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I Won the Auction but Don't Want the Prize Author(s): Max H. Bazerman and William F. SamuelsonSource: The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Dec., 1983), pp. 618-634Published by: Sage...

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I Won the Auction but Don't Want the Prize
Author(s): Max H. Bazerman and William F. SamuelsonSource: The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Dec., 1983), pp. 618-634Published by: Sage Publications, Inc.Stable URL: XXXXXXXXXXAccessed: 15/11/2014 19:19Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . .JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact XXXXXXXXXX. .Sage Publications, Inc. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Journal ofConflict Resolution.
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I Won the Auction
But Don't Want the Prize
Sloan School of Management, MIT
Boston University School of Management
The "winner's curse" occurs in competitive situations when a successful buyer finds
that he or she has paid too much for a commodity of uncertain value. This study provides
an experimental demonstration of the winner's curse, and identifies factors that affect the
existence and magnitude of this bidding abnormality. In an auction setting, two factors are
shown to affect the incidence and magnitude of the winner's curse: (1) the degree of
uncertainty concerning the value of the item up for bid and (2) the number of competing
bidders. Increasing either factor will increase the range of value estimates and bids,
making it more likely that the winning bidder will overestimate the true value of the
commodity and thus overbid.
A number of researchers have suggested that the winner of a sealedbid
auction will often lose that is, the object acquired will be
worth less than the price paid. The winning bidder has fallen prey to the
"winner's curse." This idea has been suggested theoretically (Case, 1979;
Oren and Williams, 1975; Rothkopf, 1980; Winkler and Brooks, 1980)
and has been applied to bidding on oil leases (Capen et al., 1971), stock
market investments (Miller, 1977), and baseball players (Cassing and
AUTHOR'S NOTE: We thank Elizabeth Lepkowski for data collection and data
analysis assistance. This article benefited from comments from Terry Connelly and
seminars presented at Carnegie-Mellon University, the University of Texas at Austin, and
Boston University, and was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant
#BNS XXXXXXXXXXand a grant from Boston University School of Management.
? 1983 Sage Publications, Inc.
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 619
Douglas, XXXXXXXXXXThe rationale for this overbidding is that (1) while the
average bidder may accurately estimate the value of the commodity up
for sale in an auction, some bidders will underestimate this value and
others will overestimate it, (2) the bidder who most greatly overestimates
the value of the commodity will typically win the auction and (3) the
amount of overestimation will often be greater than the difference
between the winning bidder's estimate of the value of the commodity
and his or her bid. Thus the winner of a competitive auction should
expect to find that the commodity acquired is worth substantially less
than his or her prior estimate of its value. While the theory and
applicability of this effect have been noted, the winner's curse has not
been subjected to rigorous empirical investigation, and the conditions
under which this effect is likely to occur have not been documented.
To begin the discussion, consider the following scenarios:
You are a major oil company bidding against a dozen other companies for an
off-shore oil lease. None of the bidding firms has good information on the actual
value of the lease. Your bid is the highest, and you win the lease. Should you be
You are a major conglomerate considering an acquisition. Many other firms are
also considering this acquisition. The actual value of the target firm is highly
uncertain. After six firms submit competing offers, your bid is the highest. Your
offer is accepted, and you obtain the acquisition. Have you been successful?
You are the owner of a baseball team. A sometimes great, sometimes terrible
pitcher has declared free agency. Like most teams, you are in need of good pitching.
in the free agency draft, 10 teams (including yours) appear interested in the player.
After negotiating with each team, the player accepts your offer. Is it time to
In each of these scenarios, the casual observer would note that you
have won the competition. Moreover, you have obtained a commodity
at a price that your best estimate suggests is a good value-otherwise
you would not have made the offer. However, the following reasoning
may raise some doubts. Perhaps the sole reason you were the highest
bidder is the fact that you have significantly overestimated the actual
value of the commodity. If this is the case, you may have fallen prey to
the winner's curse.
