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Assignment 2: ITech1001 Semester 1 2018 Specification – Group Report and Presentation · Due date: Week 9 Thursday · Total Marks: 100 · This assignment is 25% of the total assessment for this course...

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Assignment 2: ITech1001 Semester 1 2018
Specification – Group Report and Presentation
· Due date: Week 9 Thursday
· Total Marks: 100
· This assignment is 25% of the total assessment for this course
Group Report – Collaborative Writing
The group report contains two parts, these being the writing of a group literature review and a review of group processes.
1) Group task - The group is required to work collaboratively to produce a collated literature review on the selected topic. There are a number of tasks to complete and these are outlined below.
2) Individual task - Each member of the group is required write a report reviewing the performance of the group.
The group report is to be submitted via TurnItin. Further details regarding the use of TurnItIn will be provided during class.
1) The group is to meet on a regular basis, both within and outside of class. Brief details of these meetings should be recorded including date and time of meetings, who attended, and a short paragraph detailing what was discussed. This information is to be included in the appendix of your group report.
2) The group is required to use at least one form of groupware technology to assist in the sharing of information. For example: a discussion forum within Moodle, Facebook, Google Docs, Drop box, Trello or any other suitable form of groupware. A review of the groupware used (2-3 paragraphs) should be included in the appendix of your group report.
3) The group is required to redevelop the initial mind map that was developed for the annotated bibliography. The new mind map should take into account the readings of all of the group members. A copy of the final mind map is to be included in the final report.
4) The group is required to write a literature review on the topic that they have selected and should be structured according to the outline below. The report should read as if it was written by one person, ie the fonts, formatting and tone of voice of the writing should all be the same. In order to complete the report the following tasks are required to be undertaken:
a) Each student is to write a 1000 to 1500 word literature review on their section of the mind map. This piece of writing may be based upon the reading undertaken to complete the annotated bibliography and/or on any extra resources that have been sourced.
) Each group member’s writing should be proof-read for use of reference material, typing, spelling and grammatical e
ors by another member of the group and the writing generally reviewed in a constructive manner. The review can take a number of forms including:
i) A marked-up copy of the commentary with suggested changes to be made; and/o
ii) Two to three paragraphs indicating the suggested changes and improvements.
iii) A review done by each member of the group is to be include in the final report.
c) Each student should revise their writing using the review provided by the group member. Note: only if the feedback is appropriate.
d) The group should collate their final pieces of writing into a single report. Each individual literature review should have a heading indicating the topic and author.
e) The group is to write an introduction and a conclusion for the report.
Required Structure of Group Report
    1. A Report Cover page – giving group members names, date and the title of assignment.
2. Table of Contents
3. List of Figures (if required)
4. List of Tables (if required)
5. Introduction of the overall topic
6. Individual literature reviews on the selected topics
anches of the mind map.
7. Conclusion to the overall topic
8. References (completed using APA format)
9. Appendices -
· initial individual pieces of writing and reviews;
· final version of the group mind map;
· review of groupware used; and
· meeting records.
1. The final group report should be completed using Word and then submitted as either a Word file or a pdf file. Any tables, figures or illustrations are to be appropriately captioned. The document is to include page numbers, a table of contents, a list of figures/tables/illustrations (if used), and should be formatted according to the University Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work.
2. The bibliography in the group report is only to contain all of the sources used by the group in completing their report. It is not an annotated bibliography.
Review of Group Processes – Individual Report
Each member of the group is to write a short report, using, among other things, Tuckman’s stages of group development that includes:
· an indication of the strengths and weaknesses in the performance of their group;
· what they have learnt the experience of working in a group;
· what could have been done to improve the performance of the group; and
· an indication of, in the opinion of the member, how well the final report used each individual contribution to the topic and how well the final report integrated the individual contributions.
Submission Requirements:
1) The group is required to submit one copy of the group report via TurnitIn using the appropriate Moodle submission box.
2) Each group member is required to submit a single file via the appropriate Moodle submission box. The file should contain:
a) a copy of the group report; and
) their individual report on the review of group processes.
Oral presentation:
Each group is to deliver a presentation on their group topic to the class during their normal laboratory time. This task is intended to provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their:
1. understanding of presentation theory;
1. ability to present information to an uninformed audience; and
1. ability to develop a presentation instructional product (PIP).
The group can use whatever presentation tool they would like including Microsoft Powerpoint or Prezi.
There are a number of requirements for this assessment item, these being:
1) Each individual student in the group must present once only and for between 4 to 5 minutes. For example: in a group with 4 members the overall presentation should be between 16 to 20 minutes long.
2) The presentation may incorporate a short video (maximum of 2 minutes) that is related to their topic. The video can be recorded by the group or obtained from the web.
3) The presentation should be integrated and flow from one presenter to the next.
4) The first presenter should include an introduction and the last presenter should include a
ief summing up.
5) All sources must be acknowledged in the list of references at the end of the presentation.
Peer Marking
Individual student presentation skills will also be marked by their peers. Audience members will be provided with a feedback sheet and marking guide that they will fill in during presentations. The feedback sheets will be collected and the average mark for each presenter calculated (out of 10) to be included in the students final mark for the presentation.
Submission Requirements:
Each student is required to submit a file containing an electronic copy of the group’s presentation slides.
Marking Guide – Group Report
Individual Mark        /65        Group Mark    /35        Total            /100
Individual tasks
    Writing of commentary
· English expression
· Spelling and gramma
· Development of discussion
· Citations – APA
· Paraphrasing
    Relevance, suitability and cu
ency of references
    Review of another group members commentary
    Group processes review
Group Tasks
    Mind Map
· Mind map
· Report based on mind map
· Introduction
· Writing style
· English expression
· Collaboration evidence
· Conclusion
    Presentation of report
· Organisation
· Includes required components
· Structure
· APA referencing
Marking Guide – Group Presentation
Group Marks    /20        Individual marks /30        Average of Peer Marks     /5
Total        /60
Group Presentation Material
    Presentation slides
· Quality of design
· Appropriate use of graphics
· Structure
· Appropriateness
· Quality of content
Individual Presentation Marks
    Presentation skills
· Voice and pace
· Audience engagement
· Physical devices
· Time limit
· Individual use of slides
    CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
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Answered Same Day May 14, 2020 ITECH1001


