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This assignment has been designed to assess your ability to apply the knowledge, skills and tools you are learning about quality to a project. You are required to complete the following steps and...

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This assignment has been designed to assess your ability to apply the knowledge, skills and tools you are learning about quality to a project. You are required to complete the following steps and present the results in the same order preceded by a short executive summary. Please use the titles provided below for each step as the headings in your submission.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Quality Management;
An Organisational Perspective
    Understanding success in an organisation
 Provide a
ief description of an organisation that provides products or services by projects. You will be working as a project manager in that organisation.
 Identify two critical success factors (CSF) for the organisation and 2 key performance indicators (KPI) for each CSF in line with organisation’s vision and mission.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Project Definition
    The ability to differentiate projects from ongoing operational work
Task: Describe a project that will be delivered by the organisation presented in Step 1. The following must be provided in your definition as minimum:
 A
ief scope statement (the focus must be on the product of the project)
 High level project objectives from the perspective of the above organisation
Important notes:
 Operational work is not acceptable. You must be able to distinguish projects from operational work with your cu
ent knowledge of project management. Selecting operational work will immediately disqualify the submission.
 Please avoid the following as your project:
o Weddings
o Family trips and parties
o Events of any kind
 You can refer to PMBOK Guide 5th edition (page 4) for project examples.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Customer and Supplier Identification
    The ability to identify the customer and suppliers
Task: Identify and
iefly introduce the customer of the project. Identify two departments/functions in your organisation that are considered internal suppliers to your project. Those departments must be critical to the success of your project. Briefly explain your interface with those suppliers.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Product Definition
    Understanding the interim and final products/deliverables
Task: Identify the final product/deliverable and 4 interim products/deliverables for the project. Provide a short description for each.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Elicit and Establish Customer Requirements
    - The ability to identify and record the requirements and understanding their importance for quality management
- Academic research capability
 Ca
y out literature study on requirement collection, recording and tracing in projects context. Present a summary of your study in maximum 400 words.
 Explain your methodology to elicit product requirements specific to this project and customer.
 List 5 requirements you have established for the final product from the customer. Out of those five requirements, three must be the requirements clearly stipulated by your customer. You need to come up with two requirements that were implied (not explicitly specified) and you have managed to establish. Explain your method of obtaining and verifying the implied and unstated requirements.
 Explain how you document and trace the requirements.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Quality Planning
Define Metrics and Acceptance Criteria
    - Understanding metrics and measurement in project quality management
- Academic research capability
 Ca
y out literature study on metrics in the context of project quality management (product-oriented). Present a summary of your study in maximum 400 words.
 List at least one metric per requirement. The metrics will be used to assess the degree to which the requirements have been fulfilled.
 Define the acceptance criteria for each metric.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Quality Planning
Establish the Quality Effort and Cost of Quality
    - Understanding cost of conformance and non-conformance
- Process analysis
- Application of quality management tools
- Academic research capability
 Ca
y out literature study on cost of quality. Present a summary of your study in maximum 400 words.
 Create a process cost model for one of the processes leading to an interim/final deliverable.
 Allocate activities as cost of conformance (COC) or cost of non-conformance (CONC)
 Calculate and present the costs.
 Elaborate on the decisions you would make for prioritising any actions as a result of your analysis.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Quality Assurance
    - Understanding quality assurance and its difference with quality control
- Application of quality management tools
 Select three requirements out of 5 identified above. Demonstrate how the project team ensure they can fulfil those requirements.
 Identify and elaborate on at least one preventive action.
 Use at least one of the quality tools.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    Quality Control
    - Differentiating inspection from quality control
- Application of quality management tools
 Specify and justify what measurements will be taken during quality control for at least two interim products.
 Identify and elaborate on at least one co
ective action.
 Use at least one of the quality tools.
    Knowledge/Skill Assessed
    - Understanding modern approaches to quality management in project context
- Critical thinking and analysis
Task: Reflect on how you believe the following can be achieved in projects:
“Designing customer satisfaction into the product of a project”
Word count: 3000 – 4000
o The word count shall be declared clearly on the cover page by the student.
o The following parts will not be considered in the word count. All other parts (including appendices and tables) will be counted.
Cover page
Table of contents
 Page size: A4
 Line spacing: 1.5
 Font size: 11
 Font style: Cali
 Margins: standard
 File format: Please provide the MS Word file (not PDF)
Answered Same Day Apr 16, 2020