Why does the winner's curse occur? With help of a few minor
assumptions, Figure 1 graphically demonstrates the logic of the effect in
an auction context. As depicted, the bidders' value estimates are
normally distributed with a mean equal to the actual value of the
commodity. In turn, the distribution of bids is determined by a leftward
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 621
shift of the distribution of estimates-that is, on the average, bidders
discount their estimates in making their bids. As Figure 1 shows, a
winning bid drawn from the right tail of the bid distribution may exceed
the actual value of the good. Likewise, when the winner's margin of
overestimation exceeds the discount in making a bid, he or she will
overpay for the item acquired. Why does the individual fall prey to the
winner's curse? We argue that the answer lies in the exclusion of a
relevant piece of information from the decision processes of the bidders.
If an individual assumes that his or her bid will win the auction, this
piece of data should indicate that the bidder has probably overestimated
the value of the commodity in comparison to other competitors. When
the correct inference is drawn, the bidder should revise the estimate of
the true value of the item downward and lower the bid accordingly. By
failing to take this inference into account, the winning bidder risks
paying too much for the "prize."
This line of reasoning presupposes an objective value assessmentthat
is, the winner's curse is measured as the difference between the
individual's bid and the objective (though unknown) value of the
commodity. However, it is important to recognize that the individual
may place a purely subjective value on the commodity.' For instance, it
is possible for the individual to overbid for the commodity, be aware of
the overbid, and yet experience no regret. This can occur when winning
has some psychological utility in itself, or when the commodity has
personal or intrinsic value (e.g., a painting). Conversely, a winning
bidder may pay less than the value of the commodity yet experience a
subjective winner's curse. For example, an individual who aspires to
obtain the item at 85% of its objective worth will be dissatified if he
obtains it at 92% of its worth.
The psychological literature suggests that the first case is more likely
to occur than the second. Specifically, cognitive consistency theorists
(Aronson, 1968; Festinger, 1957; Wicklund and Brehm, 1976) would
predict that a bidder who has objectively overpaid for an item is likely to
exaggerate its true value in order to rationalize his or her bid. Such
attempts at dissonance reduction are likely if the acquired commodity
does not have a clearly specified value, since this allows more degrees of
freedom in the interpretation of value. While it is important to recognize
the difference between the objective and subjective interpretations, our
central theme concerns the existence of an objective winner's curse
(using commodities that have clear objective values).
1. We are indebted to an anonymous referee for pointing out this key issue.
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The key remaining question is this: How does one identify conditions
under which the winner's curse is likely to occur? This article identifies
two factors affecting the likelihood and magnitude of the winner's curse.
The first factor is the degree of uncertainty concerning the value of the
item up for bid. The greater the uncertainty about this value, the greater
the variance of bidder values estimates. For example, if a $1 bill is
auctioned off, there will be no uncertainty about the value of the item,
and no variance in bidder estimates would be predicted. Excluding
deviant bidding behavior and unusual auction rules (e.g., see Shubik,
1971), bids in excess of $1 would never occur. In contrast, if a jar with
100 pennies (this number unknown to the subjects) is auctioned, there
will be far more uncertainty about the value of the item and greater
variance in estimates, introducing the possibility of the winner's curse.
The same point can be made graphically. Increasing the spread of
estimates and bids in Figure 1 makes it much more likely that a winning
bid, lying in the right tail of the bid distribution, will exceed the actual
value of the item for sale.
When submitting a bid, the individual cannot use the actual variance
of estimates and bids as a measure of commodity uncertainty since they
cannot be observed. Instead, each bidder has only a personal assessment
of the uncertainty surrounding the value of the commodity to rely on. In
the experiment, personal uncertainty is measured by the range size of
each individual's stated 90% confidence interval. The aggregate uncertainty
of a given commodity is calculated as the average of these
personal range sizes over all individuals. An initial question, then, is
whether aggregate commodity uncertainty-while normatively relevant-
is a useful indicator of the actual (and unobservable to the
bidders) variance in estimates and bids.
