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finalExam 1 Submission Requirements: • One Word document (the file name must be FinalExam.docx) containing the testing and outputs (i.e., screenshots) of the execution of your Python...

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Submission Requirements:
• One Word document (the file name must be FinalExam.docx) containing the testing and
outputs (i.e., screenshots) of the execution of your Python programs as the solutions for
the following questions (items in this Word document must be in the same order as the
o To test your program and take screenshots, you must use the same inputs as
shown in the sample screenshots (if there are any) for your testing and
 You submitted test screenshots should have one more testing case in
addition to the ones from your testing like the sample outputs given.
• Your Python programs (that is, the .py program files)—note that there are specific
equirements on the program names. Note:
o Your code must be properly commented (like the examples in Code Archive; you
don’t have to comment on every line of code.)
o On the top of your program, there must be 3~5 lines of the comments of your
full name and date/time when you have completed the programs.
o There should be other comments for functions/methods, classes.
• (Attach your program files individually; do not zip the programs; do not put the Python
code in the Word document.)
Q1 (50 points) Write a Python program “” to complete the following:
• Define a class Shape (to be used as a super class) with data attributes color, filled (you
may define “filled” in whatever you prefer, such as 1—filled, 0—not filled; yes—filled,
no—not filled, or using True/False, …).
• Define a subclass, Triangle, that extends class Shape, with 3 data attributes: side1,
sisde2, side3 (for the 3 sides).
• Implement methods __init__ and __str__ in both of the classes
• Implement methods, area() and perimeter() for class Triangle.
• Implement regular set/get methods for the data attributes.
• Define regular main() function in which proper inputs should be read from keyboard
(you need to use try-except for validation of the inputs—see the following sample
testing) for the creation of Triangle object and display the object properties, such as the
color, whether filled or not, area, perimeter.
o Need to check whether the input can form a triangle (if the sum of any two sides
is less than the third side, all these 3 inputs for the sides cannot form a triangle.)
• Test your program and take screenshots of running your program.
• Use the following sample tests for your reference.
(Note. You may use the following formular to calculate the area of a triangle given 3 sides)
Q2 (50 points) Write a Python program (its name must be “”) that reads a string
and check the string to see whether it is a valid “secure code” according to the following rules:
• At least one uppercase letter.
• At least one lowercase letter.
• It includes at least two digits and the sum of the digits must be an odd number
• It includes at least one vowel (Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, u and their uppercase
• It includes at least one special character (i.e., @, #, $, %, &).
Specifically, the program ( must meet the following detailed requirements:
1. Define a function, count_vowels(str), which return the number of vowels included in
the string str.
2. Define a function, count_special_character(str), which return the number of special
characters (defined above) included in the string str.
3. Define a function, count_uppercase(str), which return the number of uppercase letters
included in the string str.
4. Define a function, count_lowercase(str), which return the number of lowercase letters
included in the string str.
5. Define a function, digit_property(str), which return a list of two items: the first one
eing the number of digits included in str, the second being the sum of these digits in
str. (Hint, you may find “if c.isdigit()….sum += int(c)”, the functions int() and isdigit() very
6. Define a function, is_valid_secure_code(str), which return True if str is a valid secure
code as defined above, False if not.
a. Hints: you would call the functions defined above in this function and print out
information/properties regarding str—see the following outputs of sample
executions for your reference.
7. The program reads only one string and prints relative information about this string—see
the following outputs of sample executions for your reference (note: the above defined
functions must be used/called in the program in some way).
Hints: Python string has defined many functions/methods for you to use in this project; also you
may find the following function, if called, will return a list of Characters (or single-letter-strings),
for example, [“h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, “o”] for “hello” useful for this project:
Answered Same Day Dec 16, 2022


Uhanya answered on Dec 17 2022
47 Votes
Task 1:
Subtask 1:
In this task, we are going to check the value_e code and its problems. This code is used to get user input and to convert it into integer once the conversion is completed then it will print a statement like “Good Job” as shown in the below screenshot 1.
If the user input is float or alphabet means it will show e
or as shown in the below screenshots 2 and 3.
Subtask 2:
In this task, we are going to check the code and its solutions. This code is used to get user input and to convert it into integer once the conversion is completed then it will print a statement like “Good Job” and it uses the exception handling which uses try and except method. The while loop is used here, to continually get user input until the user enters co
ect integer input. If user enters wrong inputs it will keep on throw the exception and ask new input. While loop will be stopped, when the users enters a co
ect input.
Task 2:
Subtask 1:
In this task, we are going to check the code and its problems. This code is used to create a customised exception based on the user requirements. This code will raise the exception if the x is greater than 5 otherwise it will print no exception as shown in the below screenshot 1 and...

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