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07/05/2018 Untitled Document 16/26 CRITERION SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Communicates effectively...

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Communicates effectively with interviewee
and applies knowledge gained through
study to work environments. (Learning
Outcome 2 & 5)
All parts of the assessment task

Interview questions prepared were
appropriately designed to be asked of
an accounting professional.

Interviewer reflected on, and analysed
Appeared as through little research effort
completed prior to conducting the interview.

Interview questions were omitted,
inappropriate, or poorly designed.

Not all parts of the assessment task
Assessment item 6
STREAM 3 - Assignment 6: Professional Obligations
Value: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Due date: 16-May-2018
Return date: 07-Jun-2018
Length: 2,500 - 3,500
Submission method options
EASTS (online)
Firstly, you are required to devise a series of interview questions to investigate how ethics and
professional behaviour affect individuals in their real work life. These interviews can be conducted face
to face, by telephone, or (as a last choice) by email. You may want to elaborate or ask other questions
once you have heard the answers to the questions you pose.
Then conduct an interview with an individual working in the accounting profession. Suggested
questions (to get you started) include: how aware are they of their professional body’s codes and of
their organisation's policies and procedures – if they have them. What influence do these codes have
on their own behaviour and that of their peers and supervisors? What are the possible consequences if
each either their professional body’s code or the organisation's code/s?

Research an Australian professional accounting body to understand what issues arise for the
professional body and how it polices its code. How does the body communicate the need to be ethical
to its members? Are there legal ramifications if the code is
eached? Do members have to complete
continual professional education? In what areas?

Then reflect on what this means for you in your career and what actions you should take to ensure that
you are always acting professionally and ethically. You should also reflect on the similarities and
differences between the professional body and the individual working in a profession. Do they both give
adherence to the codes the same priority? What, if any, ba
iers are there to adhering to the code/s?
The aim of this assessment is to:
To get a real world understanding of how codes of ethics/ conduct
ehaviour impact individuals
in their career;
To understand the difference between the professional bodies' code and expectation they have
of their members and the members' expectations and actions;
To understand codes of ethics/conduct
ehaviour in an organisation and the impact it has on
employees; and
To reflect on this in your career.
This will allow your marker to assess the learning outcomes:
ability to communicate effectively in the workplace;
ability to explain obligations to employers;
ability to demonstrate an understanding of the obligations of a professional accountant; and
ability to apply the knowledge gained through university study to work environments.
Marking criteria
In order to achieve a Satisfactory grade for this assessment task, all criteria must be rated as
satisfactory. If you have made a genuine attempt at the assessment task, you will be allowed one (1)
esubmission to address any unsatisfactory components of this task. Resubmissions must be
completed within one (1) week of notification.
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esponses well.

Demonstrated research effort into an
accounting professional body.

Interview responses were followed up
with more questions, which were,
appropriate and provided greate

Description of interviews and/o
interviewees’ responses lacked any depth.

Interviewees not appropriate for task.
Reflects on obligations to employers in the
workplace and Demonstrates an
understanding of the obligations
professional accountants face. (Learning
Outcome 3 & 4)
Clearly identifies some of the ethical
issues accountants face in the

Provides examples of situations
where professional bodies have
enforced their code of conduct

Demonstrates an understanding of
the conflicts that may occu
etween/amongst various

Reflection includes clear evaluation of
how the research findings may affect
personal behaviour, including
consideration of conflicting interests
and obligations.
Poor or little identification of ethical issues
faced by accountants.

Examples of situations where professional
odies have enforces their code of conduct
lacks detail or context

Shows little understanding of the conflicts
that may occur between/amongst various

Reflection does not contain an evaluation of
how the research findings may affect
personal behaviour. Response lacks of
omits consideration of conflicting interests
and obligations.
Clear and appropriate report structure that
includes co
ect spelling, grammar,
punctuation and referencing. General
competency with academic conventions.
(Learning Outcome 5)
Clear headings used to organise
information into relevant sections.