A second question is whether or not the typical bidder recognizes this
uncertainty and takes it into account when making a bid. We shall take
as our starting point the following "null" hypothesis: The typical
individual's bid depends only on that individual's value estimate and
note on the perceived uncertainty concerning the item's value. A
competing hypothesis is that for a given initial value estimate, greater
value uncertainty lowers bids. This may occur for two reasons. The
bidder may recognize this as the correct normative response in
accordance with the argument above. Alternatively, a risk-averse bidder
may assess a lower certainty equivalent amount for the item when its
value is more uncertain and bid lower according. Under the null
hypothesis, failure to discount bids in response to greater uncertainty
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THEAUCTION 623
will increase the likelihood and magnitude of the winner's curse. (Of
course, the same result may occur under the competing hypothesis if
discounting, though present, is insufficient to counteract the upward
bias in the winning bid caused by the increased uncertainty in estimates.)
A second factor affecting the existence and magnitude of the winner's
curse is the size of the bidding population. As the number of bidders
increase, so will the range of estimates and bids. For example, if the
bidding group size is 4, the likelihood of finding someone in the extreme
right tail of the estimate curve (Figure 1) is far less than if the size of the
bidding group is 26. This suggests that subjects, in environments where
the winner's curse is likely, should increase their discounting as the
bidding group size increases to counteract the greater likelihood of the
winning bidder overbidding. Specifically, the individual should engage
in the simple train of thought:
If mine proves to be the winning bid, what can I conclude about the commodity's
true value relative to my estimate and bid? The appropriate inference is that in all
likelihood I've overestimated the true value. Furthermore, the implied margin of
overestimation increases with the number of competing bidders, and I should lower
my bid accordingly."2
In contrast, we predict that subjects will fail to increase their
discounts as the number of competitors increases, for two reasons. First,
they will fail to understand the inference to be drawn from the fact that
their bid is the highest and will overlook the relevance of bidding group
size as it influences the winners' curse. Second, bidders commonly
reason as follows: "I will have to bid closer to the real value (my
estimate) if I am going to win [so to speak] the auction with so many
bidders." As a descriptive matter, it is difficult to say which effect-the
tendency toward discounting (the normatively appropriate response) or
toward increased bids-is stronger. As an initial attack on the issue, we
adopt the null hypothesis that bids are insensitive to the number of
2. This discounting is necessary regardless of the a priori likelihood that the individual
will win the auction. For instance, it is less likely that the individual will win against a large
number of bidders; nonetheless he or she should discount appropriately and increase his or
her discount as the number of bidders increases. What the result depends on is reasonable
enough bidding behavior on the parts of the other bidders so the individual can infer that if
he or she wins, his or her estimate will have an upward bias (the more so the greater the
number of competitors). The experimental results amply confirm that the subject bids
depend closely on estimates; therefore, supporting the inference that a winning bid means
a high estimate.
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Together, the null hypotheses concerning bidding behavior imply our
main testable result: With the failure of bidding adjustments by subjects,
the magnitude of the winner's curse will increase with increases in
commodity uncertainty and the number of bidders.Capan, Clapp, and
Campbell XXXXXXXXXXand Case XXXXXXXXXXpreviously suggested that the winner
of a competitive auction will commonly pay more than the actual value
of the acquired commodity. Their studies, however, did not attempt
controlled experimentation to the conditions that lead to the existence
of the winner's curse. Following the logic above, our experiment
examines the following hypothesized effects:
(1) The winner of a sealed-bid auction of a highly uncertain commodity with a large
number of bidders will typically pay more than the value of the commodity.
(2) As the aggregate uncertainty surrounding the commodity increases, so too the
variance of bids.
(3) Individual bids depend on value estimates only; they do not depend on (a) the
amount of uncertainty surrounding the item for sale, or (b) the number of bidders
competing for the item.
(4) The likelihood and magnitude of the winner's curse will increase as (a) the
uncertainty surrounding the commodity increases, and (b) the size of the bidding
population increases.
Subjects were M.B.A. students (N = 419) in 12 microeconomics
classes at Boston University (class sizes varying from 34 to 54). The
experiment as an introduction to "decision making under uncertainy"
and provided data for this research.