Azra S answered on May 15 2020
145 Votes
encies- Implications for the future
Table of Contents
Table of figures
Literature review
Table of figures
Figure 1- (Crosby et al, 2016)
Figure 2- (Bhosale & Mavale, 2018)
ency has
ought about a revolution in the digital age. This revolution has been in the form of an independent cu
ency free from any external control. The technology that most cryptocu
encies use in order to maintain the independent and secure system is the Blockchain technology.
The blockchain technology was introduced in 2008. As a comparatively new technology, its workings remained a bit ambiguous to the populace until the surge in cryptocu
encies in 2014. The increase in the monetary value of cryptocu
encies to exponential levels drew everyone's attention and more studies started being conducted concerning its potential and use.
Special focus came about on the technology used thereof, namely Blockchain technology. Ultimately, blockchain was an ultra-secure system that couldn't be hacked and provided complete independence from any managing authority. In this light, blockchain technology started being studied for implications other than crypto-cash.
Today, studies reckon that the implications of the blockchain technology are many. In this report, we shall analyze related literature on block chains. We shall also discuss Blockchains, its
ief history and types of blockchains. In the end, we shall look at the possible uses of blockchains.
Literature review
Even though blockchain technology was developed to provide a secure mode of transaction, it has incited the interest of researchers in other applications of this secure technology. In-depth study in most of these applications yet needs to be conducted (Yli-Huumo et al, 2016). However, what has been observed so far is that blockchain technology has plenty of applications such as "Governance, autonomous banks, keyless access, crowdfunding, financial derivatives trading, and settlement, all by using Smart Contracts and the potential is rather limitless". (Crosby et al, 2016).
The blockchain Ethereum has already provided the groundwork for the working of smart contracts in the afore-mentioned fields. What remains to be seen is the extent to which the blockchain can be used in its various forms to develop new systems, both for financial and nonfinancial use. (Buterin, 2014)
History of Cryptocu
The birth of cryptocu
encies can be singularly credited to one man who goes by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. However, it is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto is the name of a group of programmers and not just one man and their identities remain in the dark till today. (Fa
el, 2015)
Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper in...

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