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I will text you the files and want to talk to the expert before starting the assignment as I need to tell him what my assesor told what he wants

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© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version
Page 1 of 4 File Name: BSBSTR801 Self Study Guide
July 2021 July XXXXXXXXXX
Self-Study Guide
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version
Page 2 of 4 File Name: BSBSTR801 Self Study Guide
July 2023 July XXXXXXXXXX
About this document
This document is to be used as a self-study guide at home/in your own time to complement the
formal learning you are doing as part of your classroom or online studies. It is a requirement of your
course that you complete the activities in this guide.
You will need to take your notes/completed activities to class, or follow your trainers direction about
how to complete activities.
If you are unsure about anything, talk to your traine
Self-study Guide
Unit code and title BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
You are to complete each of the self-study tasks below. Each activity
is a mandatory part of your study. After completing each of the tasks,
tick the box below to show that you have completed the activity and
ing evidence of this to class to share.
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version
Page 3 of 4 File Name: BSBSTR801 Self Study Guide
July 2023 July XXXXXXXXXX
Activity Task
time Completed
Watch& research Watch one of the videos from the RTO Works
video series:
• Cele
ating innovation
Conduct your own research to answer the
following questions:
• How does critical thinking lead to a more
innovative mindset?
• Why is innovation important when solving
• Which types of
ands or companies do you
view as innovative and admire? Why?
2 hours

Practical activity Think about an issue/problem in your work or life
that you feel could be improved upon.
• What is this issue/problem and why has it
come about?
• Pick one creative thinking technique that
you feel could be used to come up with a
solution for this problem (e.g.,
ainstorming, mind maps etc.).
• Apply this technique to this issue/problem
to come up with an innovative solution.
• In what way did this technique help to find a
solution for your issue/problem?
4 hours 
Research Research a business that you’re interested in
and imagine you are the manager for one of
their stores. You’ve noticed the business is
falling behind in cu
entworkplace industry
trends so are looking to adopt a more innovative
• First, identify one trend the business could
e falling behind in based on its industry
competitors (e.g., sustainability in the
• Come up with a fewinnovative solutionsand
write down how you could introduce these
innovative ideas to team members.
• What approaches could you apply to
4 hours 
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
© Sydney City College of Management Pty Ltd RTO: 45203 CRICOS: 03620C Date Revision date Version
Page 4 of 4 File Name: BSBSTR801 Self Study Guide
July 2023 July XXXXXXXXXX
Activity Task
time Completed
ensure all team members feel included,
consulted and supported in any extra
innovative ideas they may have?
• What benefits could consulting with team
members on these innovative ideas have
for the workplace and yourself as a
Take notes to share in class.
Review Review your assessment requirements for this
unit and read through your Project Portfolio so
you know what you will be required to do. Make
sure you review your Student Guide if you need
to revisit some areas of your training. Ask your
trainer any questions before you begin your
assessment to ensure you understand all of the
learning and are ready to be assessed.
3 hours 
Reflection Reflect on the following:
• Information learned during your training
• Your main key “takeaways” from this unit
• What did you learn that you didn’t know
already? How can you apply this in your
• What did you find challenging or
confronting? How did you overcome these
challenges or ba
2 hours 

Project Portfolio
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
BSBSTR801     XXXXXXXXXXProject Portfolio
Section 1: Understand innovation in your organisation    5
Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation    7
Section 3: Implement and sustain innovation in your organisation    10
    Student name:
    Organisation this assessment is based on:
    Documentation reviewed as preparation:
    Section 1: Understand innovation in your organisation
Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.
What is the name of the organisation?
What are the main activities of the organisation?
What is your role in the organisation?
How does your role fit into the organisational structure?
Identify at least two stakeholders who will be associated with or impacted by innovation in your organisation.
How are your identified stakeholders associated with or impacted by innovation?
Summarise any existing organisational requirements relating to identifying, introducing and promoting innovative practices, processes, products and/or services (for example, communication policies and procedures, risk management policies and procedures etc.)?
    The remainder of Section 1 of your portfolio requires you to do research. You must access at least three different sources of information to do your research (for example, discussion with stakeholders, internet searches, industry standards, best practice examples etc.).