Each class participated in four sealed-bid auctions, bidding on a
different commodity in each of the auctions. Unknown to the subjects,
all commodities had a value of $8.00 (e.g., 800 pennies, 160 nickels, 200
large paper clips assigned a value of four cents, and 400 small paper clips
assigned a value of two cents. Subjects were told that the highest
bidder would pay his or her bid and receive the defined value of the
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 625
auctioned commodity in return. For example, if the highest bid was
$7.00, the individual bidding would receive a net payment of $8.00 -
$7.00 (or $1.00). Thus subjects bid on the value of the commodity, not
the commodity itself. In addition to their bids, subjects provided their
best estimate of the value of each of the commodities and placed 90%
confidence bounds around these estimates. To promote the best possible
estimates, a $2.00 prize was given for the closest estimate to the true
value in each auction. All information on one auction was completed
before the next auction began, and no feedback was provided until all
parts of the experiment were completed.
The analysis focused on two independent variables-commodity
uncertainty and size of the bidding population-as separate factors
affecting the magnitude of winning bids. For each item, commodity
uncertainty was defined as the mean of the 90% confidence range sizes
across subjects. Bidding size was manipulated by telling each subject, on
a personal information sheet, the number of bidders in his or her auction
group. Further, it was stressed that the subject was competing only
against those bidders and not the whole class. The auction group sizes
used where 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 26. All subjects in a
class were given identical information on group size for each auction.
Thus 48 observations were obtained through the participation of 12
classes in four auctions, for four different commodities, with four
different bidding sizes in effect. In addition, a Latin Squares Design was
used to eliminate any order effects or covariation between the two
independent variables. The complete experimental design is displayed in
Table 1.
For each auction, we calculated the average value of the winning bid
(AWB). Instead of assigning particular subjects to auction groups, we
determined the highest bidder for each of the total possible combinations
of auction groups that could be drawn from the total number of students
in the class. Obviously a very large number of possible combinations
existed for each of the 48 auctions. We then averaged the values
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 627
of the high bids over all possible auctions group combinations.
Formally, the AWB is defined as:
AWB = M; PiBiW
Where Pi = [K/N-i+1][I- S Pj],
for 1 ?i:N-K+1,
and Pi = O, forN-Kl- Here, N is the number of students in the class, K is the number of bidders
in the auction group, Bi is the value of the ith highest bid in class, and Pi is
the probability that the ith highest bidder in the class will appear in and
be the highest bidder in an auction group drawn at random (i.e., with
all possible auction groups equally likely). The degree and severity of the
winner's curse is indicated by the average magnitude of overpaymentthe
difference between the actual value of the commodity and the
average bid.
The effect depicted in Figure 1 assumes that the mean estimate of the
value of a commodity will be approximately equal to the true value of
that commodity. If estimates are lower on the average than the true
value, any test of the winner's curse would be conservative since the tail
of the distribution of bids is actually compared to the true value-not to
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the mean of the distribution of estimates. In fact, across the four
commodities, the average value estimate was $5.13 ($2.87 below the true
value). This underestimation should reduce the likelihood and magnitude
of the winner's curse across all auction groups. We assume that the
underestimation observed is specific to our task and does not represent a
generalizable estimation bias.
Hypothesis 1. The mean AWB for the 48 auctions was $ 10.01, with a
standard deviation of $5.48. Thus the average auction resulted in a loss
of $2.01 to the winning bidder. Twelve auctions had AWBs under $7.00,
10 had AWBs between $7.00 and $8.00, 3 had AWBs between $8.00 and
$9.00, and 23 auctions resulted in AWBs over $9.00. Thus strong
support for the winner's curse occurred despite significant underestimation
of value. Had the subjects been unbiased in their estimates (i.e., had
the true value been $5.13), the average loss would have been $4.88.