Sundeep answered on Apr 21 2020
144 Votes
GoPro Solutions
Executive Summary:
GoPro solutions is an IT organisation with a wide experience of multiple projects in the domain related to manufacturing, construction, services, products, ERP, development projects etc. The organisation is efficient in all terms and provide Software Solutions, Quality Testing, IOT / BI / Web development services and are:
CMMI level 3 certified
Microsoft gold partne
Adobe certified
Deloitte top 50
Trusted partners of Xamarin, SauceLabs,Telerik.
The report is in relation to the organisation of the project understanding from scratch to the development and reflection phase.
Table of Content
Quality Management - An Organisational Perspective--------------------------------------4
Project Definition--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Customer and Supplier Identification------------------------------------------------------------6
Product Definition-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Elicit and Establish Customer Requirements:--------------------------------------------------8
Quality Planning - Defining Metrics and Acceptance Criteria-----------------------------9
Quality Planning - Establish the Quality Effort and Cost of Quality---------------------10
Quality Assurance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
Quality Control----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Introduction: This report is made in accordance to the project management methodologies and the requirements matrix. The project is related to the management of the project from initialisation to the actual implementation of the project code. The developments in the report are in accordance to the actual implementation. The costing of the project is done as per the relevant data models. The project report relates to the project managers capability to drive the project in accordance to the requirements. The quality control and quality assurance measures are in place and so are the co
ective measures in case of any mishandling of the code. The tools used in the project are licensed tools and provide the best in class performance when related to the professional tools used in MNC’s.
1. Quality Management - An Organisational Perspective:
GoPro Solutions Pvt. Ltd is a global professional services company providing a
oad range of services and solutions to toughest challenges in Strategy, Consulting, Digital, Technology and Operations. GoPro partners with more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500 driving innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. GoPro solutions provides services by projects and the clients are based in every continent of the world.
The 2 critical success factors in every organisation are: Quality of performance, Cost
Quality of performance: For every organisation, repeat customers are one of the most important business models to be implemented. The goodwill that is created by providing Quality Service is that which cannot be replaced. If the quality of service that GoPro offers is the benchmark in the service sector, there would be a strong loyal customer base which would be attracted to GoPro. In many countries like Israel and Sweden, quality of service is at a higher priority than the other factors such as cost. The Swedish believe in the Trust factor that is built along the process. The KPI for Quality of performance would be the efficiency of the code that is being deployed on the production server. The lesser the number of lines of code which can perform the task, the better is the efficiency of the code. The more robust the code to external variances, the better is the strength of the code.
Cost Effectiveness: The other factor key factor would be value for money. In many economies the value of money would be more valuable would be required more than the quality. The code unless and until it is working is good. The effectiveness of the cost factor would be required in case of bundled project and when the client doesn’t have much disposable income. The KPI for cost effectiveness would be cost per line of code. The lower the development cost, the better the cost effectiveness. The perceived value > price of the service. The lesser the difference the better, but the difference should be maintained positive.
2. Project Definition: A project is a well-defined unique set of activities which have a predefined starting and an ending point. It is undertaken by an individual or an agency in order to accomplish certain objectives within the defined schedule, performance and cost parameters.
The project to be delivered by the organisational is a software which will help my client in clearing out the parcels in the country. The project is known by the name of SmartMail, by the name it suggests that the segregation and the delivery of the parcels are done in a unique and smart way. The scope of the project is the list of Project Objectives, Goals, Sub-Phases, Tasks, Resources, Budget and Schedule of the project.
Project Objectives: To create a software tool which would simplify the sorting and the delivery of the parcel system
Sub-Phases: The project is divided into 4 phases ranging from 1-4.
The phase initiates with team building and competency planning with the knowledge transfer that what has to be done and ends with the code being uploaded on the server.
Tasks: Project Planning, Development, Testing, Deployment
Resources: A minimum count of 15 people would be required in the development phase in which 8 software developers with specialities into Teradata and Data stage would be required. 7 Software testers would be required including manual and automation testing.
Budget: A budget of $20/person/hour would be required for a yea
Schedule: The project would finish off by the end of the 1st year and any new phases, Change requests would be altered in the delivery schedule.
High Level Objectives: The higher level objective from the commitment between the two parties would be future developments that would take place once this assignment is finished, n...

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