You may also use the additional information in the Simulation Pack to assist you in answering the questions.
Attach proof of your sources to this section of your portfolio (e.g. screen shot of search results, list of website links etc.)
Research innovation:
Choose at least one past and one cu
ent innovation theory. Compare and contrast these theories and the associated thinking behind these theories.
Summarise relevant workplace conditions, including:
1.1.1. specific conditions that facilitate innovation (e.g. critical thinking).
1.1.2. specific issues that impact innovative thinking and creativity.
Analyse at least two potential ba
iers and two potential risks associated with introducing and maintaining innovation in an organisation
Describe strategies that may be used to respond to the ba
Summarise at least four techniques and tools that can be used in your organisation to generate ideas and facilitate creative thinking.
Identify three examples of leadership styles and discuss the impact on innovation, specifically whether the style of innovation encourages or inhibits innovation within an organisation.
Research, analyse and review the culture of innovation in your organisation. Include:
An analysis of internal and external environmental culture and trends that shape your organisation’s:
1.1.3. cu
ent thinking and practice regarding innovation.
1.1.4. future thinking and practice regarding innovation.
A review of innovation drivers and enablers in your organisation.
An assessment of the cu
ent resources that are available to ensure innovation occurs.
Summarise the requirements necessary to lead innovation in your organisation. Include:
an assessment of at least three requirements to integrate innovation as a sustainable part of your organisation’s activities.
a list of at least two ways to:
1.1.5. capture ideas and practices relating to innovation in your organisation.
1.1.6. communicate with stakeholders relating to innovation (different methods may be appropriate for different stakeholders).
1.1.7. promote the transfer of relevant innovation knowledge within in your organisation.
a summary of at least two strategies that may be implemented in your organisation to foster a workplace culture that encourages innovation.
Review at least two innovative practices, processes, products and/or services that may suit and be implemented in your organisation.
Conduct a cost
enefit analysis of implementing innovation strategies, practices, processes and systems. Present the information in an appropriate format (e.g. table and/or graph).
Present the work you’ve done in this section as a written report to a relevant stakeholder (e.g. Board of directors). Use the space below to list which stakeholders will receive the report.
Note: Attach your report to this section of your portfolio.
    Information sources
    Written report
BSBSTR801     XXXXXXXXXXProject Portfolio
    Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation
    Use the work you completed in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio and if relevant, the additional information in the Simulation Pack to help you complete this section.
1. Assess your personal leadership style, including:
using an appropriate tool to assess your leadership style (e.g. https:
a description of your leadership style
an explanation how your leadership style already models (or should be improved to model) positive innovative thinking and practice.
Note: Attach proof of your leadership style assessment to this section of your portfolio.
1. Develop and apply at least two strategies to make innovation an integral part of your organisation. Complete the table below (you have already identified the strategies in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio).
Note: Attach proof of your developed and applied strategies. If necessary, provide separate proof of a develop strategy (e.g. list of rewards) and how it has been applied (draft email to all staff notifying them of the strategy). If your organisation requires more than two strategies, attach the additional details to this section of your portfolio.
    Description of the strategy
    How will you develop the strategy?
    How will you apply the strategy?
    How does the strategy build/maintain effective working relationships
1. Establish at least two processes/systems in your organisation by completing the table below. Your processes/systems must:
support innovation (and the strategies you developed in the previous question)
confirm an ongoing awareness of individual and team contributions to innovative thinking and practice.
Note: if your organisation requires more than two systems or processes, attach the additional details to this section of your portfolio.
    Description of process/system
    Details of process/system
    How do processes/systems support innovation and confirm ongoing awareness of contributions to innovation?
    How will I monitor the system/process?
1. Plan to communicate with stakeholders by completing the table below. You need to:
communicate with at least two stakeholders
use at least two tools to communicate (e.g. email, ve
al, social media etc.)
provide at least one resource to support your communication (e.g. fact sheet, flowchart etc.)
Note: You can communicate more than one requirement in a single form of communication (e.g. you can discuss all the requirements listed in the table below as part of a single weekly team meeting, send an email to summarise what was discussed and provide a fact sheet for all employees to reference at a later stage). Attach your resource(s) to the section of your portfolio.