Hypothesis 2. The measure of aggregate commodity uncertainty (the
mean 90% confidence range size across all 419 subjects) took on the
following values for the four commodities: two cent pieces, $5.20;
pennies, $5.40; nickels, $6.02; and four-cent pieces, $6.58. While
commodity uncertainty affected the variance of bids in the predicted
direction, the effect was far from precise. The relationship is specified by
the following raw score regression equation (N 48):
(p = .152)
R2 = .14 F = 7.6
where SDB denotes the standard deviation of bids in each auction and
UNC denotes aggregate commodity uncertainty. For this equation, the
standardized regression weight is .15.
Hypothesis 3. To test the effects of commodity uncertainty and the
number of competitors on bidding behavior, we estimated the following
regression equation (N = 48):
R2 = .58 F = 19.98
where BID denotes the mean bid for each of the 48 auctions, EST the
mean value estimate, UNC the aggregate commodity uncertainty, and K
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 629
the number of bidders. Neither UNC nor K significantly affected the
value of the mean bid. The equation indicates, however, that the mean
bid was about 41% of the mean estimate and that the independent
variables (primarily the mean estimate) explain a surprising amount of
the variation (58%) of bids across auctions. For this equation, the
standardized regression weights are .58, .02, and -.08 for EST, UNC,
and K, -respectively. Table 2 provides simple correlations among the
four variables in the equation.
Like equation 1, equation 2 uses the auction groups as the unit of
analysis. A similar result occurs when individual bids are examined.
Consider the following raw score regression, which uses each bid as an
observation (N = 1676):
R2 = .45 F = 463.0
where the subscripts i denote individual bids, estimates, and uncertainty,
respectively. Note that the effect of UNC is significant and in the
anticipated direction, but the size of the effect is very small. When other
things are equal, a dollar increase in the individual's 90% confidence
range reduces his or her bid by only three cents. The standardized
regression weights for this equation are .69, -.12, and -.02 for EST,
UNC, and K, respectively.
Hypothesis 4. Finally, to test the relationship between the average
winning bid, commodity uncertainty, and the number of bidders, the
following regression equation was estimated:
AWB = XXXXXXXXXXUNC + .18 K + e. [4]
R2 = .182, F = 5.018
The standardized regression weights for this equation are .36 and .23 for
UNC and K, respectively.
A close inspection of the auction data reveals that AWB is sensitive to
idiosyncratic bidding behavior (i.e., a handful of grossly inflated bids).
For this reason the explanatory power of equation 4 is limited. In all, it
explains only about 18% of the variation in AWB. Moreover, the
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Pearson Correlations
Mean Value Commodity Number of
Estimate Uncertainty Bidders
Average winning bid .445** .362** .227*
Number of bidders XXXXXXXXXX
Commodity uncertainty .744**
* p
coefficient magnitudes should be taken to be no more than suggestive of
the relative effects of the twin factors on the winner's curse. With these in
mind, a number of rough conclusions can be drawn. First, the equation
indicates that commodity uncertainty has the greater influence on the
average winning bid. For instance, pegging UNC and K at their mean
values ($5.80 and 15 respectively), one estimates AWB to be $10.00. A
20% increase in UNC (from $5.80 to $7.00) results in a 43% increase in
AWB (from $10 to $ XXXXXXXXXXIn turn, a 20% increase in the number of
bidders (from 15 to 18) increases AWB by only 5%. Second, by setting
AWB equal to $8.00, one can determine the values of UNC and K at
which the winner's curse is first predicted to occur. For instance, when
two-cent pieces are up for bid (UNC = $5.20), the AWB first is expected
to exceed $8.00 when the number of bidders (K) is 13. By contrast, when
four-cent pieces, the most uncertain commodity, are auctioned, the winner's
curse is predicted to occur with as few as 4 bidders (in which case AWB -
$ XXXXXXXXXXFinally, equation 4 can be used to indicate the correct bidding
response to changes in UNC and K. For instance, suppose that all
competitiors adjust their bids according to
i\ BIDi = XXXXXXXXXXz\UNC - .18 A\K. [5]
Individuals lower their bids $3.61 for each dollar increase in UNC and
18c for each additional bidder. With this adjustment, the AWB will
remain constant across all auction conditions, eliminating the increased
incidence of the winner's curse as UNC and/or K increase. Thus the
estimated coefficients in equation 4 specify the size of the necessary
adjustment by the population of bidders.
