and lookup functions all the way to charts, pivot tables, and perhaps even macros. Please see the ru
ic for details on how this requirement will be graded.
· Your project should be user-friendly and very intuitive. Create a dashboard. Just because something is "easy to use" does not mean that it is "easy to build". For a project of this scale, "easy to use" usually means "difficult to build". ?
· Label and format the workbook's sheets appropriately. Clean up the workbook and make it look sharp. Format values co
ectly on all sheets and make the data easy to read. Ensure all of the columns are of appropriate width. Follow all Standards of Professionalism
· (Links to an external site.)
· .
Items to submit
1. Your custom Excel workbook (remember to save as macro-enabled .xlsm)
2. A submission comment with the number of hours spent working on this project

        Best wishes as you work to finish up the semester!
        This is a blank file to get you started on your final for spring 2022
        Because the work must be done in this semester, please use and submit this file.
        Do not alter this sheet, just add other sheets and leave this one at the end.
Answered 12 days After Jul 07, 2022


Deblina answered on Jul 13 2022
85 Votes
        Best wishes as you work to finish up the semester!
        This is a blank file to get you started on your final for spring 2022
        Because the work must be done in this semester, please use and submit this file.
        Do not alter this sheet, just add other sheets and leave this one at the end.
    Employee ID     Employee Name    Monthly Earnings    Overtime Earnings     Back Pay    Holiday Earnings    Vacation Earnings    Gross Earnings    Federal Tax    Union Dues    Medical Insurance    In-hand Payment
    A0B01    Drake Thomas    2500    500    0    1000    0    4000    250    75    25    3650
    A0C03    Lily Jhonson    2000    0    1000    1500    1000    5500    250    75    25    5150
    A0C01    Park Marsh    3500    1000    500    500    500    6000    250    75    25    5650
    A2D65    Lika Armstrong    2500    1500    1500    0    1500    7000    250    75    25    6650
    A0C06    Gangan Rai    2000    500    2500    1000    2500    8500    250    75    25    8150
    A0B08    Paul Evan    2000    0    0    1500    0    3500    250    75    25    3150
    A0C25    Tom Ha
is    4000    1000    1500    0    1500    8000    250    75    25    7650
    A5B24    Ha
y Moris    3000    1500    1000    1000    1000    7500    250    75    25    7150
    A8C26    Steve Smith    3500    0    0    0    0    3500    250    75    25    3150
    A0C23    Tina Marshal    4500    1000    1500    1500    1500    10000    250    75    25    9650
    A0B26    Hohn Marshall    5000    0    1000    0    1000    7000    250    75    25    6650
    A8B56    Charles Pinno    3000    1500    500    1000    500    6500    250    75    25    6150
    A0B25    Stephen Henderson    2000    0    1500    1500    1500    6500    250    75    25    6150
    A0C52    Mark Anthony    3500    1000    1000    1000    1000    7500    250    75    25    7150
    A3C25    Paul Marshal    3000    1500    0    0    0    4500    250    75    25    4150
    A6B58    Dino Morea    2500    1000    1500    2000    1500    8500    250    75    25    8150
    A9C15    Eran Philips    2500    0    0    0    0    2500    250    75    25    2150
    A0B14    Steve Mark    2000    2000    1000    1500    1000    7500    250    75    25    7150
    B2C15    Frank Anthony    3500    0    1500    1000    1500    7500    250    75    25    7150
    B6B15    Steven Hawkins    2500    1500    0    1500    0    5500    250    75    25    5150
    B0E21    Lala Rajput    3000    1000    1000    1000    1000    7000    250    75    25    6650
    B0D09    Abs Salim    2500    1500    0    0    0    4000    250    75    25    3650
    B7A25    Majis Abdul    3000    1000    1500    0    0    5500    250    75    25    5150
    B0A36    Brad Philips    3000    0    0    1000    1500    5500    250    75    25    5150
    B0C25    Marshy Jhonson    3500    1000    1000    1500    1000    8000    250    75    25    7650
    B1C52    Richa Mandhana    3000    500    1500    0    1500    6500    250    75    25    6150
    B5A16    Aries Stephen    2000    1500    1000    1000    1000    6500    250    75    25    6150
    B6A25    Nike Pesso    3500    2500    0    0    0    6000    250    75    25    5650
    C2D56    Xavi Pelu    3000    0    2000    1500    0    6500    250    75    25    6150
    C4D15    Phillanda Pinno    3000    1500    0    0    1000    5500    250    75    25    5150
    C8D14    Gracy Watson    2500    1000    1500    1000    1500    7500    250    75    25    7150
    C9D14    Tamila Gomes    3000    0    1000    1500    0    5500    250    75    25    5150
    C6B15    Stella Marcy    3500    1500    1500    1000    1000    8500    250    75    25    8150
    C8A15    Tony Huges    2000    1000    1000    0    0    4000    250    75    25    3650
    C4D23    Emma Philips    2500    500    500    2000    1500    7000    250    75    25    6650
    C8B19    Steward Grace    2500    1500    0    0    0    4000    250    75    25    3650
    C0B14    Richard Grey    4000    1000    1000    1500    1000    8500    250    75    25    8150
    C2B65    Vivian Thomas    4000    0    1500    1000    1500    8000    250    75    25    7650
    C5B19    Mitchell...

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