    What must I communicate?
    Who will I communicate to?
    How will I communicate?
    Which resource will I provide?
    Promote and share innovation knowledge.
    Introduce and promote creative thinking techniques.
    Introduce and promote innovative practices, processes, products and/or services (established in the previous question).
1. Summarise your communication with stakeholder(s) to:
promote and share innovation knowledge.
introduce and promote creative thinking techniques.
introduce and promote innovative practices, processes, products and/or services.
Note: If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your communication to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of a team meeting, PowerPoint presentation, email to employees). You will attach at least two different forms of communication.
Confirm that your organisation values a team approach to communication, consultation and development for innovation.
Note: Attach proof of your confirmation to this section of your portfolio (for example, survey results or draft email to all managers etc.)
    Leadership style assessment
    Proof of developed and applied strategies
    Resources to support innovation processes
    Proof of communication with stakeholders (at least two)
    Proof of confirmation
    Section 3: Implement and sustain innovation in your organisation
    Use the work you completed in Section 2 of your Project Portfolio and if relevant, the additional information in the Simulation Pack to help you complete this section.
1. Monitor at least one system/process established on Section 2 of your Project Portfolio that confirms an ongoing awareness of individual and team contributions to innovative thinking and practice:
Has the system or process been implemented?
Are employees following the process/system?
1. Plan to generate innovate ideas for your organisation in collaboration with relevant stakeholders by completing the table below. You will meet with at least two stakeholders to:
identify issues in the organisation
generate and evaluate possible solutions to the issues.
select the most appropriate option to focus on
seek feedback.
    Who will I meet with?
    Which issues will be discussed?
    Which creative thinking techniques and tools will I use (at least one) to generate solutions?
    How will I include
Answered 24 days After May 13, 2024


Shubham answered on May 17 2024
13 Votes
Project Portfolio
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
Classification: Public
Classification: Public
Classification: Public
BSBSTR801     Project Portfolio
Section 1: Understand innovation in your organisation    5
Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation    7
Section 3: Implement and sustain innovation in your organisation    10
    Student name:
    Sanreet Arora
    Mr. Nurul Imam
    Organisation this assessment is based on:
    King Edward VII College
    Documentation reviewed as preparation:
    · Workplace Innovation Course Materials
· King Edward VII College Business Plan
· Financial Information from Management Team
· Brainstorming Register
· Feedback from Stakeholders
    Section 1: Understand innovation in your organisation
Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.
What is the name of the organisation?
The organisation is King Edward VII College is the Registered Training Organisation that is established in 2010.
What are the main activities of the organisation?
It includes main activities including providing vocational education and training in business and management fields. This includes offering courses ranging from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma levels with campuses in Melbourne CBD and Sydney.
What is your role in the organisation?
The role in organisation is the Operations Manager.
How does your role fit into the organisational structure?
As the Operations Manager, this provides overview day-to-day operations of the college. This ensures activities that align with strategic objectives.
Identify at least two stakeholders who will be associated with or impacted by innovation in your organisation.
Two stakeholders associated that is impacted by innovation in organisation. Employees including trainers, assessors and administrative staff and students that are required in the project.
How are your identified stakeholders associated with or impacted by innovation?
Employees are associated with innovation that are expected to contribute creative ideas and participate in innovative practices that is the part of roles. It includes job satisfaction, efficiency and professional growth can be impacted by the implementation of innovative processes. Students has impacted by innovation that influences quality of education in receiving the delivery methods of courses.
Summarise any existing organisational requirements relating to identifying, introducing and promoting innovative practices, processes, products and/or services (for example, communication policies and procedures, risk management policies and procedures etc.)?
It is existing organisational requirements that is related to identifying, introducing and promoting innovative practices. Regular and deliberate communication ensures innovation that is outlined in the communication policies and procedures. The need for risk management policies and procedures to mitigate potential risks associated with innovation implementation. The incorporation of innovative practices in all policies, procedures and activities will help to ensure that innovation is ingrained in organisational culture (Joyce, 2019). The establishment of platforms like
ainstorming sessions, innovation registers and dedicated email addresses. It will help to encourage employees to share ideas and suggestions. The recognition and reward system like awarding the title of innovation hero. This requires considering staff training is critical and creative thinking for incentivize and support innovative behaviour. The requirement for structured innovation strategy that is suggested by the Board of Directors. It provides framework for systematic innovation efforts and to assess cost-benefit analysis of innovation in the college.