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 631
These results generally support the findings of Capen et al XXXXXXXXXXand
Case XXXXXXXXXXon the frequency of the winner's curse in an auction context.
However, the current results find a great deal of variation in the
existence and magnitude of this effect. Furthermore, two explanatory
variables-commodity uncertainty and the size of the bidding population-
have theoretically and empirically been shown to account for
much of this variation. The explanation for these effects is that subjects
fail to draw the appropriate inference under uncertainty and to adjust
their bids sufficiently in light of this inference. The evidence suggests
that subjects employ naive bidding strategies, basing bids upon
unconditional value estimates and disregarding relevant information
such as the uncertainty surrounding the commodity and number of
bidders. The correct normative bidding behavior is more subtle. All
participants should base their bids on the expected value of the
commodity if their bid is the highest. Assuming reasonable bidding
behavior by competitors, a participant can infer that he or she was the
highest bidder because he or she had the most optimistic value estimate.
If it is presumed that one bidder's information is neither better nor worse
(though possibly different) than another's, then pooling all the individual
assessments (taking a simple average if they are independent and
unbiased) provides the best estimate of the item's value. Clearly the
highest bidder's estimate (and the accompanying bid) will be upwardly
biased. This bias increases with an increase in the uncertainty surrounding
the commodity and/ or an increase in the number of bidders,
since either effect leads to a greater range of estimates and bids. The
evidence strongly indicates that individuals fail to undertake this
necessary inference and to adjust their bids accordingly. Thus while
individuals recognize that uncertainty exists, they do not take this
into account sufficiently when formulating their bidding strategies
(equations 2 and 3). Nor do they adjust their bids with changes in the
number of competitors. In the absence of bidding adjustment, one
would expect the frequency and magnitude of the winner's curse to
depend directly on the uncertainty surrounding the value of the
commodity and on the number of competing bidders. This hypothesis
was confirmed by the experimental evidence (equation 4).
While we join with other analysts (e.g., Wilson, 1977) in arguing that
individuals should recognize the winner's curse and pursue appropriate
normative bidding strategies, our data strongly suggest that untrained
subjects fail to do so in predictable ways. By identifying the twin factors
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that contribute to overbidding, our study suggests appropriate remedies.
For instance, a superficial analysis of the winner's curse would
recommend staying away from auctions altogether. Our findings, in
contrast, suggest that it is possible to determine a profitable bidding
strategy by incorporating information on the number of bidders and
commodity uncertainty (equation 5).
The subtlety of this inferential task raises additional questions
concerning the sources of individual judgmental biases. For instance, if
informed of the competing bids, would a winning bidder stick by a
previous price offer or withdraw it if given the chance? What if the
subject were shown the other competitors' value estimates-or, more
suggestively, the mean of the competing estimates? Even in these "full
information" cases, many winning bidders, overconfident of their
estimated values, might be expected to stick by their bids. Indeed, it is
interesting to speculate as to how many winning bidders, given full
information about competing bids and estimates, would jump at the
chance to obtain the item at a discount price equal to the highest
competing bid. Even at this lower price, the purchaser falls prey to the
winner's curse, suffering a small average loss on the transaction. A final
experimental modification would allow syndicates (two or more individuals
acting as a team) to submit bids. One would expect a group bid,
based on a (presumably better) pooled-value estimate, to be less
susceptible to inferential bias and to the winner's curse. The form of
training that can lead to optimal improvement in bidding judgments is a
topic for further investigation.
In competitive procurements, it is commonly held that the contract
winner may be simply the most optimistic firm (the one that most
grossly underestimates program costs) rather than the most efficient. In
bidding for off-shore oil tracts, a common belief is that the winner often
pays too much for the lease. However, evidence bearing on the
importance of the winner's curse in these contexts is sketchy at best.