All sections of report included.
Report was presented professionally,
with no or only minor e

Numbering system used to separate
discrete ideas/ sections.

Spelling, grammar and punctuation
demonstrate a professional
standard. Referencing conforms to
APA (6th ed.).

Most paragraphs are appropriately
structured so each contains a single
topic idea.
Report is poorly organised and lacks
attention to detail.

Sections of report were missing or not
covered in depth.

Lack of academic conventions with marked
problems with spelling, grammar and
punctuation that disrupt the meaning of the

Does not conform to APA referencing
format (6th ed.).

Paragraphs are generally fragmentary o
overly long. No discernible structure o
progression of points.
Your report should consist of:
Title page;
Table of contents;
Executive Summary;
Introduction: You may protect the identity of your interviewee. Just explain what type of role they
have e.g. financial accountant, business advisory, their level e.g. manager, trainee and the type
of business in which they are employed e.g. government, education, small private firm;
Body of the report answering the questions you have devised
oken up into the two areas;
Your reflections on the similarities and differences in expectations;
Your reflections on what this means for you;
References; and
Appendix (listing the questions prepared for the interview).
There is no Word document template for this task.
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All submissions must be in Word format. As a CSU student you are entitled to a free copy of Microsoft
Office 2013 Suite. Details to find out further information can be found below under 'Online Submission'.

As per the CSU Referencing Policy, assessment should be fully referenced. The Faculty of Business,
Justice and Behavioural Sciences requires that students apply APA (American Psychological
Association) referencing. If you are unsure of this style, please go to CSU Referencing website at

In addition a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to co
ectly use in text referencing
and the co
ect way to cite the reference in your reference list can be found at

Student submissions who do not acknowledge the sources used in preparing their assessment will not
e marked.

Executive Summary
This report entirely elucidates on the organisational policies with regard to the code of ethics and its application. The report will further exemplify more on the code of ethics for the professional body of the accountant with clear illustrations of the code of ethics implementation. An accounting professional who works for a reputable organisation in Canada conducted an interview to illustrate the responses given by the interviewee based on the serious of questions that are of great concern to the organisation. Implementation of policies by the organisation also formed part of the serious questions raised and with much regard to the ethical behavior. The accounting professional was also required to exemplify the differences and similarities based on the code of ethics for the accounting professionals. Additionally, the report gives me a chance to once again reflect on my future career path based on my understanding of the code of ethics.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    Ii
Introduction    1
Accounting Professional And Ethical Standards    1
The Series Of Interview Questions And Answers Provided    2
Reflection    5
Reflection On Differences And Similarities    5
Reflection On My Career Path    6
Conclusion    8
References    9
It is important to note that the body of accounting professional and ethical standards board limited is vested with authority to influence for the services that are professional for the accounting professionals with such guidelines that enhance honest services. In this regard, accounting professionals need to fully comply with the guidelines provided by this professional body to render services in an honest capacity.
The report through the interview addresses the serious questions that relate to the ethical behavior. The interview takes place with a professional accountant and it’s a face to face interview where I get to learn that he has worked for this organisation for one year. The aim of this interview is to get to understand what challenges the interviewee has gone through and the repercussions faced in the event of
eaching the codes of a professional body or organisation’s codes. It is expected that the interviewee understands the behavior, impacts of codes of ethics and above all the professional policies within an organisational setup (Crawford & Lloyd, 2008).
Accounting professional and ethical standards
This is a body that strictly works within certain standards of professionalism coupled with ethical requirements in line with the delivery of professional services and performances. All accounting professionals who are members of CPA in Canada need to strictly follow the series of accounting professional and ethical standards. Therefore, strict compliance with the basic principles of the APES remains the core responsibility that binds the Canadian CPA members to ensure they put interests of people first. The principles include; objectivity, professional behavior, integrity, due care and above all professional competence that will eventually influence positive results (Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board, 2010).
Accounting professional and ethical standards board has four categories as follows:
APES 100: Code of ethics for professional accountants
APES 200: professional standards applicable to all members
APES 300: professional standards that are strictly applicable to the members of public practice
APES 400: professional standards that are applicable to the business people who have a membership.
Accounting professional and ethical standards board has the sole obligation to ensuring all accounting professionals get access to the code of ethics provided to in return guide them
Answered Same Day May 07, 2020