Research innovation:
Choose at least one past and one cu
ent innovation theory. Compare and contrast these theories and the associated thinking behind these theories.
It is related to past innovation theory is Technology Adoption Lifecycle. The theory categorizes individuals in groups based on willingness to adopt innovations for innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. This focuses on importance of understanding diffusion process of innovation in the population. Design Thinking is the cu
ent innovation theory that focuses on human-centred approach to problem-solving (Markard, 2020). It includes focusing on users, defining problems, ideating solutions, prototyping and testing. Design Thinking ensures collaborative and iterative process that encourages creativity and user-centric solutions.
Summarise relevant workplace conditions, including:
1.1.1. specific conditions that facilitate innovation (e.g. critical thinking).
•    Open communication channels that encourage idea-sharing.
•    Culture that promotes experimentation and accepts failure as learning opportunity.
•    Time for reflection and
ainstorming sessions.
•    Access to resources and support for experimentation and implementation.
1.1.2. specific issues that impact innovative thinking and creativity.
· Fear of failure and punishment for taking risks.
· Hierarchical structures that develop bottom-up innovation.
· Lack of diversity and inclusion that can limit perspectives and creativity.
· Focusing on short-term goals at expense of long-term innovation efforts.
Analyse at least two potential ba
iers and two potential risks associated with introducing and maintaining innovation in an organisation.
1. Resistance to change from employees accustomed to traditional methods.
2. Insufficient resources and budget allocated for innovation initiatives.
1. Investing in innovations that do not align with organizational goals or fail to meet market demands.
2. Creating a culture of innovation without proper governance, leading to chaos or inefficiency.
1. Describe strategies that may be used to respond to the ba
· This requires providing training and workshops to educate employees on benefits of innovation and ensure change.
· This requires dedicated budget for innovation projects and secure buy-in from key stakeholders.
· Risks:
· It includes establishing criteria and metrics for evaluating success of innovation initiatives before implementation.
· Implementation of structured review process for assess alignment of innovation efforts with organizational objectives.
1. Summarise at least four techniques and tools that can be used in your organisation to generate ideas and facilitate creative thinking.
1. Brainstorming sessions: Encouraging free-flowing idea generation for team members.
2. Design Thinking workshops: Facilitate empathy-driven problem-solving and ideation.
3. SWOT analysis: Identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to uncover areas for innovation.
4. Prototyping and experimentation: Build prototypes for testing ideas and gathering feedback from stakeholders.
1. Identify three examples of leadership styles and discuss the impact on innovation, specifically whether the style of innovation encourages or inhibits innovation within an organisation.
1. Transformational Leadership: It encourages innovation by inspiring and ensuring culture of creativity and risk-taking.
2. Participative Leadership: This helps employees in decision-making processes that can enhance commitment and ownership of innovation initiatives.
3. Authoritarian Leadership: This can inhibit innovation by dissent and discouraging independent thinking that can leading to culture of conformity and fear.
Research, analyse and review the culture of innovation in your organisation.
An analysis of internal and external environmental culture and trends that shape your organisation’s:
3.1.1 Cu
ent Thinking and Practice Regarding Innovation:
King Edward VII College has ensured culture that recognizes importance of innovation in staying competitive and meeting evolving needs of students and stakeholders. The management team has committed actively supporting initiatives like
ainstorming sessions, innovation registers and recognizing innovative behaviour. The college is responsive to market trends like increasing demand for improved online learning experiences and flexible employment conditions. The factor has shaped culture where innovation is integral to organizational success.
3.1.2 Future Thinking and Practice Regarding Innovation:
King Edward VII College aims to maintain leadership position in vocational education and training by continuing to prioritize innovation. The board of directors has indicated desire to develop structured innovation strategy that highlights forward-thinking approach. The college plans to invest in new campuses in Brisbane and Adelaide. It includes indicating commitment to expansion and exploration of innovative processes and offerings (Lam et al. 2021). The college anticipates adapting practices to remain at the front of innovation in vocational education.