Frequent cost overruns in procurement stem partially from cost
misestimates (the winner's curse) but are frequently due to poor contract
incentives for the winning firm to seek cost economies. Estimates in the
1970s suggested that the U.S. government had received approximately
the full monetary value for off-shore tracts sold. In aggregate, tract
winners may not have been cursed, but perhaps the greater surprise is
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Bazerman, Samuelson / WON THE AUCTION 633
that oil companies have failed to earn excessive profits! The industry has
not obtained the bargains that might have been expected.
The winner's curse plays a part in a variety of other bidding settings,
from the free agent market in major league baseball to the practice of
blind bidding for film exhibition rights. Teams that compete for
baseball superstars should recognize that a player's past performance is
a highly uncertain predictor of future performance. In line with the
experimental results presented above, one would expect high-variance
ball players sought by numerous major league teams would prove to be
the most overpaid (vis-X-vis their actual performance). Frequently
exhibitors must bid for movie rights before a given film has been seen or
even completed. Favored by distributors, this practice of blind bidding
has been resisted by exhibitors and banned in several states. Exhibitors
complain of paying too much for films that prove to be flops. It appears
that exhibitors may fall prey to the winner's curse, and, for this reason,
that distributors have a positive incentive to keep the bidding blind.
The increase in the number of corporate takeovers in the 1980s has
provided evidence that acquiring companies often pay too much for
what they get. As many as one-third of all acquisitions prove to be
failures, and an additional one-third fail to live up to expectations (Wall
Street Journal, XXXXXXXXXXOur analysis suggests that potential acquirers
should temper their optimism by recognizing that successfully acquired
companies are likely to be worth far less than the expected value
estimated by the acquirer. Indeed, an acquirer is in the greatest danger of
falling prey to the winner's curse during a bidding war over a takeover
candidate. Some of the largest and most publicized takeover contestsfor
example, Dupont's winning bid for Conoco against the competition
of Mobil and Seagram-have resulted in purchase premiums more than
50% above market prices. The success or failure of these acquisitions
remains to be seen.
This experiment demonstrates the presence of nonrational judgment
in the domain of competitive bidding. In terms of the judgment
literature, we suggest that more attention be given to competitive
situations-the context in which most judgments take place. In terms of
the bidding literature, we suggest that more attention be given to both
descriptive models and controlled experimentation. Normative theory
provides an anchor from which we can record judgmental deficiencies
but is seldom, by itself, able to describe actual judgments. Future
research in these directions should result in a better understanding of
competitive judgments through the integration of descriptive models,
normative theory, and actual problems.
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This article introduces a new set of questions to the literature on
conflict resolution. When multiple parties engage in negotiation and
competitive bidding, how can an individual avoid a transaction in which
he or she pays more than the agreement is worth? We offer a simple
starting point for decision makers in conflict situations: Determine if
new information would be available if you assumed you were going to
"win" the competition. Often recognition of this information can keep a
competitor from falling prey to the winner's curse. Future research
should elaborate on determinants of the likelihood and magnitude of
the winner's curse and extend our results to a variety of conflict
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Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
130 Votes
I Won the Auction but Don't Want the Prize
Max H. Bazerman and William F. Samuelson in their work “I Won the Auction but Don't Want
the Prize” try to argue that winner of the sealed auction often lose a situation that is called
winners curse. The object acquired through winning the bid will most of the time worth less than
the price paid for the bid. Some bidders underestimate the value of the object and some bidders
will overestimate the value of object underlying the bid. The person who overestimates the value
of object underlying the bid will quote maximum price in order to win the bid. Once he or she
wins the bid he or she will find that object is worth less than what he she has paid for it. This is
called winners curse. There are various reasons for this winners’ curse. When an individual
assumes his or her biding will win the auction, this data will clearly indicates that the bidder of
the auction has overestimated the value of objects underlying the auction and quoted the highest
possible price for the auction. When the individual draws the co
ect inference about the value of
underlying object he she has to revise the estimate of true value of the item downward and
educe the bid amount accordingly. It is...

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