Akansha answered on May 10 2020
159 Votes
The report is the depth analysis of the corporate policies and procedure about the code of conduct and its deployment.
The introduction part will discuss and elaborate the ethical codes with a professional body of the accountant of Australia with suitable examples of ethics implementation on a group.
The interview of accounting professional will be conducted which rely on the series of question about the knowledge related to the accounting principles.
In this report, a personal reflection will also be included to know the understanding of the code of ethics that will help in the future career path. It will also analyze how important are the accounting policies for the accounting professional.
A personal reflection will be added to what extent the accounting principles can help in the personal career goals. The conclusion will be added in the end to find the findings of the fact.
Accounting ethical standards and professionals board is giving authority to repercussion and providing the rules and regulation to the accounting professionals with such guidelines to give valuable and honest services to their customers. About code of ethics, the accounting professionals must ensure that they should not operate in the unethical ways or to provide their services for the unethical reason.
While conducting the interview, series of question will be asked based on the code of ethics and valuable ethical behavior. An interview will be taken of an accountant professional, and it will be a telephonic interview. During the interview session, I get to know that he has worked in the company for two years and got many appraisals by the time. The main motive of the interview is to know what challenges the accounting professional has faced, and the consequences faced when he is
eaching or
eaking the rules and regulation of a professional body of accounting. It is presumed that the accounting professional has deep understanding and knowledge of the code of ethics and its impact on different organization policies which is the main objective of conducting the interview (Saville, 2016).
The Chartered Professional Account body is the one of the leading and largest accounting body which have the global membership of more 178,567 people working worldwide. CPA is the foundation of the integrity of accounting profession which ensures the public confidence and consistency in Australian financial markets. T-*he goal of the financial body is to maximize the people who have a great interest in the accounting profession. It is a national and independent body that entrenched the code of professional standards and code of ethics with the accounting professionals must have to comply with. The Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards are getting huge funds from the CA ANZ, CPA Australia, and IPA (Cavanagh, 2014).
To use the CPA proficiency, the member must comply with certain rules:
· Must fulfil the policy and procedure regarding the accounting body.
· must undertake CPA activities
· must comply with the strict code of conduct by the CPA Australia
Certified Public Accountant contains the ethical and professional requirements for accounting professional of Australia. (McGregor, 2016).
According to CPA body, all members of Australia shall follow the policy and procedure associated with it while conducting or providing any professional accounting service. Along with the members of Australia, the members who are training outside shall comply with the policy and procedures of the CPA body. This law is not established to distract the learners from the guidelines or responsibilities made by the law and legislation for the accounting professional (Weaver, 2016).
I took an interview with a cu
ent employee of an Australian well-established company who has great experience in the accounting field and worked as a financial accounting professional. He had also worked as an assistant accountant in the organization where he worked before and got the promotion based on his exceptional skills and knowledge. I have prepared myself with series of question which I will get to ask him while taking the interview of the accounting professional.
Question 1 What is your job role, position, and in the organization?
The accounting professional replied that he has to work in this reputable company since two years back as the Accounting professional along with the responsibilities to make sure that the company is providing their services according to a code of ethics and also take care of the accounting related work of the company.
Question 2 Do you understand the professional requirements or code of ethics as per your job position?
The interviewee has answered all requirements which he applies in his job position. He has explained the code of ethics in a good manner which shows that he has enough knowledge and very skills which justify his job position in a well-established company in Australia. I have seen that the Accounting professional has a good knowledge of the Accounting professionals and ethical standards as per the demands created by the different companies for this job role or job position.
Questions 3 are there any duties in the organization about the code of ethics, policies and procedure which you have to fulfil to do justice with your job position?
The interviewee answered yes and said that he is recently working as the accounting professional...

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