3.2 A review of innovation drivers and enablers in your organisation.
· Management support and encouragement of innovative initiatives.
· Recognition and reward systems for innovative behaviour.
· Awareness of market trends and evolving student needs.
· Commitment to continuous improvement and staying ahead in industry advancements.
1. An assessment of the cu
ent resources that are available to ensure innovation occurs.
· Financial resources: The college has cash reserves and allocates funds for innovation-related costs.
· Human resources: The diverse staff composition includes individuals with expertise in various areas ensuring multidisciplinary approach to innovation.
· Physical resources: State-of-the-art facilities provide conducive environment for innovation and experimentation.
· Technological resources: The college includes technology for supporting innovative teaching methods and delivery modes like online learning platforms.
Summarise the requirements necessary to lead innovation in your organisation. Include:
an assessment of at least three requirements to integrate innovation as a sustainable part of your organisation’s activities.
1. Leadership Support and Commitment: Senior leadership including CEO and Board of Directors can help in providing support for innovation initiatives. This includes allocating resources, setting clear innovation goals and ensuring culture for innovative thinking.
2. Integration into Organizational Culture: Innovation in the project is the ongoing part of DNA of organization. It should be embedded in policies, procedures and day-to-day activities. This requires ensuring that all employees understand importance and contribute to innovation process.
3. Continuous Learning and Development: It includes providing training and development opportunities that is critical and creative thinking that is essential for equip staff. The skill is required to be generate and implement innovative ideas. This includes workshops, seminars and online courses that focuses on ensuring innovation capabilities.
a list of at least two ways to:
1.5.1. capture ideas and practices relating to innovation in your organisation.
Innovation Register: This requires maintaining centralized innovation register for employees that can submit ideas, suggestions and best practices related to innovation. This could be in the form of online platform that is accessible to all staff.
Regular Brainstorming Sessions: Conduct regular
ainstorming sessions that involves cross-functional teams to generate new ideas and solutions. It encourages participation from employees at all levels of organization to ensure diverse perspectives are considered.
1.5.2. communicate with stakeholders relating to innovation (different methods may be appropriate for different stakeholders).
1. Dedicated Email Address: Create dedicated email address for employees that can directly submit innovative ideas and suggestions. This provides convenient and confidential channel for communication.
2. Innovation Newsletter: Publish monthly and quarterly newsletter that highlights innovative projects, success stories and upcoming opportunities for involvement (Tajudeen et al. 2022). The distribution of newsletter to all staff members and stakeholders can keep stakeholders informed and engaged.
1.5.3. promote the transfer of relevant innovation knowledge within in your organisation.
1. Internal Workshops and Training: This includes organizing internal workshops and training sessions to share innovative practices and knowledge with staff members. It can help in encouraging employees to present innovative projects and experiences to colleagues.
2. Mentorship Programs: This can help to establish mentorship programs with experienced staff members that can mentor junior employees in innovation techniques. This promotes knowledge transfer and encourages collaboration across different departments.
a summary of at least two strategies that may be implemented in your organisation to foster a workplace culture that encourages innovation.
1. Reward and Recognition: Implement formal reward and recognition system to acknowledge and cele
ate employees that contribute to innovation. This includes Innovation Hero awards, monetary incentives and career advancement opportunities.
2. Cross-Functional Collaboration: It encourage cross-functional collaboration by creating interdisciplinary teams to work on innovative projects. This
eaks down silos in organization and promotes knowledge sharing and creativity.
Review at least two innovative practices, processes, products and/or services that may suit and be implemented in your organisation.
1. Online Learning Platforms: Implement advanced online learning platforms that offer interactive and personalized learning experiences for students. This includes growing demand for flexible and technology-enabled education.
2. Virtual Reality (VR) Labs: Introduce virtual reality labs for students that can engage in immersive learning experiences like virtual simulations and practical exercises. This innovative approach enhances learning outcomes and student engagement in practical subjects like business management and marketing.
Conduct a cost
enefit analysis of implementing innovation strategies, practices, processes and systems. Present the information in an appropriate format (e.g. table and/or graph).
    Innovation Costs
    Innovation Benefits
    Human resource cost: $10,000
    Increased enrolments: $100,000
    Physical resource cost: $20,000
    Staff retention: $50,000
    New systems/processes: $15,000
    Competitive advantage: $20,000
Present the work you’ve done in this section as a written report to a relevant stakeholder (e.g. Board of directors). Use the space below to list which stakeholders will receive the report.
Administrative Staff
Board of Directors
Board of
Note: Attach your report to this section of your portfolio.
    Attachment 1
Information sources
    Attachment 2
Written report
Classification: Public
Classification: Public
Classification: Public
BSBSTR801     Project Portfolio
Joyce, S., 2019. Strengthening skills: expert review of Australia’s vocational education and training system.
Markard, J., 2020. The life cycle of technological innovation systems. Technological forecasting and social change, 153, p.119407.
Lam, L., Nguyen, P., Le, N. and Tran, K., 2021. The relation among organizational culture, knowledge management, and innovation capability: Its implication for open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), p.66.
Tajudeen, F.P., Nadarajah, D., Jaafar, N.I. and Sulaiman, A., 2022. The impact of digitalisation vision and information technology on organisations' innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, 25(2), pp.607-629.
    Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation
    Use the work you completed in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio and if relevant, the additional information in the Simulation Pack to help you complete this section.
1. Assess your personal leadership style, including:
2. using an appropriate tool to assess your leadership style (e.g. https:
2. a description of your leadership style
Participative style of leadership is helpful when your team needs to follow a process "to the letter," to manage a significant risk. It's also effective when you need to be hands-on with people who miss deadlines, in departments where conflict is an issue, or in teams that rely on quick decisions being made.
2. an explanation how your leadership style already models (or should be improved to model) positive innovative thinking and practice.
The leadership can be improved by relying on control and punishment to maintain standards will likely drive people away. It requires understanding demand that team works at top speed and can end up exhausting everyone. This requires for team members by providing the rationale for your decisions. This will more likely comply with your expectations if you take the trouble to explain Why the Rules Are There. It can improve your ability to "lead from the front" by Planning for a Crisis, Thinking on Your Feet, and making good decisions under pressure. But be sure to balance these skills with an awareness of their potential negative impact on creativity, ideas gathering, motivation, and trust within the team.
1. Develop and apply at least two strategies to make innovation an integral part of your organisation. Complete the table below (you have already identified the strategies in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio).
Note: Attach proof of your developed and applied strategies. If necessary, provide separate proof of a develop strategy (e.g. list of rewards) and how it has been applied (draft email to all staff notifying them of the strategy). If your organisation requires more than two strategies, attach the additional details to this section of your portfolio.
From: Sanreet
Date: 15/05/2024
Subject: New Innovation Strategies Implementation
To: Nurul GDM Traine
Dear Team,
I'm excited to announce implementation of two new strategies to ensure innovation in our organization: the Monthly Innovation Hero Award and the Innovation Training Program. The Monthly Innovation Hero Award will recognize outstanding innovative contributions monthly for promoting culture of recognition and collaboration. The Innovation Training Program will provide regular sessions on critical and creative thinking, designed with external experts to address our specific needs. Attached, you'll find detailed descriptions of these strategies including development and application plans. Your participation and feedback will be invaluable as we strive to enhance our innovative culture.
    Description of the strategy
    How will you develop the strategy?
    How will you apply the strategy?
    How does the strategy build/maintain effective working relationships
    Monthly Innovation Hero Award
    Establish criteria collaboratively with management and staff. Recognize employees monthly for innovative contributions.
    Publicly announce and reward the chosen employee each month. Encourage others to emulate innovative behaviour.
    Ensures culture of recognition and collaboration, boosting morale and engagement.
    Innovation Training Program
    Partner with external experts to design and implement training sessions on critical/creative thinking. Tailor content to address specific needs identified within the organization.
    Provide regular training sessions for staff. Encourage participation and feedback to continually improve the program.
    Demonstrates investment in staff development, fosters learning culture, and promotes shared goals and understanding.
1. Establish at least two processes/systems in your organisation by completing the table below. Your processes/systems must:
support innovation (and the strategies you developed in the previous question)
confirm an ongoing awareness of individual and team contributions to innovative thinking and practice.
Note: if your organisation requires more than two systems or processes, attach the additional details to this section of your portfolio.
    Description of process/system
    Details of process/system
    How do processes/systems support innovation and confirm ongoing awareness of contributions to innovation?
    How will I monitor the system/process?
    Innovation Registe
    An online platform where employees can submit and track innovative ideas and suggestions.
    Facilitates idea sharing and documentation, ensuring no valuable insights are lost. Recognizes individual and team contributions to innovation.
    Regularly review submissions, track implementation of ideas, and assess the impact on organizational practices and outcomes.
    Monthly Innovation Hero Award
    A recognition program to honour employees who demonstrate exceptional innovation.
    Encourages a culture of innovation by publicly acknowledging and rewarding creative contributions. Raises awareness of individual and team efforts in fostering innovation.
    Track nominations and selections for the monthly award, monitor the impact of recognized innovations on organizational performance and culture.
1. Plan to communicate with stakeholders by completing the table below. You need to:
communicate with at least two stakeholders
use at least two tools to communicate (e.g. email, ve
al, social media etc.)
provide at least one resource to support your communication (e.g. fact sheet, flowchart etc.)
Note: You can communicate more than one requirement in a single form of communication (e.g. you can discuss all the requirements listed in the table below as part of a single weekly team meeting, send an email to summarise what was discussed and provide a fact sheet for all employees to reference at a later stage). Attach your resource(s) to the section of your portfolio.
From: Sanreet
Date: 15/05/2024
Subject: Communication Plan for Promoting Innovation
To: Nurul GDM Traine
Dear Team,
We're excited to promote and share innovation knowledge in organization. Here's our communication plan:
1. All Employees: An email and post in social media chat group will be sent including fact sheet summarizing key points on innovation and its importance.
2. Trainers and Assessors: We will introduce and promote creative thinking techniques through ve
al communication and a workshop that will be supported by presentation slides.
Employees will participate in workshop to introduce and promote innovative practices with presentation of innovative ideas.
    What must I communicate?
    Who will I communicate to?
    How will I communicate?
    Which resource will I provide?
    Promote and share innovation knowledge.
    All employees (excluding management team)
    Email and Social Media Chat Group
    Fact sheet summarizing key points on innovation and its importance at the college.
    Introduce and promote creative thinking techniques.
    Trainers and assessors
al Communication and Workshop
    Presentation slides outlining creative thinking techniques and their application in course delivery (Pang et al. 2018).
    Introduce and promote innovative practices, processes, products and/or services (established in the previous question).
    Presentation of innovative idea
1. Summarise your communication with stakeholder(s) to:
promote and share innovation knowledge.
introduce and promote creative thinking techniques.
introduce and promote innovative practices, processes, products and/or services.
Note: If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your communication to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of a team meeting, PowerPoint presentation, email to employees). You will attach at least two different forms of communication.
In the communication with stakeholders, this requires focusing on importance of innovation to success of college. It includes highlighting role in adapting to new trends and ensuring continuous improvement. It includes creative thinking techniques that stresses on relevance for ensuring innovative ideas among employees (Ellerup Nielsen and Thomsen, 2018). This promotes different innovative practices like
ainstorming sessions and the creation of innovation register for encouraging active participation from all employees. This focuses on innovation that should be integrated in policies, procedures and activities. This reinforces commitment to ensure culture of innovation. The regular communication and engagement that aims to ensure sense of ownership and enthusiasm in stakeholders. It can help in driving collective efforts for em
acing and implementing innovative practices in the College.
From: Sanreet
Date: 15/05/2024
Subject: Innovation and Creativity at Our College
To: Nurul GDM Traine
Dear Stakeholder,
I am excited to share new initiatives to promote innovation and creative thinking in our college. Innovation is important for success of college enabling to adapt to trends and ensure continuous improvement. We are introducing creative thinking techniques like
ainstorming, mind mapping and SCAMPER method to ensure innovative ideas among employees.
Our initiatives include regular
ainstorming sessions and innovation register for idea submission and...

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